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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. Congrats on the victory guys. Good luck getting those tech deals too... and... "adminicator".. i love it. P.S. I still love your flag (don't listen to these negative nancys, they're just jeluz)
  2. BLAH! give me monies, or give me... monies..

  3. Congrats guys! GoodHunting to you both.
  4. one and a half [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=354035"]My Nation. [/url]
  5. Congrats guys! and not a bad read
  6. Well, good luck to you.. erm.. you guys. Hope you can find that protectorate
  7. oooh. Congrats to the new members, why did i not know of the P&L Train before?
  8. well congrats.. I think you may run into a tad bit of trouble in the future.. but who knows? Maybe it'll work out for you. Kinda reminds me of the Rogue Nations AA... just sayin. (or was that another AA I'm thinking of?)
  9. aha. "Treaty of Pink Imperialist Love" nice, I like the style. Congrats guys!
  10. I always enjoy reading the posts from you Old-timers, makes me wish i had been here back in "simpler times" as you guys say it. I wonder what I'll be posting in a thousand or so days Congrats on your expieriences in CN Master-Debater.
  11. yay GGA! Congrats on the new stuffs. [size="1"]greenteamistehbestest... [/size]
  12. how i hate the cowardice of some nations.

  13. Congrats guys! best of luck to both of you
  14. I respect that, good move guys, you respect both your allies and your enemies, that isn't easy to do in wartime.
  15. uh oh. GoodHunting TMF, Godspeed to you as well, show those guys what's up
  16. so anyways. Congrats on the growth and Government SPB!
  17. Sierre is Cloud Guardian's brother, Cloud signed on from his brother's computer, and that's how the aid was canceled. Also, Cloud didn't know Sierre had joined FORa until we started questioning him on it. It isn't uncommon for Brothers/close friends to send aid to eachother, King Nai has sent me plenty of aid in the past. I hope that Clears things up, if you have further question's go ahead and PM me here or in game.
  18. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='16 March 2010 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1268806303' post='2228057'] Ah, since he's never been a member of SJB, then we'll just consider him a threat and blitz him. Glad to clear that up. [/quote] well, that's one way of handling it... good job cutting right to the chase.
  19. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='16 March 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1268804458' post='2228038'] I can already guess the member in question is Sierra Leone? All very very very very very intriguing, but if you guys could just ask him to wander on back to sajassbie we'll all have a chuckle about it later. We are prepared to overlook it at this point in time and pass it off as a misunderstanding, which from what I'm gathering seems to be the case. [/quote] Also, Sierre Leonne was never a member of SJB, we were hoping FORa might have an idea of who he is. We are looking into it, I find this most.. unsettling.
  20. [quote name='Emporor' date='16 March 2010 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1268795993' post='2227955'] Congrats, and don't mess with these guys you ebil raiders. Seriously, don't mess with em. [/quote] Seriously, Listen to the Emporor. Also, yeah... I'm not sure what's up with that Aid, we are looking into it though
  21. Don't worry Villien, you'll have your day.. that is, if Damsky doesn't bring The Can too far below your range.
  22. Thanks for the support everyone, we appreciate it at SJB.
  23. Thanks for the suggestion Tidy, we'll look into it... in the meantime.. I want more corndogs. nom nom nom
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