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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. [quote name='Lucas Perry' date='15 April 2010 - 04:18 PM' timestamp='1271377074' post='2261951'] Have no clue who you're getting attacked by or who you are for that matter. Good luck, I guess. [/quote] We're Sajasabie, and really... I wasn't too sure of who attacked us either bunch of guys I've never heard of. Thanks for the luck, we'll throw it at them and maybe it'll do something
  2. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='15 April 2010 - 03:25 AM' timestamp='1271330695' post='2261214'] Cool story bro, but this is Sajasabie, they've always marched to the sound of their own drums. It seems to work for them as they are enjoying their stay here on Planet Bob. Also, happy to be helping out boys. [/quote] That's about right, we like the sound of our own drums, far less boring. Glad to have you Tidy, keep on the good fight.
  3. [quote name='sethb' date='14 April 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1271315416' post='2261076'] Also a nice way to increase bills whilst providing you no benefit whatsoever. [/quote] It gives the assurance that people will go "HOLY....." when viewing his nation. It is quite an outrageous amount, but it allows for you not to have to buy Corndogs during war time, thus saving money for ground forces and bills. Plus, with an economy like his, he's hardly worried about the bills
  4. [quote name='Supreme Emperor Daeg' date='14 April 2010 - 10:52 PM' timestamp='1271314308' post='2261058'] Seeing as your goal is to aid IRON/DAWN how does nuking Gerald do that? while I can see where you were going at first you seem to be somewhat scattered, diving your attention between many objectives and achieving few to none because of it. I get that you offered the white peace to Gerald as an effort to do just than and he has declined, my point still stands that your spread too thin to offer proper aid to the cause. Rather I would say that in essence you have made more of a mockery of the cause you wish to support and have become more of a liability. [/quote] It's called Gorilla warfare and since he's aiding them, i wouldn't say he's a liability, they don't have to take care of him. I'll leave now...
  5. Ah, this war is truly a masterpiece of a mess.
  6. [quote name='KingNai' date='14 April 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1271304964' post='2260917'] What? It's a good deterant. [/quote] Tanks are my deterrent....
  7. I've got a dealer here, he's fallen on some hard times and would appreciate making a deal with someone looking for some shiny tech He only has one slot open, so claim it while it's there. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=391601&Extended=0"]Selling Nation[/url]
  8. [quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='14 April 2010 - 10:35 AM' timestamp='1271270136' post='2260314'] (OOC: Jimmy James is from a show called Newsradio) I have a suggestion for your bloc. Call it "Coalition of Micro Alliances". Or, CoMA, for short. [/quote] ahhh, so that's what it's from. and.. no.. i don't think we'll call it that
  9. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='14 April 2010 - 07:36 AM' timestamp='1271259395' post='2260148'] I herewith proffer some friendly advice about your Micro-Alliance Bloc idea. [color="#FF0000"][size="5"][center][b]DON'T[/b][/center][/size][/color] EDIT: Oh, and good luck with the war, the government changes and so on, whoever you are. [/quote] Noted
  10. [quote name='R3nowned' date='13 April 2010 - 10:10 PM' timestamp='1271225440' post='2259795'] What is this I don't even... Seriously. What is this meant to be about? [/quote] A) we are at war. B) we have a new Gov member. C) our flag is being worked on. D) We're starting a Micro-alliance Bloc. Hope that eases your confusion
  11. [quote name='nippy' date='13 April 2010 - 10:03 PM' timestamp='1271224973' post='2259782'] Get some. Also, sheep please. e: damn, too late. [/quote] Well, i can give you 50 sheep... for trying?
  12. Howdy my fellow Nation Rulers of Bob, It's been a little while since you've heard from us over at Sajasabie, so I figured I'd catch you all up. It seems that two Nations under the AA of "Jimmy James WAY BACK Machine" have lost their WAY... BACK.. and started an undeclared war on SJB. King Nai has kindly offered Ground forces to fix their broken down WAY.. BACK.. Machine, but they shot most of them dead. With that Said, SJB declares war on Jimmy James WAY BACK Machine. Hopefully, they'll fix their Machine, and head... WAY.. BACK.. to where they came from. I'd also like to pose a question, who the heck is Jimmy James, and why are there two guys inside his WAY BACK Machine? (King Nai yells from behind a desk) "Tell em about our new Government guy too!" Oh yes, I almost forgot, please welcome Xanxus of The Varia to the SJB Government, He'll be serving as our Minister of Internal Communication. (MoIC) If anyone would like to help us fix the broken down WAY BACK Machine, you're very welcome to. Also, we like Donuts. Signed. [i]- King Ernie, CoL-SJB, COMO[/i] [i]- King Nai, Col-SJB, YODA[/i] (King Nai yells from behind a desk, yet again) "You forgot about the flag.." *sigh* Well, we do have a Flag, i promise, however, once it got out of the shop... Xanxus used it as a.. well.. we won't go there, it's in the cleaners right now. Signed. (King Nai yells from behind a desk, thoroughly annoying King Ernie) "Tell em about our Micro-Alliance bloc too" .... pay no attention to the man behind the wood desk. Yes! It's true! Sajasabie is starting their very own Micro-Alliance Bloc! It offers Cookies, donuts, protection... from bad guys...... ...... BUT WAIT! There's more! Contact us in the next 7.25 minutes and you'll get 500 sheep, compliments of SJB! (King Ernie Yells to King Nai) "IS THAT IT!?" (King Nai yells from behind a fridge) "yup"
  13. NNK. you guys are awesome. Congrats to the gov!
  14. oooh. Congrats guys! It's always nice to see friends being made
  15. [quote name='Eugene H Krabs' date='13 April 2010 - 10:24 AM' timestamp='1271183054' post='2258868'] i have to get back to you on that one, we take a bigger drop on citizen boost that way. but it might be an alternative to complete the circle [/quote] alrighty. let me know if it works out.
  16. I have lead and silver... not sure if you can sub one of those for silver though. let me know. I can also change my team color Ruler: King Ernie Nation: Wootville NID: 354035 you can PM me here or in game if you need to, whichever's easier. Edit: my link didn't work
  17. Congrats to my [s]friends[/s]- gah, i mean enemies, at FORa
  18. I'll definitely be checking out your nation at server update tonight. you've got guts man.

  19. well, I'll chime in a bit late. Good Luck to you Methrage, and Goodhunting. Hang in there
  20. Requires harbor, Green team please, or willing to switch. This will be a long term circle Resources to be filled. -Aluminum - -Marble - -Coal -Gems - -Gold - -Iron - [s]-Lead[/s] - King Ernie -Lumber -Oil - -Rubber - [s]-Silver[/s] - King Ernie -Uranium - Bonus Resources: Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Steel, Scholars, Asphalt, Automobiles, Construction Reply (only if you're serious about joining, it makes things easier ) with your Ruler name, resources, and Nation link please.
  21. [quote name='Sande' date='06 April 2010 - 06:53 AM' timestamp='1270565620' post='2250350'] My guess would be one month. And it won't be near 1. It will more likely be 1.5 or 2. People are nuking each other more often these days. [/quote] I agree, it'll probably take about a month or so to un-cap, but it will never go down to 1, too many rogues nuking out there.
  22. ooooh, treaties. Congrats guys! may your friendship last a mighty long time.
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