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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. [quote name='TsarPrinceps' date='15 March 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1268711288' post='2226953'] We are defending ourselves by establishing an example of what happens to people that attack us. If we happen to be enjoying ourselves in the process, what of it? Why are any of us here on this world, if not to have fun? [/quote] Then why did Tidy say it wasn't defense? perhaps a miscommunication in the government tiers?
  2. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='15 March 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1268708776' post='2226892'] A member of BOC's government attacked FORA. They are responding with all available force. I'm not sure how you could say that it's [i]not[/i] retaliation. Overreacting, maybe. [/quote] [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man']Therefore, the Forite Order of Raids and Anarchy is hereby proclaiming open season on The Blue Oyster Cult. [b]This isn't defense[/b], this isn't war, [b]this is a revenge raid.[/b] We won't accept a surrender and we're not offering terms. We'll stop when we're good and ready to stop. You raided one of ours, so we're gonna raid all of yours. If you don't like it, try not to suck so hard next time.[/quote] Thank you very much, by the looks of it, FORa IS the aggressor.
  3. FORa could have responded differently had it been an attack of retaliation, however this doesn't seem to be the case. It seems to me that FORa is the aggressor in this war, by their own choice, regardless of who shot who first.
  4. Ahaha! Damsky VS Tidy, this is going to be fun to watch. oh yeah, i forgot there was a real topic here.. FORA should be nice to people.
  5. aww, is that a hint of mercy i see? :P

  6. bored as heck. How's that war coming along?

  7. Aha, nice announcement, i take it to heart. As for my question... How is it i don't know why everyone is asking for their Diplomats back? :/ I feel so left out.
  8. Hmmm... Well, FORA, i love you guys, but like any good enemy, i must say... GO GET EM TBOC! lets hope FORA can do it all by themselves, and not have to cry for help
  9. Oh man, you're getting raided by NEW. not Ideal, I'll most definitely see what i can do.
  10. Oooh, good luck getting yourselves going guys, and GoodHunting.
  11. oooh, Congrats FAR, i hope we can grow up to be as strong as you ha, may many more milestones come your way.
  12. Wow guys.. I've never seen articles put into terms like that before.. hm, congrats.
  13. Ooooh, Congrats guys! that's a big achievement... but we know that already
  14. I respect this, Goodluck ICAN, i hope the new policy helps to set an example to other alliances.
  15. lol. wow. uhm... congrats on the DoE? may the high holy powers be with you....
  16. Congrats on the new allaince, GoodHunting Parabellum!
  17. Oh wow, great work on the flag.... i gotta say, it is rather.. flashy. haha. Unity Front grows on me everyday
  18. Good luck out there, I gotta say, this made me chuckle.
  19. GoodHunting and GodSpeed VE, My hat is off to you guys.
  20. GoodHunting ADI, I look forward to seeing how this war works out...
  21. well, the easiest thing to do is get the Water resource, also get rid of oil and coal, those hurt your environment. If you're really looking to do some major cleanup, you can try getting the bonus 'radiation cleanup' resource, that'll take a mighty bit of work though. Best of luck to you, i feel your pain. ALL THESE NUKES RUINING THE ENVIRONMENT!
  22. GoodHunting SOS, this seems like it'll be a hefty fight.
  23. ahhg! the anarchy! I just wanted to congratulate you on putting me in my first ever state of anarchy! :P GoodHunting my friend.

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