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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. The King is dead. Long live the King! Gonna miss hearing the sounds of the government types in Valhalla getting beat over the head with rolling pins. o/ chefjoe \o Tronix
  2. [quote name='trimm' timestamp='1318558964' post='2824414'] If anyone complains about Polar doing this anywhere in this thread, they are officially full of bull. [/quote] I'll have you know roast beef is delicious.
  3. Welcome back to purple, where its always classy
  4. You can never really figure out who has the upper hand until after the first wave of wars runs down and the second wave gets started.
  5. This is horrible! CN Staff has failed to provide a proper CB. We can only conclude that this alliance ( http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Valhalla&input1=CN+Staff )has launched an unprovoked attack upon everyone else. We should all activate our defense pacts immediately to resist the rising hegemony.
  6. What exactly does this prove? That Goons has Infrastructure and Warchests?
  7. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317840356' post='2817228'] Have you seen their warchests? And their war-making ability? We've got a thread on our boards showcasing failed government propaganda spy attacks from Legionarres, not to mention other gaffes they're committing en masse. [/quote] Could you share with the Peanut Gallery? Sitting on the sidelines is boring as hell and I need to take what I can get.
  8. [quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1317814675' post='2817011'] To be fair, this nation is an [OOC] Army Reservist in training right now. He is a RL friend of mine [/OOC] [/quote] I'm an [OOC]Army Reservist and I can tell you right now training that involves no computer time only lasts a few weeks.[/OOC]
  9. I know other people have said it before me, but I want to say it too. Nice Blitz NsO. You don't usually expect good things from Micros and Animes, but you guys are alright
  10. Winter had better come soon. Its the only thing that can save this thread.
  11. I am Billy Mays, and I approve of this message
  12. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1317686879' post='2815046'] Heh. The CB is unquestionable. Legion are doing the right thing by standing up for themselves... and that is not something to regret - whatever the outcome. [/quote] That my friend, depends on what you define as victory. We are all slaves to the Anarchic System in the end. Here on this blessed world we call Bob, the Strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must. The only question now is who is the strong ones here.
  13. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1317686396' post='2815019'] Clearly nobody expected it. [/quote] Nobody expects the Legion with their comfy chairs and 6 hour before update blitzes [img]http://www.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/476854_o.gif[/img]
  14. Awesome job with this blitz Legion, you've managed to Anarchy 3 Tetris nations so far.
  15. Does this mean the world can now assume the entire Polar/Legion part of the treaty web no longer exists? Because that's what it looks like right now. We've had Legions protected forums spilled onto the OWF, UINE rolled, and now UPN Rolled, and nothing can seem to get the frozen north to budge.
  16. [quote name='Artigo' timestamp='1317328576' post='2812075'] UPN.. you're supposed to inform your members when you're at war so I don't get messages like this [/quote] lol. This is turning into the greatest Tech Raid since Olympus hit AcTi. UPN, you should be ashamed.
  17. I can already imagine how this conversation went. UPN- Oh Shi- We really messed up guys, please help! UPN Allies- Yep, you sure are in trouble. We got your back bro's UPN- Sweet, so, can you go threaten NG with war and get em to back down? UPN Allies- Errr, no, we can't do that. UPN- But you just said you got our back! UPN Allies- Yep, and we are going to give you some advice between bro's. Grovel and beg, its the only way. UPN-.... UPN Allies- Hey, Advising is helping, right?
  18. I don't think its the contents of the screenshots that is the problem, its the fact the Legion can't/won't do anything about it. That's the problem. Legion has backed itself into an untenable situation.
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