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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='02 June 2010 - 12:02 PM' timestamp='1275508947' post='2320775'] 227 day old, you haev only a bit over 500 infra, and six people plus the fact that you are the largest nation in it yet smaller than me? No, thank you. [/quote] Just recovered from staying offensive in 5 wars thank you very much, hence the almost 600 infra. I've ridden up and down like 4 times, so yes, i am in rebuild mode, but that's not what this is about! This is about joining SJB
  2. we still have spots open! come party with us.
  3. [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/SJBflagsimple.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][color="#000000"][size="2"]Sajasabie, that small alliance with only a few members. Yes, we admit we're small, but what better way to start out is there? Start out someplace where you can build relationships with your alliance mates, you can grow, learn the ropes of the Cyberverse, and most importantly have a good time. Sajasabie is made up of a unique and diverse group of individuals, each with their own interests and tastes, we span from large upper tier nations, to mid tier, and down to lower tier NS. We were founded on simple principles, and continue to carry on those principles today, through over one year of existence. We've seen times of peace, times of great war, times where we've all had to pull together to overcome, and we did. No Sajasabie member has ever been attacked and left out to dry, your protection is guaranteed with us. The Government at Sajasabie is simple, we have two Co-Leaders, and selected officers/ministers. Our current government goes as follows. King Ernie; Co-Leader and Chief of Military Operations. King Nai; Co-Leader, MrSilencer; Recruitment officer. Decisions are made by both of the Co-leaders, and members of Sajasabie are not left in the dark about anything. Our most important form of communication takes place at our forum, located [url="http://sajasabie.freepowerboards.com"]here.[/url] And just in case you were wondering, yes, we are very protected. [/size][/color][/center] [center][size="5"][color="#8B0000"]Protected by angry tribes of Amazon peoples. (AzN)[/color][/size][/center] [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/sajaganda.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center](that's not our flag, just a picture that was taken of a few of our founding members)[/center] [quote][u][b]Sajasabie Rules of Conduct. (SAROC)[/b][/u] [b]Article one:[/b] membership pros Members will receive aid in their times of crisis by King Ernie and King Nai, as well as any other members that can send aid.Members will receive protection from hostile nations by members within and above their strength range.During times of war members will have one of the founding nations represent them for diplomatic purposes. The representative will work swiftly to try and find a peaceful resolution for the nations, working to end the war as swiftly as possible.Members may ask any founding nation questions, submit concerns, or ask for assistance, and will be replied to as soon as possible. [b]Article two:[/b] Member obligations Members are asked to provide support to their fellow alliance members in their times of need.If members wish to grow in the game they are allowed to make transactions with other members. This takes place when both members agree to the transaction, the buying nation will send the appropriate funds to another member, in turn the member that receives the funds will buy the appropriate amount of technology and send it to the buying member. This is legal in the game, the buying nation must wait 10 days before receiving their technology. This is caused by in game regulations not controlled by Sajasabie. Members will not cheat other members during transactions, if this is found in a member they will automatically be asked to remove themselves from Sajasabie.Members will follow SAROC and SAROW at all times. [b]Article three:[/b] In the game Members should have fun and never take the game too seriously. HAVE FUN. [u][b]Sajasabie Rules of War. (SAROW)[/b][/u] (Section 1: General) Sajasabie is a very aggressive alliance, but with limitations. We as a whole believe in war, but not the total destruction of a defenseless nation. We will support a nation having been crippled by another war and attacked by a powerful nation. That goes for the alliance members, they cannot attack a military weak nation for just an easy tech raid(see section 3). (Section 2: Declaring war) A nation cannot declare war without first checking with the alliance head. If the nation is deemed to be an easy war, one that does not pose a battle, the war cannot be declared. Any nation breaking this rule forfeits any assistance by alliance members, specifically the alliance head. (Section 3: Tech Raiding) Tech raids cannot and will not be preformed on an active nation. The nation must say at least inactive for 5 days before a raid can be commenced and war cannot be declared(see section 2). Any nation breaking this rule forfeits any assistance by alliance members, specifically the alliance head. (Section 4: Defending the weak) All nations are potential alliance members. Defending a weak nation being exploited by another nation is a noble act. This gives the nation time to recover and a chance at protecting itself. To protect a nation the harasser may have war declared on him or her(see section 2) [/quote] For more information, you can contact any of the following people.. King Ernie of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=354035"]Wootville.[/url] King Nai of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=294547"]The Floating Nation.[/url] MrSilencer of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=387230"]the Cornholian Republic.[/url] [i]- King Ernie. CoL-SJB COMO[/i]
  4. congrats, hope this new Gov works out for you guys
  5. [quote name='Lukcia' date='31 May 2010 - 02:11 PM' timestamp='1275343896' post='2318176'] That's an awesome flag. Where can I pick up a dead fish skeleton like that? I want one. Always glad to hear weakened alliances still alive. =) [/quote] We get ours at a secret lake.. that used to be the testing ground for Nuclear weapons... but it's a secret.. And yes, it is always good to hear about alliances that have been blown to bits and are still alive
  6. edited with a link to our forum, in case any of you care to pay us a visit
  7. [quote name='Fernando12' date='31 May 2010 - 06:37 AM' timestamp='1275316641' post='2317738'] ugh they're still here....I mean GREAT! you guys are still here. That is a crummy flag. So crummy and scary it would chase enemies off the battlefield. At first you guys sorta annoyed me for the Xanxus thing, remember that? Anyways, great announcement and good luck. [/quote] We love you too nando SJB always sticks up for it's own.
