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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Commies are like ODN - incapable of fighting even a near-peer adversary. They require 2- or 3-to-1 odds in order to fight.
  2. Unfortunately, comrade, you have no re-education centers to throw us in for daring to speak the truth. We can all add up the number of nations on both sides. Takes only a few minutes to see that I'm right and you're wrong. The commies have never once been at a numerical disadvantage. They've always had more nations.
  3. Last I checked even if you add the Mongols to our side you still have a numbers advantage. What's with all the complaining?
  4. Doesn't work at all. I'll send DAs and chip away at tech & cash all day long. The nukes they're occasionally sending help the casualty count, too.
  5. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Armpit and Wobblies have not declared a single war in two months! Wobblies hasn't done anything since June! One of my favorite fun facts of this war!
  6. You know this can all end for you guys when you are ready. We are reasonable people and Al is a benevolent leader, but you attacked us and threatened perma-war so you're going to have to come talk to us if you'd like to end the conflict.
  7. I was assigned to your nation today. And I was surprised to see what you mean by "this is good, we continue." You sitting there, turtling, with no troops. Then again, the guy who got you all into this mess (Marx) is doing the same thing. So I guess I shouldn't have expected any differently. Frankly, most of your best guys are hiding or turtling. An outsider would never guess that the commies have retained the numbers advantage in every facet for the entire duration of the war.
  8. I don't think anybody is particularly upset at being given the opportunity to embarrass the Commies again. This war should've been over some time ago. UCR had a massive advantage, and that's before they called in a bunch of help. Like literally imagine holding a 10-1 tech advantage and still getting your ass kicked.
  9. I’m pretty sure the feels of the chat are at “holy !@#$ how are the Commies losing this war even after calling in all this help?” The irony of the larger, underperforming party talking about three day operations is not lost on me, though. Cope harder.
  10. He can't understand the concept. The commies will sit around doing virtually nothing post-war. A few might become permanent tech slaves to PGSG or GATO. The rest will make no meaningful improvements until the next time Marx starts a war. TW will quickly rebuild. To be honest, the Commies' days of existence are numbered. They're rotting from the inside.
  11. The 4 raids we conducted on GPA. ...made you look!
  12. I 100% guarantee you TW will recover faster than UCR. I don't know why you'd consider TW an embarrassment. UCR entered this war with something like a 10-1 tech advantage, a 2.5-1 members advantage, and tons of aid from RFI. And you're losing.
  13. That assumes the bigger side is declaring multiple wars on each opponent. As you can see from the stats, that is not the case. Your side has every advantage in the world and you're still losing. There is no 'running out of cash' in modern CN. An alliance like TW can literally fight forever. And when the war's over, we'll rebuild quickly. Your nations, however, are losing years of growth they cannot recover from. UCR came in with a 3-1 advantage and got their ass kicked. Cope harder.
  14. I have just been informed that you are not regent. Care to explain?
  15. Oh is regent what the 4th in charge is called
  16. It wouldn't be if we had a bunch more alliances involved. You never could see the bigger picture, Smitty. It's why you're 4th in charge of FTW.
  17. Declare war on the commies. Or us. Either one, really.
  18. Nothing leftists hate more than having to face inconvenient facts.
  19. Armpit's pretty great. It's a shame Wobblies is so emotionally invested in fighting The Wolves. He's dragging a loyal friend down with him for no real reason other than his ego.
  20. Hey, I almost forgot to thank your alliance for your help fighting the Commies! Good work, guys!
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