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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1311571628' post='2763229'] Read the fine print.....peace at update, which means full war until that time. [/quote] Man do I hate fine print. I just followed all the messaging that said "peace out now please" All I could see was white hot rage though, you guys rolled me good. That last nuke means I have to reroll. I thought I would be able to make it
  2. I sure do love being nuked after a peace treaty is signed. It makes me not want to stop now... Oh, I know! Its a tech raid, not a war. K.
  3. Not to be sour grapes or anything, but one of my opponents had 20 Nukes going into this conflict. I think that say's everything.
  4. [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1310428466' post='2754591'] Neither is [i]PARANOIA[/i]... [/quote] its not Paranoia if everyone really is out to get you
  5. [quote name='EdenGardens' timestamp='1310144023' post='2752585'] I do believe you missed a micro that just might have been ranked pretty nicely...but who am i to judge....but i will throw our name out there.....o/ Thousand Suns i figure your micro till 30 members and at least 300k Strength IMHO...but that is just me....and we are working on being mid-teir by end of summer [/quote] This was a shameless necro bump and you should be ashamed.
  6. [quote name='Alexander Kerensky' timestamp='1310136951' post='2752494'] you shouldn't have to wait to long as it seems NSO Guerilla camps jumped from 5 on the 7th to 89 on the 8th so far [/quote] This sounds interesting
  7. [quote name='Jacaj' timestamp='1310098731' post='2752078'] ok, I owned an alliance but something happened and now here I am. [/quote] Wow, and there you are. Where are you now?
  8. I like the idea of picking the hour of your update. Of course, it would make coordination even more nightmarish, but it will save my butt come fall. I won't be able to play Tournaments edition because I have University and no way in hell will I be staying up at 1 AM and then go to lecture the next day.
  9. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1309966491' post='2750407'] It surprises me that GOD or Fark haven't offered protection to TGE yet. [/quote] You just had to go and say that, didn't you
  10. I'm Right handed you see...
  11. I for one think that this can only end well
  12. Seppuku seems to be the only way out Legion. The world is watching.
  13. I think this thread should be Legions cue to go out in a blaze of Glory. Yes Legion, your shame is so great now that the only solution is Seppuku. In death you shall regain your honor. I shall demonstrate. [img]http://multiply.com/mu/hjoshhxh/image/4/photos/3/1200x120/1/hara-kiri.gif?et=CwHDdENMeGBRd5%2Bhxod%2B2A&nmid=193532239[/img]
  14. Winter is coming...in the form of Iced Margaritas
  15. It looks like the Jury drawn up from the Peanut Gallery has come down with a decisive guilty verdict Legion. Congrats, you've won your case here, we may now proceed to sentencing.
  16. Voted yes for great justice.
  17. [quote name='Enzos' timestamp='1309640490' post='2747105'] Pirates have guns, so the vikings obviously don't stand a chance. [/quote] Yeah, but we got a huge hammer. I mean, just LOOK at the thing! [img]http://www.aliciastella.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Thor-God-of-Thunder.jpg[/img]
  18. What is this, I don't even... Also, you know Vikings are just Pirates who pillage on Land as well as Sea
  19. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1309613243' post='2746837'] I'll have to reiterate what I said in the other one. Stop.. just please stop. [/quote] I dunno, looks like everyone is on a roll right now. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rOmV6dySOPU/SdG7siXuodI/AAAAAAAABp8/UOE2Dqmer3E/s400/I-like-where-this-thread-is-going-2.jpg[/img]
  20. This act of Spai is an outrage Legion. I demand you all do something about this
  21. Wow, no respect for the Legion ITT. Now everyone is spying on them. Guess it was inevitable after they demanded all the claims be backed up by proof
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