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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Are you really defending your actions as a good ally while you plot behind our back to expand the war in a way disadvantageous to us, and your co-leader hops on the OWF to mockingly joke about UCR winning our war? Really?
  2. #1 - that's not how logic works. #2 - thanks for once again being a !@#$%* ally. To be clear - UCR declared war on your direct, treatied ally. Over the following months, you violated two of the five articles and essentially declined the third, optional one. Most recently, violating this article: That leaves only the non-aggression portion of our treaty that hasn't been violated or declined. And that's just directly violated, since after 4 months of fighting you clearly support an attempt to escalate this war on terms your allies believe would be unfavorable to us. And here you are on the OWF mockingly joking about UCR winning a war against your ally? Even worse - pretending NG's actions were because UCR was winning, when you know they were because your other allies attempted to set a trap to draw us into a global war?
  3. Oh. So you're just... uhhh... hopping in to recap that Sabcat remains at war? Thanks for your contribution, I guess...
  4. GATO, UCR and PGS vs. NG, Mongols and TW would be a pretty good fight. Stats would be in their favor, but still a good fight. That's why they won't do it.
  5. I have literally no idea what you're rambling on about.
  6. Somehow you're making more sense than Franz right now, which is... concerning.
  7. What would that have to do with anything?
  8. You've gotta have something better than this. Come on Franz... Who are you to define who I am or am not speaking on behalf of? Only problem is nobody has to follow your rules, and I'm never wrong.
  9. I'm going to let you in on a secret. PGS and GATO don't care about UCR at all. They're using them. They're more than willing to allow for the complete long-term destruction of UCR to keep the door open for a war they're hoping will be on terms favorable to them.
  10. Sadcat will be engaged by TW and NG no matter what AA he is on unless and until he goes through procedures to individually surrender that are satisfactory to TW / Non Grata, or a peace agreement is reached with UCR. Hope this clears things up.
  11. It's ironic that PGS and GATO keep talking about escalating. You've been trying to escalate this for months. Stop whining.
  12. Oh please. Even fighting both Mongols and TW, the commies had a numerical and NS advantage. They just suddenly weren't enjoying a 2 to 1 advantage, and all of a sudden they weren't so thrilled about the war they were fighting. Enough of the crocodile tears.
  13. I suspect everybody on both sides is prepared to deal with the consequences. Your side of things has obviously been poking and prodding and trying to get a reaction out of NG. So I don't know why anybody acts like NG or Mongols or anybody else is doing a bad thing here. It's what you wanted - why all the complaining?
  14. To be fair, UCR announced the war would literally never end and it's been ongoing for, like, 4 months. Can't allow loopholes like that prevent raiding. If they were concerned about being unable to defend their alliance, they should've accepted our peace terms and ended the war.
  15. Yeah Doom traditionally hates raiding alliances. Frankly, UCR should have taken our peace offer instead of smugly believing they could hold onto their advantages forever. Now we burn their entire alliance to the ground.
  16. Hey aren't you the guy who threatened me with PZI and then lied and said he didn't when he was gonna get his alliance rolled for it? As if logs don't exist? That was pretty funny.
  17. Can confirm. Al made that quite clear to me when I considered joining up. Throughout this entire thing, he's only sought to respond to UCR's escalations. He was perfectly happy maintaining a 2.5-commies to 1-wolf ratio, and I watched him turn down multiple offers to level the playing field even just a little bit more. But it's clear at this point what UCR's allies want. And now they're getting it.
  18. ohhhh I like bullet points. (And spreadsheets, but that's another conversation.) Four months into a war being outnumbered 2-to-1 is the most convenient time? Sounds like you admitting we fully defeated the Red Alert bloc. I think it was a reasonable time to discuss terms. The cause of the war can be debated - there's obviously history here that began when UCR caused two conflicts in a row with TW. I joined as a ghost after multiple ghosts had joined the Commie AA. It was a clear escalation on their part that was matched on TW's part. I never claimed to be 'dying for peace', but we're now 4 months in making this in probably the top 10% of the longest wars in CN history. It's become clear from UCR's statements that they never intend to consider peace, and further, their allies (your allies) have clearly been pushing to escalate the conflict rather than resolve it. Boohoo. Perhaps UCR shouldn't have hit a much smaller alliance and stated it would be a permanent war with the implicit support of alliances like DT. People who like TW might have issues with that and take potshots at them. Again - it was your allies who sought to make a mountain out of a mole hill. From a simple raid to a declared permanent war with constant attempts at escalation.
  19. Please. UCR and her allies have been playing games for months attempting to escalate the war. From sending ghosts to harboring members at war with TW to PGS declaring war on TW members, and now trying to maneuver an attack on Mongols into an advantageous starting position for a larger war. If your allies acted in good faith, this war would be over right now. But it's not, and now the Commies get flushed. After this war, everybody will rebuild but them. But they don't really matter all that much, do they? Just a means to an end to allow you to provoke a large-scale conflict while pretending to be the victim.
  20. It's been a fun war so far. I've enjoyed my interactions with most of the commies I've talked to (shoutout @armpit for being a constant thorn in my side, and Red Rebel for a bunch of pleasant battles.) Then, they went a little too far and threatened permanent war. After several months of warfare, after it was clear we have defeated the Communists in battle, Bundy made the commies a fair offer. Something in it for us, something in it for them. It's disappointing that they and their allies seem to want to escalate the conflict instead of working towards a resolution. It's even more disappointing that our ally, CLAWS, is in turn supporting the very alliances who seem to want an escalation of this conflict the most. I suppose they've gotten their wish. Welcome to the fray, NG!
  21. Couldn't handle a fight with just a handful more nations on your side, eh?
  22. I think Rub is suspecting you'll need to rebrand again after this war.
  23. You may not like it, but this is what 'maximum efficiency and effectiveness' looks like.
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