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    Tir Mor
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  1. Yeah, you can just read the rage, anger and frustration in those lines. But hey-ho, it's onwards we go. Pity Yuurei didn't take up the offer of a draw, but then again, that would have seriously messed up our exit plans. Still, it's all good, innit?
  2. Nice to see Yuurei speak out. It's good to talk. There's lots of rogue words and raid words being bandied about. I'll remind y'all that we don't consider ourselves as rogues and that we didn't start the shooting. We raided nobody. But, semantics really. We are where we are. It's good not to be pushed around and it's good to have a bit of pride about yourself. I'll point out that allowing that pride to commit yourself to one course of action may not be the sharpest chisel in the toolbox. Being a bit agile and lateral-thinking can be handy. It was always a bit cheeky of us to demand TTE's surrender, and to be honest I'd have been astounded if they had. But clearly, they are struggling to get a grip on us and come up with a war-winning formula. Can't say I envy them that task. Whaddaya say Yuurei, want to call it a draw?
  3. Sanctions? Eh? What now? I don't see no sanctions!
  4. Thanks WC. No need for screenshots, your word is good enough for me. Since all the runners seem to be heading home, I've no more interest in ROMA. Good luck to them as they go about their peaceful business. But not to worry, it's a target rich environment. Good old GPF have come out to play.
  5. Hah! My new playmate is trying to lift his ball and go home. Bizarre carry-on.
  6. We're having a ball TBM, and I've got a brand new dance partner! You did alright TBM. As TKF said, we like you.
  7. Well, all I can say is I hope ROMA, NEAT and SC are better fighters than TTE if they decide on that course of action.
  8. Well, for the sake of clarity, spell it out. I'll start: I'm going to attack TTE warrunners currently in ROMA. Just as soon as I'm capable of declaring. I'll also attack TTE warrunners I find in other Alliances.
  9. @Director - TTE are listed as protectors of ROMA. It may just be my own opinion but I reckon they've done a very very poor job of that - trying to hide their warrunners in a Protectorate with the result that the Protectorate suddenly finds itself in the trenches. To be fair to ROMA, we realise this isn't a situation of their own making. TTE are trying to use them as sandbags. So, the best they can do is just let us at the runners. To try to defend them is to fall into a trap that their "Protector" has set them up in.
  10. I've been "exchanging notes" with Aqua Archon, who's listed as "Owner" of the ROMA Alliance. Nice guy. As far as I can see, ROMA has a boss, that boss now knows "the score" and they can make their own decisions. They know what we intend to do.
  11. I love writing Diplomatic Notes. It's very strange how often I'm told I should be more Diplomatic about my Notes.
  12. ROMA should have known better than to harbour runners from a war. Any alliance knows runners are fair game. So, ROMA has a chance to expel them before we get out of Anarchy and can declare on them. Ball's in their court. Do we look bovvered by "protected"?
  13. Hey, the problem of TE nations in my range has just been fixed. We've found a bunch of Runners. They're legitimate targets.
  14. We'll soon be in range of each other Moggy. Hang onto that thought till one of us gets out of Anarchy.
  15. We got paid to spy. We're not getting paid to fight. We're not complaining about it, mind.
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