  8. [quote name='Jakome' date='30 May 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1275287749' post='2317564'] i like your flag [/quote] thanks, the dead fish has always been our mascot
  9. [center]Hello ladies and gentlemen of the cyberverse. I come to you today to offer a simple announcement and update on your [s]war-torn[/s] friendly neighbor hood micro alliance, Sajasabie. Also, we brought our crummy flag! [/center] [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/SJBflagsimple.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]like it? [/center] Sajasabie is willing to admit that it's seen.. "better days", a few of our members have moved on to find alliances that suit them better in their particular tastes. No hard feelings, we wish all members (past and future) a good and healthy life in the cyberverse. Sajasabie has been fortunate enough to meet and make new friends at The United Incorporated Republics, as well as First Earth Battalion. We hope to see these relationships grow and prosper. Currently, our Diplomatic overseer is running around trying to organize all of our paper work, so I'm stepping in temporarily to handle our diplomatic affairs. We're always open to making friends, as long as you're cool and willing to have a good time partying with us That wraps up our announcement, no, we aren't dead yet [url="http://sajasabie.freepowerboards.com/"]Our Forum[/url] signed- [i]King Ernie. CoL SJB COMO. acting diplomat.[/i] edit: link to our forum
  10. i once heard a story about Achilles fighting an Amazon woman... I'd say that's pretty awesome, and people who want to be awesome should join AzN. just sayin. EDIT: forgot my customary so here it is.
  11. hey! why aren't my OP war buddies fighting back? i see this as a major disappointment. well, to those who ARE fighting back (somewhere nowhere near me), good fight!
  12. wrong person lol. but i'm sure you were tough too :D

  13. you, my friend, are one tough cookie to crack :P those GC's and that pentagon are evil.

  14. whoo! Good fight guys! Well fought: Umbrella, OP, RE, and my brothers in LE of course.
  15. Congrats ICAN! Always a pleasure to see you guys movin on up
  16. May your men fight with the efficiency of OVER NINE THOUSAND! You are a light to the world and your surrender terms warm my heart.
  17. aaand they're gone. sorry, all slots closed now.
  18. I have 3 slots open for tech deals, let me know here or in game if you want to buy. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=354035"]click here for mah nation[/url] I'll update as slots close, so hurry to get your spot!
  19. Congrats IRON! May many more years come your way.
  20. ooooh, hefty, Congrats to you guys! and best of luck in the future.
  21. [quote name='Emporor' date='19 April 2010 - 12:34 PM' timestamp='1271709281' post='2266689'] Ofc it was a hack... I am not stupid enough to give anyone the kind of power to take down forums I spent hours building. O_o And no one with 'Controlled' Admin powers is stupid enough to toy with me. I can not only make your life hell here in CN but RL too, just ask the last person who tried to hack someone I built... They paid dearly in RL. Hacking is against the law, and not just a cruel joke. [/quote] phear Emporor. Man, this does make me hope SJB's forum doesn't get hacked, but then again, when have we ever done anything worth getting hacked for?
  22. well, that's odd. I am intrigued as to why they would make this decision...
  23. wow, that's just lame. Sorry to hear that ICAN, i hope the transition from one forum to the next goes smoothly for you guys Silly hackers, they should know not to mess with ICAN
  24. ooooh, two awesome alliances I look forward to seeing what you guys will face (and overcome) in the future. Congrats guys!
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