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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1308625921' post='2736445'] Quick, everyone join NsO!! [/quote] Awwwwwwwwww Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble!
  2. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1308616142' post='2736281'] out of curiosity, did you contact TPF gov at the time of the raid? [/quote]
  3. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1308610458' post='2736209'] Wow I just woke up and logged on to see somewhere during my peacefull hours of sleep this thread became a debate about the NPO... you guys are just outdoing yourself here trying to get this nominated for thread of the year arnt you! ...also I spot a Hoo [/quote] I motion that everyone now use this thread to air their historical grievances and/or angst.
  4. [quote name='Ozymandius' timestamp='1308514695' post='2734914'] Do you guys realize that the people who went around saying winter is coming in A Song of Ice and Fire, the Starks, are nearly wiped out and killed by their enemies. I think it will fit here nicely though. [/quote] The weak and the foolish died off you mean, leaving a blind girl who is also a brutal assassin, a brilliant boy who can talk to animals and the !@#$%^& son who commands the most powerful military force in the North. I think you missed the theme of the books. The weak die so the strong will rule.
  5. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1308398714' post='2733848'] Can't say I'm familiar with the notion of monks being known for drinking beer. [/quote] You kidding? Monks are famous for their beer, particularly the Trappist order. WIKI [quote]The goods produced range from cheese, bread and other foodstuffs to clothing and coffins. As the order does not require abstention from alcohol, some monasteries produce and sell alcoholic beverages. Monasteries in Belgium and the Netherlands, such as Orval Abbey and Westvleteren Abbey, brew beer both for the monks and for sale to the general public.[/quote]
  6. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1308397876' post='2733842'] I await the showdown between this mead bloc and the Dos Equis bloc to determine alcoholic superiority on Bob. [/quote] Be careful what you wish for. Vikings Drink Mead. Monks drink Beer. Vikings raid monks. [img]https://plus6.safe-order.net/magellannarfe//Germania/Vikings%20attack%20Lindisfarne%20monastery%20.jpg[/img] See where this is going?
  7. Woke up to an awesome sight this morning. The Sun was clearly visible without the haze of radioactive dust for the first time in months. While the Water is still too dangerous too drink and super mutants continue to to infest the border regions, I have faith that the Holy Empires ruling elites will be able to leave their Vaults soon, in order to more properly care for the people of the wasteland. Rejoice!
  8. People should not forget that for the most part Duckroll stayed out of the last major war. The translates into a serious tactical advantage.
  9. UINE reacts to the RnR declaration. [img]http://i647.photobucket.com/albums/uu198/ecostarr/onoz_omg2.gif[/img]
  10. A Meade Hall without VÅLHÅLLÅ?! o/CRAP o/Asgaard.
  11. [img]http://www.dkv-tshirts.com.br/loja/img/p/10-248-home.jpg[/img] Hello, you must be new! 4 step process for building your own alliance. 1. [img]http://the-trukstop.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/lurkmoar.jpg[/img] You should probably hang out with an established alliance first, meet some folks and learn how to run things. 2. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Y_f1702_x4A/SkcfCs2PnWI/AAAAAAAABWY/YnNBAVqsFNE/s400/61bES4Pwg%252BL__SL500_AA259_.jpg[/img] Be a fairly large country in your own right with a good amount of play time, that way people will respect your authority. 3. [img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2008/10/talking-driving.jpg[/img] Communication is key! If you don't have a forum and IRC room, your alliance is generally not taken very seriously. 4. [img]http://content.ytmnd.com/content/e/7/c/e7c59a12457ead5f63638c60a93f1da7.gif[/img] Protection pacts before formation are a must! If not you will suffer a horrible fate.
  12. Aluminum/Coal Purple team preferred, but I am not stuck on it. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=461423 Also, just rerolled resources. As soon as I got some modifiers, I'll infra up to buy the harbor.
  13. Did not see an open one available, so lets get this started. 8 BR's, full boat construction. No Uranium for now, though if push comes to shove we can drop the Fish for it. Aluminum- Empire of Chyrellos Marble- Iron- Coal- Empire of Chyrellos Fish- Lumber- Water- Wheat- Gold- Rubber- Lead- Oil- If you are interested, post your Nation name and link. Also let us know which team color is your first choice. Open to majority rules for this circle.
  14. BR's are Steel, Microchips, Scholars, Fine Jewelery and Affluent Population. We just need Fish and Coal to finish. Post here if interested.
  15. This is a terrifyingly large bloc. Hope it stays mostly harmless
  16. Yay! Maybe now my nations environment won't be so covered with a nuclear malaise
  17. [quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1304127012' post='2702272'] Since you obviously enjoy dancing, I thought I'd cut in as well. No need to thank me, it's my pleasure. [/quote] It was mine as well
  18. [quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1304050885' post='2701724'] Can we add PS and LE will hit G6 and Duckroll tonight? That would get my vote. [/quote] Are you a wizard?
  19. Well, that was an entertaining 10 minutes. Thanks for the free money guys
  20. Still looking for Fish/Coal
  21. Can we make the name a bit more obvious then RECAP? Like Roman Empire Recruits? EDIT I rest my case with this. [img]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd479/Aeros86/RECAP.png[/img]
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