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Everything posted by firingline

  1. I really just want you to pop up into my range so we can dance again.
  2. My response should have been fairly predictable the moment you started talking !@#$ while hiding from myself, Bundy and AA. Even when you had every advantage on your side we were there fighting, not hiding. The second you face any sort of adversity, you hide.
  3. That's pretty rich, considering both you and armpit are intentionally hiding out of my range.
  4. Pretty weird for the group with a more than 2-1 advantage to feel the need to say this.
  5. How recently have you had your vision checked?
  6. One of my opponents had no SDI, but did have a Political Lobbyist wonder. Marx - the guy who threatened TW with permanent war while not fighting himself - is, of course, their alliance's senate candidate. It seems pretty clear that UCR's leadership just flat-out doesn't value what's in their base membership's best interests. Nor does Marx seem to value the sacrifices made by those who left their alliances to help UCR out. I think it's less that they need to leave 'Red Alert', and more that they need to replace their leader.
  7. Oh they definitely tapped out. Just... not well. Hilariously they went to peace mode for a little while, probably found they couldn't pay their bills, then came back out and hoped we hadn't noticed. Similar to Leftie, who rotted away in peace mode until the day he couldn't pay his bills anymore. Now his 1,500 day old nation is being reset to zero. It's a damn shame Marx doesn't care about his membership.
  8. Remember when you threatened me with permanent war, and then lied about it when directly confronted? Then got called out on the lie and had to back down? There's been a long and rich tradition of Kashmir talking $hit to me and then shortly thereafter eating $hit. Never change.
  9. Yeah, we're definitely in that phase of an OWF thread. Then this would be where I point out how pitiful those results were given his 20-to-1 tech advantage. Then Sir William would post some joke about me surrendering, and I'd point out that Sab was the only one to actually surrender. Then Franz would make another peace-mode joke, this time about FL, and somebody would point out how dumb it was to comment about tactical use of peace mode and also how much more handsome FL is than him. YAWN. No amount of trolling will change the fact that the Commies entered this war with massive advantages and they are getting their asses kicked. Cope harder.
  10. Have we really devolved to !@#$-talking the tactical use of peace mode again? To be clear, UCR is the only alliance holding nations in permanent peace mode to avoid the consequences of their actions. The Wolves members are cycling in and out. A quick look at the number of offensive and defensive wars should make it clear how this war is going.
  11. It was really the best of both worlds for us. He had to go through the embarrassment of posting in the surrender thread, but then nearly got the !@#$ kicked out of your alliance for later denying he had surrendered.
  12. When that idiot bothers activating his nation once every few months, it's only like 1.5 NS. We're all super-tier to him.
  13. Yeah guys lay off. He probably had 2 or 3 wars on his old nation too.
  14. You don't get to talk !@#$ to somebody who's lapping you for like the 48th time on the count of actual wars fought. Personally I'd love to see UCR declare war on NG though that would be pretty hilarious.
  15. He's already found one: NATO. The FTW nations and Sabcat are more of a challenge than the entire communist bloc they joined. Nah, they weren't ready for anything. As per usual, they tried to start a little drama, and when it looked like they were going to get rolled over it, they backed down.
  16. What's your point? As self-appointed MoFA of The Wolves, let me explain. The Wolves have been clear in our expectations for nations that are (understandably) looking to flee the failed Communist side of the war. Until those terms are met, we reserve the right to continue attacking them. This thread is here because PGSG declared war on a member of The Wolves and nearly got rolled for it. Which is related to the above, but a separate issue. What former NG nations do is up to them. Non Grata can accept any nation onto their AA they want, whether or not they surrender to leave the war. UCR, as a sovereign alliance, can react however they wish. As of the past month and a half, UCR has not shown the capacity to attack The Wolves, let alone Non Grata, so I would not be especially concerned.
  17. I forgot to mention - I do find it interesting that after crying for weeks about not getting a decent fight, you did nothing but fire a couple CMs and call for backup.
  18. UCR doesn't have any nations below 50k NS anymore. Anybody who pops their head out gets crushed. That's 3/4 of the alliance getting their asses kicked on a regular basis. UCR's leader is so inactive he didn't send aid for nearly a month. Many UCR nations are rotting away in peace mode. Few can afford to rebuild what was taken from them early in the war, and they aren't active enough to complete a rebuild anyways. This war is over, and it's just a question of how long Marx wants his members to get crushed.
  19. Trolling is usually more effective when it has some semblance of reality to it. We've been declaring wars at a 5-1 rate or more against your much larger ally for over a month. Again... this doesn't work when literally anybody can look up war stats and see UCR is not 'cruising', setting up staggers, or cycling. Piley hasn't left anarchy since June. I have to emphasize again... everybody can see active war information. Everybody can see alliance size. Everybody can see that despite having a 3-1 advantage in members and a 10-1 advantage in tech, the commies are being staggered into oblivion and the fight is being beaten out of them.
  20. You can't "resign to" an alliance. He surrendered to an alliance. The clear standard for years has been a surrender, not "hahaha I'm going back to PGSG and I reserve the right to start nuking you again whenever I feel like also you suck DEUCES." That's not even close to the spirit of what is expected. Incorrect. UCR attacked TW, not the other way around. Go back to when the animosity started and that was your fault too. Cute try though! Have you informed the vast majority of your alliance that they'll be permanently nuked and kept in a state of war while you sit there and don't even bother to send aid? I doubt they're thrilled to hear that you never intend for the war to end, given we've been staggering them for well over a month now.
  21. I'm telling you right now, you won't be. Edit: If you want to leave the war without personally surrendering, I suggest you talk to Commie gov about asking for peace terms at an alliance level. When the overall war ends, you can go back to PGS without individually surrendering.
  22. Unfortunately for PGSG, that isn't how this works. Playing dumb won't save you here. You can continue to stick your head in the sand if you want, I suppose. We're outnumbered and still dismantling the Commies right now, even with all the aid PGSG can muster. Really seems to be on your mind a lot, too.
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