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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. lol, welcome to TE GATO, you'll realize that nothing is fair here, deal with it o/ war.
  2. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1283911395' post='2446058'] Since I'm sure someone will ask soon. They still have ODPs with BACON and SJB. So no they are not treaty-less. [/quote] Aye, the ODP with SJB is active Sorry to see, but I guess it must be necessary, good luck to both alliances. ICAN
  3. Ah, haters be hatin, lovers be lovin. In all honesty, I quite enjoy this, everyone else is mad because they don't have the guts or resources to do this themselves. Hate on me too trolls, it won't change anything. o7 UOKMB. Let the nukes fly and the GOONS cry.
  4. I don't fear being rolled myself, A) because I know i have all my friends that'll back me up, and B) because I know i can grow my nation right back to its pre-war state. I can't speak for every member of my alliance, but, every member [b]is[/b] obligated to defend his or her fellow member with their nation, and they all signed up for the alliance knowing that. Does that mean they're afraid of getting rolled? I don't think so, some may frown upon the thought of losing their NS, but I would hope that doesn't get in the way of their commitment to each other. Am I afraid to get rolled defending my allies? No. If my protectorate was attacked by alliances twice it's size, I would lead every member of SJB into battle, knowing full well that we'd most likely end up getting curb stomped. Do I sign less treaties because I'm not afraid of getting rolled? No I sign treaties because I want the members of Sajasabie to have the fullest protection possible, and Sajasabie wants that for it's allies as well, but we know that won't always be the case. Sooner or later war will break out, and when it does, we'll be fighting along with the rest of our allies. my two cents.
  5. Great war guys! I didn't have the honor of fighting MCXA, maybe next time eh? o/ LE o/ TPC o/ MCXA
  6. Best of luck! o/ HOW. I dig the flag, very nice
  7. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283480269' post='2439763'] Oh, you were the other side in the FORA war, how could I forget that? [/quote] FoRA war, those were good times. anywho, thanks all
  8. [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/SJBflagsimple.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][size="3"][color="#000000"]WomanLadies and Gentlemalemans of Cyberbob, today is a proud day for this little alliance of nations, as we have officially surpassed the [b]one year mark[/b] in our small life here. Before we embark on the perils of our second year, we'd first like to give thanks to those who have made Sajasabie the fine alliance that it is today. To those who served as our enemies, yet helped us in our time of need, we thank you. To our loyal members, who were willing to lose their pixels in defending our name, we thank you. To our new friends and comrades, who supplied us with the things we needed most, we thank you. To the people of the Amazon Nation, and Queen Randalla, our caring protector, we thank you. With that, we say...[/color] [/size][/center] [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/sajaganda.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][color="#008000"][size="7"]Onward to another year of EPICSAUCE![/size][/color][/center] [center]Oh yes, and Party in [color="#008000"][b]#SJB[/b][/color] with free sheep all around![/center] PS. Personal Thanks to Randalla for keeping us from getting ourselves blown up [i]Signed:[/i] [u][i]King Ernie. CoL-SJB CoMO[/i][/u]
  9. nice stats o/ to the fighters of TE o/ LE
  10. I like it nice protectorate as well
  11. [quote name='unruly' timestamp='1272776144' post='2283486'] after yet another cycle of triple turtles with no defenders in all three battles, I suggest again that countries which don't defend themselves become either a) declared as neutrals and the war ends upon the third defeat alert. [/quote] This seems like the best alternative, turtles take up slots, which in turn makes the game less fun. The war should end by a certain number of Defeat alerts, then the defeated nation shouldn't be abel to declare war for a certain period of days (greater than that of normal anarchy). I like it.
  12. bump. o/ SJB we can get you tech deals.
  13. Best of luck to both alliances, I hope this works out well for you two
  14. Forums are back up! Also working on Trade circles for our members! wheeee
  15. edited: our Forum is down, you can PM me in-game if you have any questions. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=354035"]My Nation.[/url]
  16. Welcome to Green! It's nice to see a few new faces come join us every now and then Also, I have nothing against purple. deal with it.
  17. [quote name='Randalla' timestamp='1282029791' post='2419177'] Yes indeed, good folks here. The flag makes me snicker every time I see it. What's not to love? [/quote] it's a beautiful flag. birthed it mahself
  18. /me runs out of popcorn... So uhh... when do the fireworks start? cause I'm kind of running out of snacks here, and this chair is uncomfortable.. and I have stuff I need to do... Usually, when you declare war on someone, you attack them, see.. because attacking them is where the actual fighting takes place, and fighting is what makes it a real war. You can't just declare war on someone, and then do nothing, it's pointless. you get it? needs more
  19. Hope you don't mind my interjection in your case of "blah blah" and "blah blah" Congrats getting out there on your own ICAN
  20. [IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/Chartcopy-1.jpg[/IMG] I'm probably someplace around there.. i think.... or something. Do i win?
  21. it's been a while. give us a visit aye?
  22. Players need to stop whining about how other players play. We play the game, we follow the rules, stop complaining. TE is war, and every player has their own way of warring. deal with it.
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