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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Given how heavily the commies are able to down-declare, and given they're able to cycle in and out and reload nukes while us Wolves are buying and firing every day... these are really, really embarrassing stats for UCR.
  2. Is he still around? Damn, that's a shame. It means racer7.
  3. Uh-oh. Somebody's mad that I killed all his generals...
  4. You're a neutral. You don't get to give any .02 out.
  5. Allowing a direct treaty partner to be attacked by a non-treaty partner 4x their size is by definition hanging one set of allies out to dry. Usually allies choose their direct treaty partners over alliances they have no relation with, but CLAWS... has gone a different route. You nailed the core issue, though. CLAWS has far, FAR too many treaties, and very rarely activates any of them as a result.
  6. Dude that's like half of GATO's aid capacity. Their newer members have gotta be pissed that all of their aid is going to the Commies. It's OK though because as Marx just explained they totally won't help out GATO in the next war, so it's a great investment.
  7. So what you're saying is you won't support your allies in the next big war. You just expect them to support you. I'm noticing a trend with you, Marx...
  8. I'm not 'triggered' about anything. Pointing out the cowardice, greed and hypocrisy of communists is so fun I just can't resist.
  9. Yeah. We know. I'm glad that you are following the letter of the law in each of your 15+ treaties. I am not sure why you keep bringing up Bundy. I'm glad you two have talked and I'm glad that he understands your position. I do not speak for Bundy or TW, I speak for myself. I personally think this situation highlights the exact problem with CLAWS. CLAWS will follow its (many) treaties to the letter - keeping in mind their legal ability to opt out wherever possible. Under your leadership, CLAWS tends to take a lawyer's position on things, not a friend's. Allies of CLAWS can be rest assured that CLAWS understands its bare minimum obligations under its treaties. The 'optional' portion helps a lot when you repeatedly find yourself caught up in potential conflicts because you have too many treaties and can't support either side. Which has happened repeatedly. CLAWS always seems 'conflicted' and always seems to not opt to defend. As far as TW? Bundy is clearly alright with his relationship with CLAWS. I personally would not be, but I don't know the conversations you've had and I trust his judgment on that. So to be clear - I made my post before I joined The Wolves. I wasn't asking you to come to 'my rescue' and I'm still not. I made a choice to join this conflict to support a friend doing what I thought was right. I understand this is a foreign concept to you. I consider myself very lucky. @AL Bundy is the best for letting it happen! The war's been everything I hoped it would be. What advantage of the provisions of The Wolves - CLAWS treaty? Please be very specific of the advantages your relationship has provided to The Wolves? You've sent literally zero aid besides regular ongoing tech deals. You've not helped militarily. There are zero provisions of your treaty that I am taking advantage of under TW's banner. The reason I joined under 'Al's banner' is I wanted to fight with The Wolves because they're !@#$@#$ nuts and it's a lot of fun just flinging nukes like crazy with Bundy, Malark, etc. Trust me - I knew better than to expect any benefit from CLAWS during this process. Frankly, out of respect for Al, I don't think we need to continue this conversation that really started before I was a member here. I wish we had this conversation before I joined TW, but since you just now decided to try to call me out I figured I need to at least respond. In the interest of not causing Bundy any headaches, please feel free to DM me on discord if you have any further concerns as I won't be responding publicly on this issue.
  10. I also note you're not sending any of your comrades any aid. So much for "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Even when the stakes are as low as they are here, Communism fails.
  11. You have a direct defensive treaty with an alliance that was attacked (The Wolves), and a defensive treaty with an alliance that has a defensive treaty with an alliance that launched an attack. These two things are not the same. They're not even close. CLAWS is a bad ally, in part, because of what you highlighted. With so many treaties, CLAWS is a couple of degrees of separation from virtually every alliance. This makes them a poor ally, because they will always play the neutrality card when tough choices need to be made. Your tangled FA makes letting down your allies predictable, and it's something every ally or potential ally should be considering.
  12. Didn't you hide in peace mode the last couple wars as your alliance burned? Big talk from a coward...
  13. To be fair, I can understand where the confusion is coming from. Most would rather have a dozen Wolves than a hundred Commies.
  14. You're really bad at math. I sure hope RFI Brain Rot is not fatal.
  15. You don't need to worry about that. Shoo.
  16. NATO wouldn’t delay in approving your membership.
  17. I woke up to -4000 soldiers this morning, so I guess the commies are...
  18. I... haven't added infra at all? What are you smoking and where can I get some?
  19. When this is all over I'll send you some of the tech I looted from the commies.
  20. I mean, he's the one who who started questioning loyalty over leaving an AA, not me or anybody else. It's his own words and standards here. Like all commies, though, he feels he's special and beyond the rules. Whatever he does is righteous, because he's the one doing it.
  21. Are you admitting your loyalty to FTW was a charade? yikes.
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