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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. I see nothing wrong with Europa making an official announcement here. This is where Alliance Announcements go after all.
  2. Sorry, at this point we just need Fish and Coal.
  3. BR's are Affluent Pop, Fine Jewelry, Scholars, Steel and Microchips Fish- Fur- Chyrellos Wine- Infinity Gold- Haklangr hinn Jarn Silver- North Babylon Gems- Atlantian Empire Coal- Lead- Chyrellos Oil- North Babylon Lumber- Atlantian Empire Uranium- Infinity Iron- Haklangr hinn Jarn Post nation name and link if interested.
  4. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1303353820' post='2695173'] You cannot compare a hit on an alliance that dominated this game for years, crushing anything in its way...and AcTi... [/quote] I dunno, AcTi could view it as a compliment. Or NPO could view it as an insult. One of the two
  5. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1303331943' post='2694841'] Sounds like they deserve what's coming to them. Anyone who's associated (especially willingly) with Batallion or Teddyyo deserves to be attacked. [/quote] Whether they deserve it or not, it can't denied that the rest of AcTi apparently has greater fortitude then their fearless leaders. WTF kind of Alliance has its "Emperor" and his deputy go to peace mode while the rest of the Alliance gets attacked. The icing on the cake of course is that these individuals now come here cap in hand asking for help. It seems more like they are asking other people to do their jobs for them.
  6. [quote name='GulagArchipelago' timestamp='1303266418' post='2694190'] For Battalion, the only way out is seppuku. [/quote] Indeed. His dishonor is complete and total. Fleeing into peace mode while his honored vassals are forced to bear his enemies fury for him, and now those self same enemies offer terms that speak of their total contempt for Battalions disgrace. I shall prepare the room. [img]http://images.wikia.com/psychology/images/5/5d/Seppuku.jpg[/img]
  7. BR's are Microchips, Scholars, Affluent Pop and Fine Jewelry Fish- Summer of 69 Fur- Chyrellos Wine- Infinity Gold- Silver- North Babylon Gems- Atlantian Empire Coal- Summer of 69 Lead- Chyrellos Oil- North Babylon Lumber- Atlantian Empire Uranium- Infinity Wildcard- Post Name and Nation link below if interested.
  8. At first I found it hilarious that ActI was getting rolled the way it was. I read the previous zombie bump from Battalions epic ZI declaration fail. But this is not really just about Battalion is it. After all, he's in Peace Mode while the people he is supposedly responsible for are getting curb stomped by thriller. Its patently obvious ActI was not prepared for this war, which lets face it is unprovoked no matter how much everyone here does not like Battalion. The question that should be posed is does the rest of ActI (since Battalion is not fighting) deserve this beating? I would have to say no.
  9. Does anyone remember what this war is for anymore? Genuinely curious.
  10. Ouch, won't be much left of The Legion by the time this is done.
  11. [img]http://crenshawcomm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Charlie-Sheen-Winning-Poster.jpg[/img] Open discussion. How do you Win Cybernations?
  12. Obligatory words of support to increase the amount of times I have said something around here, also awesome guys, new forums are cool.
  13. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1301031504' post='2675826'] Nothing beats Wine and Rubber. [/quote] I will never feel bad about furs and lead again. At least I can add Microchips and Scholars to Affluent pop and Jewelry
  14. [quote name='Dibbun' timestamp='1300895645' post='2673832'] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/nefcih.jpg[/IMG] Compare. 1. Get a trade set that isn't completely asinine 2. Learn how to build your nation 3. Cry more [/quote] Unlike you, I was not blessed with awesome sauce Uranium, which pretty much guarantees people will beg you to trade with them. Furs and Lead are not exactly money makers, considering one is used in industry set ups, and the other in population set ups. I've spent an entire month getting a trade circle going, and every day of it was spent canvassing for potential trading partners. incidentally, this was the time period indicated in your high speed chart Don't preach to me on how to build my country.
  15. One of our signed up members was apparently spoofing us, so we have signed up Dahwg to our circle. We now just require Fish and Coal to complete the circle.
  16. This is still an active set up. Looking for Fish and Gold.
  17. Apologies Dahwg, but unfortunately the Wheat wildcard was taken. We need Fish and Gold now.
  18. This is the current set up. The BR's are Microchips, Scholars, Fine Jewelry and Affluent Population. Fish- Fur- Chyrellos Wine- Infinity Gold- Dahwg Silver- North Babylon Gems- Atlantian Empire Coal- Lead- Chyrellos Oil- North Babylon Lumber- Atlantian Empire Uranium- Infinity Wheat- Dahwg
  19. Chyrellos does not wish for, nor requires reimbursements, as these reimbursements will not address the environmental and economic havoc caused by excessive use of nuclear weapons over the long term. Only a rethinking of strategic policy would do this.
  20. The Sovreign Kingdom of Chyrellos came out with a report today on the status of the environment within its borders, and the report was grim. Heavy clouds of radioactive fallout from warring nations had contaminated local forests, severely harming the fur industry due to mass die offs and genetic mutations amongst the animals. The water supply has been similarly contaminated, with extra national rivers being ruined by radioactive waste from destroyed nuclear reactors and nuclear detonations further up stream. Even standing water like lakes and ponds in Chyrellos are considered unsafe, due to the heavy coating of nuclear dust that seems to permeate everything in the country. A country that is not even at war presently. "Its frustrating". stated the Minister for Industry and Development, John Updike. "Our environment is presently rated as a single star. We had some Government initiatives for these last few months that helped boost the health of our population, but those have since expired with no plan for them to come back. The consequential hit to our population has had a disastrous impact on our economy. Without a single bomb being thrown, we fell to -2 on our improvement score as our environment ratio reset itself to nominal levels. It was a disaster, we very nearly breached the -3 score. We have since purchased around 200 infrastructure to try and offset the effects, but we are still hovering around the break even score, with an overall score of -1. Millions of Dongs wasted just to bring ourselves back up to a break even improvement level. Its mind boggling. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was less sanguine. "The big countries have no idea how severely this effects smaller and newer nations!" They have the technology, improvements, and wonders necessary to absorb the impact of Nuclear Weapons being thrown about like cruise missiles. Our country is a little over 100 days old. It was a struggle to get our Banking system functional under these conditions. Build a wonder? Ha! Setting a less confrontational tone, His Majesty the King sent a letter today to all warring states. In it, he pointed out that countries who have been reduced to ridiculously low levels of infrastructure are still firing and being hit in turn by nuclear weapons. His Majesty feels that this is a very inefficient way to destroy a couple dozen infrastructure points. While His Majesty understands the need for their use in war, he would like to see that use be tempered with some reality, and an understanding of just how severe the damage to new nations this protracted nuclear conflict is causing.
  21. Bumping. This is still an active trade circle set up.
  22. Welcome Lord Darrin, sent you a trade offer.
  23. We all seem to be mostly purple, Sorry Halin, but the Uranium trade has Wine already.
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