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Subcomandante VL

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Everything posted by Subcomandante VL

  1. At some point, everyone will be treatied to everyone in one way or another and it will be (in all practicality) as if there are no treaties to begin with, with the only exception being that everyone will be afraid to go to war.
  2. To echo the sentiments of Schad a few pages back: All the people from alliances I like have good arguments. All the people from alliances I don't like have bad arguments.
  3. I guess it was about that time. Congrats to you both.
  4. jerdge is correct that such opposition to "OOC moralism" is pervasive in [i]every[/i] alliance, regardless of what some may want us to believe. And until the kiddies are no longer safe behind their computer screens, nothing is going to change this fact. People will be people and will, in a lack of all authoritative consequences, revert to the dismal state of nature as Hobbes would say. This unfortunately includes treating others as either non or subhuman, or just in general with a lack of respect that they deserve as people.
  5. [quote name='Proest' timestamp='1329874566' post='2925356'] So... Nordreich, TGay and now Austrian Empire... well... where's the Polish Empire at? [/quote] Partitioned between these three. Imperialist !@#$%^&*.
  6. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1325918039' post='2894593'] All the leaders of alliances I like are good. All the ones I don't are awful. [/quote] Note: Quote slightly altered to fit new thread.
  7. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1328578113' post='2915775'] I saw the title of this and immediately thought of something [i]completely[/i] different. [/quote] Ditto this. Haha. Congrats though.
  8. [quote name='brian_ta_ownerer' timestamp='1328072253' post='2912274'] i heard if we get this to 500 pages SS will start the disbanding process [/quote] I heard the disbanding process has already begun
  9. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328030738' post='2911574'] You're missing the point. An AA is only worth something if there are people on it. Since the membership of Ragnarok proclaimed Adel to be their Empress, the people are hers. So in reality if Joe Stupid wants to live up to his name and actually try to claim ownership of the AA, then he controls an AA of one (himself) and only has himself to boss around. If Ragnarok's allies would rather not associate with an AA of one, then he's a free raid target. The civilized thing to do is to move on and do better someplace else. [/quote] I once read about another world in which some rulers started calling themselves "Emperors/Kings of the French" and "German Emperor" instead of "King of France" or "Emperor of Germany" to emphasize the point that they are the sovereign of the people and not the land on which the people live.
  10. [quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1327977174' post='2911169'] [i]Such a terrible thing that hundreds of dollars has been raised for charity by an alliance I don't like.[/i] [/quote] Yep. And it's precisely because of this potential defense that you don't see a bazillion other people saying what I'm saying. It's political genius, as it takes everyone's mind off what else is going on. I, for one, don't need to flaunt it when I donate to charity because doing it makes me feel good [i]in and of itself;[/i] the satisfaction of everyone else knowing isn't relevant. But if you all feel the compulsion, please continue with your little "we [i]really do[/i] care about people OOC" charade. Edit: And yeah, I'll bow out of the thread so as to not cause more drama. Normally I'd praise any alliance for doing this, even if it were MK at virtually any other time. I'm just stating what everyone else is suspicious of/has in the back of their mind.
  11. [quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1327971679' post='2911071'] Who would use supporting/not supporting an OOC cause as propaganda? Seriously, think about things before you say them. [/quote] I did think, and yes, people would (and have).
  12. This is propaganda for MK. There, I said it. Edit: Though should it actually work (without only MK members donating, that is), I become conflicted on what position to take. Touché.
  13. Am I the only one who predicted this the moment Schatt put up his thread?
  14. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1327243246' post='2904740'] Or the alliance could fund a FAC for your smaller nations, and do exclusively in house 4.5/100 deals wherein both the seller and buyer benefit quite equally. Nordreich does it right. [/quote] As much as I dislike agreeing with Weiss/anyone in NoR, I agree with this. RIA found this out during our war and we were intrigued by it.
  15. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1327190819' post='2904401'] My god, people, we're not going to turn into Oceania because of this bill -.- [/quote] We turned into Oceania 11 years ago. Where were you?
  16. [quote name='isolde' timestamp='1326383117' post='2898076'] Oh and move along don't no dramaz here. [/quote] You're funny.
  17. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1325918039' post='2894593'] All the alliances I like have a good war ability. All the ones I don't are awful. [/quote] This /thread
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