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Subcomandante VL

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Everything posted by Subcomandante VL

  1. I don't quite understand if you have a charter or just some guidelines with no formal hierarchy. But good luck anyway.
  2. I nominate United Equestria for the currently nonexistant category of Most Hated Alliance.
  3. o/ Peace and all that. And one a side note, [quote name='Nemhauser' timestamp='1325848338' post='2894010'] Or maybe we aren't such pricks after all. We've enjoyed the cold war, enjoyed the actual war, but there's no need to bleed someone dry when it ends. [/quote] I must say, I very much like your new sig good sir. Props to whoever did that.
  4. I, for one, welcome Bob's latest Proletarian revolution. o/ Hereno and Tetris
  5. You've existed for six months. This is CN. That's hardly enough time for embassy cleaning. But here, have some attenshunz anyway.
  6. [img]http://images.encyclopediadramatica.ch/d/de/Cactuar_page_10_b.jpg[/img]
  7. [quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1324538603' post='2883950'] *notices AA* Somebody is upset about the way their war is going [/quote] Not at all. I'm quite enjoying destroying the NoR pawns thrown my way; have yet to see anyone from yours step up to the plate. I didn't like you guys when I was in INT either. This TGE is a flat out mockery of everything the old one stood for (not that I'm at all glorifying the previous one's failings though).
  8. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1324528762' post='2883834'] Please continue announcing things every day. [/quote] This In the matter of rapid cycles of government this version certainly hasn't deviated from the standard set by previous incarnations.
  9. [quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1324095131' post='2880276'] I would agree that Realism is never the end all be all. Unfortunately as I stated in the opening I could not apply more Liberal interpretation due to a lack of information. Mainly, what goes on in the private IRC interactions between the leaders of the various Alliances. With respect to Hegemonic stability theory, I disagree with that strongly, mainly due to the fact that people base this theory primarily around the United States. Which in my view is a poor example since the United States is a Liberal Democracy, and by its very nature tends (usually) to avoid war. Canada and Mexico have no fear of invasion for example. [b](1) However, if we look at more regionally focused examples of Hegemony, like Rome in the Mediterranean as a good example, we see that Unipolarity does not necessarily translate into peace.[/b] If we look at the CN case study, [b](2) the hegemonic period of the New Pacific Order could hardly be qualified as peaceful either. Indeed, their position as the single power lead to many wars and culminated in the hegemonic Karma War that people are still talking about to this day for its severity and game changing levels of conflict.[/b] [/quote] (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pax_Romana (2) The period itself was characterized, much like the Pax Romana, by relative peace in the international system because no one was willing or able to challenge the hegemon. Every time someone tried (a band of rebels in a province, in the Roman case, or a group of small alliances in the CN case), it was crushed in a relatively short period. Yes it led to many wars, but small ones that offered little real resistance. The Roman Empire dealt with its share of rebellions over the years up until an opposition force grew large enough to challenge it in the form of the Germanic invasions, a confederation of "barbarian" tribes which could be equated to Karma. The downfall of the Western empire can be largely attributed to the barbarians from the Great Migration (which themselves were arguably stirred by the later Huns, which ultimately did the West in) along with all its internal issues, but the East remained and dwindled consistently. The NPO of today maintains relations with those that came to occupy and settle in the West much like the Eastern Empire did. There have even been a few wars intended to "cut the NPO down to size," which could be equated to the Normans/Muslims pushing the Byzantines out of Italy post-Justitian, or even the Fourth Crusade. I've even heard the Hegemonic era itself labeled as Pax Pacifica by some.
  10. [quote name='Taget' timestamp='1323841599' post='2877419'] SCY, I'm afraid NiKiTaLaNd has a graph. And a very pretty one at that. I think it's obvious to everyone that you must concede to NiKiTaLaNd unless you are able to produce a better graph proving your point. [/quote] Precisely what I was thinking.
  11. [quote name='NiKiTaLaNd' timestamp='1323840482' post='2877377'] I am the one who even though having RL finals, did not go into PM at the start of this war. Instead I talked to you, described the situation, asked for details, and you told me to go take a walk until update. To not drop people's morale, I stayed in war mode even after your suicidal declaration. But, since you didn't even care enough to consider and understand my situation, I don't care enough to sacrifice my nation for your mistakes. You have a lot of nerve to ask your fellow mates to get steamrolled because your government fcked up on foreign policy and now makes excuses along lines of "winning is not everything, there are other stats, bla bla bla". Heard it all the previous 3 times. And now, same !@#$ is happening. Again. Whats the prognosis? Well here is what my physicist mind tells me: [img]http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/1867/mcxagraph2.png[/img] [/quote] I may have to nominate this for post of the year.
  12. I love you Nikanor. Thank you for keeping me entertained unlike my other two NoR targets. A shoutout to the rest of NoR: I still have two defensive slots and a SNAFU guy named Adificio Depereo was the one that grabbed the first. Where are y'all?
  13. [img]http://i39.tinypic.com/2zjmcs7.jpg[/img]
  14. Just a suggestion for you Tower person, if you'd like to build any sort of "tough guy" reputation, you may want to first declare more than one war on us yourself. If you'd like, I can even sell off some infra and do you this favour. Edit: Though you may want to get Nikanor's approval first. We're having quite a time.
  15. [quote name='Anson' timestamp='1323665879' post='2874765'] On December 4, 2011, Nordreich declared war on Random Insanity Alliance, in defense of Valhalla. Pursuant to out Mutual Defense Optional Aggression, we're choosing to optionally take our aggression out on RIA. It is with a pleasure that runs rather deep in my existence that I am able to say this: The German Empire rides to war. RIA, how does it feel to be on the losing side of this? Emasculating, I'm sure... [/quote] How does it feel to have a 4 war blitz with 3 of them coming from the same person (your 660 NS MoFA, lol)? How does it feel to know you could've come in eariler and gotten far more open war slots, but were too scared it might tear this new incarnation of a dead horse apart yet again? Oh yes, fear the mighty TGE.
  16. This is making me regret using my offensive slots on NoR. You certainly have some *ahem* interestingly built nations, TGE. All the same, I wish you guys a fun fight. o7
  17. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1323584004' post='2873445'] Sparta, wipe this blemish from the face of Bob. I suggest all other alliances fighting Sparta implement an immediate ceasefire so they can do us all this boon. [/quote] Pingu seems to beat me to my own thoughts too often.
  18. I lol'd a couple times in this thread. Congrats to both parties.
  19. Round two. Give 'em hell INT. I personally enjoyed my scraps with y'all last year MCXA. I'm sure you guys won't disappoint.
  20. Good luck to both sides. Have fun out there.
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