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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. is that a poptart kitty?

  2. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302675039' post='2689916'] Ahhhh... I will remember this for next round then. Thank you for the clarification. @King Ernie- what no love for me? [/quote] BlackWulfe. one of the few G-6 that actually went offensive and fought back in defensive wars. PP. if BlackWulf has slots, and you want a good fight, I recommended him
  3. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302670238' post='2689895'] Am I to take this as well as the lack of hating on PP, to mean that DoWing an alliance already at war is okay now? Or is it just because PP is bandwagoning in on G-6? [/quote] but I like PP
  4. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1302637477' post='2689601'] I don't believe we've lost good sir. Confusion. [/quote] I never cared about what you believe Every G-6 in range of us has been obliterated, that's a fact, not a belief. Carry on with your flag chase now.
  5. always gotta PP stop taking my targets though :'( I don't have many to choose from..
  6. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1302628444' post='2689536'] I just said we did. Jeez :3 [/quote] [insert wall of text that proves some point about something, and logic and statistics] o/ PLOW Hey G-6, sorry to tell you this, but you've lost this war in your own vanity, no one ever cared whether or not you won a flag, and no one will praise you if you do. The war is won for PLOW, TE knows that, G-6 has a shot at the flag... TE already knew that.. Everything that shines, ain't always gonna be gold. also, hai again Youmu
  7. have fun with that stuff Edit: my 1st 1st!
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