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Everything posted by firingline

  1. I suspect you'll actually be losing a treaty or two.
  2. It's not propaganda at all. Everything I stated is objectively true.
  3. I'm not sure what that has to do with my point. As I said - UCR declared war on TW, was defeated on the battlefield despite outnumbering TW, and refuses to accept a fair peace offer - instead demanding TW surrender (despite, again, TW clearly having won this war.) We all know what's going on here, and while I know playing dumb is kind of your thing, nobody's buying it.
  4. No "defense" of UCR is necessary. They're the ones who declared war on TW and they're the ones refusing a fair peace offer despite losing to TW.
  5. Your stats would be more impressive if you did anything but sit at 5-10k NS.
  6. These stats are pretty amazing. TW now has more than double the number of offensive declarations, despite being less than half the size of their opponents. Continuing to out-damage the commies as well despite, as sadcat pointed out, the mechanics should dictate otherwise. After all, "a nation can nuke all of their opponents but only be nuked once."
  7. I should've known Franz would show up and be intentionally obtuse. It's OK. Their MoD actually gave an honest answer:
  8. Why's the commie MoD refusing to come out of peace mode now? If he comes out we can finally drag UCR out of the top 40 alliances.
  9. Still in TW, so it's 4 for now. 😀 It's ironic, because Bundy is far more blood thirsty than I am. Also, why would TW surrender when we've clearly defeated UCR? That makes no sense. The guy who's been staggered for 3 months and has resulted to cowering at low NS for months hopping on to re-affirm that his alliance is indeed winning. El oh el. Imagine being Marx and having a bunch of broke members that you let get absolutely steamrolled with no ability to rebuild, all so PGS can try to start a global lmao. Dude got played and I still don't know if he realizes it. To confirm though - we're all very happy with Bundy's leadership. Even if I had been in charge and with the benefit of hindsight, I wouldn't change a thing. He led a small group in their total methodical defeat of an alliance three times our size. We crushed the lower tier, then reached up and started grabbing commies and dragging them down one by one. This has been one of the most fun wars I've ever been a part of.
  10. My only concern is how you're going to maintain an effective deterrence to raiders with only 61 cruise missiles.
  11. For who, me? I'm thrilled to see armpit return to FTW. He's a hell of a fighter and it's good to have him back on our side.
  12. This is very impressive and a great demonstration of something I've known for a long time - Doom Squad is a top-tier alliance. Great work, guys. I'm really happy for you and proud to have shared an AA with you at one point. And is it true that this is partially your doing @Blamange? If so - excellent work, my friend!
  13. 4 of the 10 Wolves are in the top 25. Including the two youngest nations on the list... Bundy ain't got no patience for turtling.
  14. Someone hasn't been paying attention to @lilweirdward's stats. Whatever helps you sleep at night though, I guess. By the way - you're at 1 win and 5 losses since re-entering the war. So much for all that trash talk.
  15. Are you really defending your actions as a good ally while you plot behind our back to expand the war in a way disadvantageous to us, and your co-leader hops on the OWF to mockingly joke about UCR winning our war? Really?
  16. #1 - that's not how logic works. #2 - thanks for once again being a !@#$%* ally. To be clear - UCR declared war on your direct, treatied ally. Over the following months, you violated two of the five articles and essentially declined the third, optional one. Most recently, violating this article: That leaves only the non-aggression portion of our treaty that hasn't been violated or declined. And that's just directly violated, since after 4 months of fighting you clearly support an attempt to escalate this war on terms your allies believe would be unfavorable to us. And here you are on the OWF mockingly joking about UCR winning a war against your ally? Even worse - pretending NG's actions were because UCR was winning, when you know they were because your other allies attempted to set a trap to draw us into a global war?
  17. Oh. So you're just... uhhh... hopping in to recap that Sabcat remains at war? Thanks for your contribution, I guess...
  18. GATO, UCR and PGS vs. NG, Mongols and TW would be a pretty good fight. Stats would be in their favor, but still a good fight. That's why they won't do it.
  19. I have literally no idea what you're rambling on about.
  20. Somehow you're making more sense than Franz right now, which is... concerning.
  21. What would that have to do with anything?
  22. You've gotta have something better than this. Come on Franz... Who are you to define who I am or am not speaking on behalf of? Only problem is nobody has to follow your rules, and I'm never wrong.
  23. I'm going to let you in on a secret. PGS and GATO don't care about UCR at all. They're using them. They're more than willing to allow for the complete long-term destruction of UCR to keep the door open for a war they're hoping will be on terms favorable to them.
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