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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Oh dear, he's delusional. Your guy surrendered, just so poorly that it doesn't count. Which is hilarious, btw, because now your entire alliance is dangerously close to getting rolled for it.
  2. See, I'm sure you can understand my confusion, since: 1) he posted in the surrender thread, which is a super weird thing to do if you aren't surrendering, especially in the context of being told you must... surrender; 2) it's an act of war to admit a member who is at war with another alliance. And certainly PGSG wouldn't do that in general, much less to a treaty partner of one of their allies! That being said - still crushing the Commies erry day.
  3. They use PGS, but PGSG makes more sense...
  4. There is no such thing as "resigning" a war. You surrender to withdraw from a war. Just as was required of the TW nation who joined CLAWS. A surrender. That has been the standard for decades. It was clearly communicated that this was the expectation, including in the surrender thread itself by high gov of a mutual ally. A post that was ignored by Sabcat and, apparently, the rest of PGS gov. PGS then accepted a nation that was still at war with TW into their alliance - a clear violation of international norms and decades of precedent. When a Wolf continued the ongoing war with Sabcat - who even PGS gov admitted hadn't surrendered - PGS government immediately, with no conversation declared war on a member of The Wolves. You talk about avoiding the situation. The clear way to do this is to require a surrender before admitting a member at war into your alliance, and verifying that The Wolves accept the surrender. By admitting a member at war, and refusing to force him to issue an honest surrender even against the wishes of your ally, you made conflict inevitable.
  5. The war was going so poorly for the Commies that PGS decided to harbor one of their fighters under their AA and use it as a pretext to enter the war when he was inevitably hit. @Lyanna Mormont you're actually missing the most relevant screenshot - where the very gov member who attacked The Wolves today admitted that Sabcat did not surrender.
  6. Seems to be the sort of thing a halfway decent mutual ally would mediate. Hard to imagine an alliance allowing Ally A to harbor a nation at war with Ally B, let alone allow Ally A to directly attack Ally B for continuing that war. Seems to go against 15+ years of precedent!
  7. I couldn't be as funny as Sabcat if I tried. "I'm surrendering, but I reserve all rights to fight again if I want" 🤡
  8. Yep. We know. You tried to get out of it, but at the end of the day, you were forced to tap out. Oh dear. It's delusional. Not sure if you'll be permitted to do this or not. (Common surrender terms include not sending aid to combatants.) But even if you do, it's only going to help us. We're dictating the flow of the battle and anything you send is just going to enable us to loot more from these schmucks. You're the second surrender in three days, though, so it may eventually get to the point where there are no people left for you to aid. Sad. Someone doesn't understand what 'surrendered' means. I assure you part of you being permitted to rejoin PGS was that you can't rejoin this conflict. I'm sure your betters will be in contact with you over the coming days to reiterate that to you and explain to you the long-term consequences of surrendering and then re-entering the conflict.
  9. You wanted a few English sentences, so I gave you a few.
  10. Tough words from a guy who just surrendered.
  11. Another day, another Commie surrender on the OWF, as @Sabcat surrenders to The Wolves. TW is declaring 19 offensive wars and receiving 2 defensive wars. Your dear leader is not sending any financial assistance to the commies we are fighting, who are increasingly running low on cash. @lilweirdward could we get a fresh set of stats at your convenience?
  12. Actually, no, you don't. You've surrendered, and you're out of the war. Have a nice day.
  13. Don't take it personally. The Commies are mad they're losing despite holding a massive size advantage, so they're just lashing out at everybody.
  14. I'm not familiar with nuke rogues declaring on UCR. When did this happen?
  15. Cadlore — 07/20/2023 7:09 PM I am not here to save our past. Lyanna — 07/20/2023 7:09 PM LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL OH NO
  16. I wouldn't hold your breath. CLAWS is pretty 'meh' on their whole relationship with us anyways.
  17. He hasn't been able to declare an offensive war in a month (and counting.) You'd think he'd be able to put two and two together and understand the tactics being used. But then again, he's a commie who acted confused when I pointed out that "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" would probably suggest that he send some of his $3.5 billion to his comrades who are out of cash.
  18. Nice try... but you've been scheduled for quite some time now. Bundy was just disappointed he couldn't go sooner!
  19. UCR had what, a 4-1 advantage in members? A 10-1 advantage in tech? You've needed how much aid and help just to keep the fight going? Despite that aid a third of your members have had to flee to peace mode because they won't survive another week of war with the Wolves. You're really better off just not talking at all, because the damage numbers are far, FAR below where they should be for you guys.
  20. And soon I'll catch you in casualties.
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