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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Non Grata is moving in a new direction @Rebel Virginia. Fewer oysters, more firingline. Times are changing and you just can't keep up.
  2. Oysters are disgusting, but I'm unsure which side this puts me on in this conflict so I'm just going to nuke everybody. Starting with @Van Hoo X.
  3. Yeah, 'not perfect' isn't really in the right ballpark. RFI was arguably the worst, least effective bloc of all time as it existed during the last global war. Don't worry - I was careful to never attack an ally during the last war. Just a rotting heap of trash. Tick, tock. Garbage day is coming.
  4. RFI, based on scale. Most of the active RFI nations last war were actually fighting against the RFI side.
  5. They'll consider helping w/ the wiki if you add 30 characters to the war declaration reason field.
  6. You love nuking communists. That's not the same thing.
  7. The original poll was open for 9 days. It was a blowout - 49% wanted BiPolar 2; 21% wanted Herogasm. This poll was then open for 3 days and again only 22% of people voted for Herogasm - roughly the same percentage as the first poll. There's no reason to believe that if this poll had been open for a week or 2 weeks the result would have been meaningfully different.
  8. We'll be too busy meming on CLAWS' grave.
  9. You don't get to talk smack until you actually, y'know, do something.
  10. A couple more votes and I wouldn't have to spend 40 seconds making this poll. But you failed me, so here we are.
  11. They probably will leave RFI, yes. But at least you'll still have GATO.
  12. I like DT a lot, so I'm sorry to see this treaty. IMO, DT can do a lot better.
  13. Jesus. DLS' muzzle on you really bottled up some energy, didn't it?
  14. @Warden @dev0win it appears that FTW made an alteration to the treaty after you guys signed it, because I know you did not agree to this text!
  15. Thanks for your efforts on this for the last 6 months, @Sarkin, @Piejonk, @AL Bundy.
  16. All contributions are welcome... except for Tevron's.
  17. Now I want to change my vote to Herogasm.
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