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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1291753276' post='2533133'] [color="#0000FF"]My issue is not with that. It's the justification. If Sajawhatsabi just came out and say that want tech and Damsky has to pay I'd have no complaint, but their attempts at justifying it by stating that they're "helping" him grow is absurd and ridiculous. I will call them on that.[/color] [/quote] Damsky is mistaken on the peace terms and a new announcement will be made shortly once everything is clarified. Also, get the name right, I assume you know how to read: S-A-J-A-S-A-B-I-E. No one likes having to deal with your illiteracy.
  2. Sajasabie and their outrageous demands! But really, it was fun while it lasted. I would have liked the chance to actually fight you, eh Damsky? o7
  3. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1291531767' post='2530701'] [img]http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2369/bosbanner.png[/img] [size="3"] The Brotherhood of Steel hereby declares war on the alliance of Sajasabie for their unjustified attacks upon our allies, Cat Land. [/size] [center] Signed, Mr Damsky, High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel The Kurgan, High Judge of the Courtroom[/center] [/quote] Oh, there it is
  4. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1291528892' post='2530645'] In recognition of the disgusting bandwagoning going on here, I will endeavor to see to it that SWATs slots stay filled with aid until this atrocity is ended. [/quote] I do believe we were the first to hit him, sir. There has to be a wagon first in order to 'bandwagon'.
  5. [center]Ladies and Gentlemen of Planet Bob, Sajasabie has always concerned itself with the maltreatment of small nations, most recently we've seen a DoW from the alliance Cat Land on Red Elite Defence. Sure, Sajasabie has nothing to do with these two alliances, however, seeing as RED and any of it's allies(?) have failed to protect RED's attacked members, to the point of letting one nation receive nuclear attacks from SWATLand, we decided we'd do something about it. [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/Sajasabie/SJBWARFLAG.jpg[/IMG][/center] The unprovoked attacking, both in conventional warfare and nuclear warfare, on nations that don't have nuclear capabilities or sufficient NS to be able to put up a counter-attack is, in our opinion, wrong. Sajasabie hereby declares war on SWATLand for their use of nuclear weapons on a non-nuclear nation. May our armies be swift and our shields be strong...[/center] Signed. [i]King Ernie. CoMO. King Nai. SM.[/i] P.S. RED should look into changing it's name if they aren't going to defend their own members also. LOL dead fish killing cats! OH THE IRONY!
  6. What is all this jabber? Just so you guys know, words don't add to your NS, and they won't help you fight your wars. They just take up space, and waste my time. There is a lot of whining going on, and it's making this a lot less fun than it could be. To be honest, really what constitutes winning a war? Nothing, it's your own personal interpretation. To me, if you put up a good fight and stayed respectful, you did a good job, and that's to be honored. My NS is currently: 713. Do I care? No. As long as I can still declare war on a nation, I'm happy. Why can't everyone just stick to that? You're not going to change LE by using big words, or pounding us, we'll always be LE, and we'll always conduct war the way we want. We also know that you will do the same. So please, quit jabbering about whatever you're jabbering about, and get back to the fight. It's more fun over there anyway. - LE Grunt. My opinions are my own.
  7. lol. This is awesome. brb. Building nukes for the large scale conflict to come...
  8. Nice work by OP/OB. I am enjoying this
  9. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1289933671' post='2514863'] OP'ers, let's fight and leave the talking to others. Nice attack, LE. You caught me with no war chest. [b]Oh well, always have dirt clods and rocks![/b] The fight has begun, good luck everyone! [/quote] I feel you.. I really do.. We should have our own 'dirt and rocks' club o/ War
  10. please, please tell me they're fighting back.. go git 'em Warriors!
  11. I'd be mad if someone screwed up my stagger. With that... Smash stuff AcTi
  12. Nice job doing nothing and letting your friends get smashed. Infra huggers.
  13. oooh, this looks promising. Have fun out there! Don't lose too much of that infa now.... JUST KIDDING! Last one to ZI is a rotten egg! Ok seriously, happy birthday guys, have a good war
  14. [quote][wall of text that's super long... posted by Arrnea][/quote] Well that only took me all day to read. Bad show SOS Brigade. Bad show indeed. Isn't it the leader's job to maintain the alliance and keep everything dandy? It seems to me (from all the stuff i just read), that the leader here just wiped out everyone who had a problem with him, and failed to actually look into bettering the alliance. Overall, it's still sad to read, and I wish SOS Brigade good luck in the future.
  15. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1288242824' post='2494965'] Aw man you sure? You could be the first time travelers of steve. Get some cool shades. Round 15 baby. Although, its not really like time travel. It would be more like, your in round 15 while everyone is in 14. [/quote] psh. everyone knows it's round 'Hunt Youmu' for LE Youmu.
  16. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1288243395' post='2494976'] Interesting! And yes, that WAS quick. [b]I hope no one got hurt. Looks like not.[/b] Best luck to all parties for the rest of the round, RE, TPC and LE/LEC. Have fun! [/quote] Oh I assure you Thomas, my friend, I made it my personal undertaking to hurt nations... and I carried that undertaking out to the [i]fullest[/i] of my ability with that said... o\ peace... I wouldn't have minded a few more days of destruction on planet Steve. It was a good war, nice work to both RE and TPC
  17. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288072018' post='2493414'] We were having fun till TPC showed up [/quote] Then we were having more fun! o/ war o/ no slots!
  18. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1288073235' post='2493422'] TPC and RE vs. LE seems fair. LE will probably use the money and tech they get from RE to fight TPC. I don't see any problems here. Good luck to both sides. [/quote] this made me all inside o/ war
  19. Good luck out there Pirate friends! EDIT: in before Lurunin
  20. Updating current info to Sajasabie. We're moving to Black (announcement to be made once we're moved over) [code] Color: Black [url="http://sajasabie.freepowerboards.com"]Sajasabie[/url] (SJB) - #SJB[/code]
  21. [quote name='Captain Nathan Brittles' timestamp='1286857406' post='2482085'] The so-called [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=10545]underdog bonus[/url] never really existed. [/quote] whaaatt?? in TE, being a low NS nation most of the time, myself and one of my other AA members would always use underdog attacks. Now my attacks aren't doing what they used to Are the attack outcomes at low odds just a coincidence? Because it seems like it would be a mighty big coincidence...
  22. 18,918 Attacking + 11,305 Defending = 30,223 Casualties After myself an my targets mutually destroyed each other.. it's been a bit hard to get more than double digit casualties each day Thanks to Youmu and his Nukes! pew pew. pew pew. Edit: question, how do you guys get your casualty rank?
  23. Disclaimer: The following reply is of my opinion and only my opinion, it does not reflect the opinion of Lafayette Escadrille or any members thereof (other than myself). o/ War. LE's just shaking things up a bit, why people gotta be hating? So you had a few wars already, guess what, so did I AND I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying the end round.
  24. i am quite honestly happy to see this. when do we get to [s]roll some n00bs[/s] talk about our future relations?
  25. EDIT: sorry for the double post. my net went haywire.
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