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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1322202284' post='2850849'] Probably sometime next round at this point, my nation is kind of covered at the moment. [/quote] mine too man. Next round.. next round.. I already fought Stelios a couple times.. it's was [i]alright[/i] I kid.
  2. [quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1322201936' post='2850847'] Biggest baddest meh! Still a cream puff. [/quote] oh.. ok. [img]http://www.akiba-station.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/totoro_creampuff.jpg[/img]
  3. It's over.. I ate a lot of food. Personally, I would take ham over turkey, what about you guys?
  4. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1322201325' post='2850841'] Your better then that [/quote] I know, I wrote this whole edit, and then I was like.. nahh, let's go with something shorter. too many long posts this round. When do I get to fight you, Adude?
  5. [quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1322197427' post='2850811'] You want a hissy fit! Here you go a bunch of punk ass !@#$%*es don't have the balls to fight a good fight like PS and LE hitting people already in nuke anarchy and then stack all the !@#$%^&* stats together and say look at me I am up declaring or I am taking on everyone when in in all actuality everyone is already to $%&@ed up to give these cream puffs a good fight. Hey but whatever makes you feel superior, bunch of sissy ass !@#$%*es in my book! [/quote] u mad bro? edit: cream puffs? wow. I am the biggest, baddest cream puff you EVER gonna meet.
  6. [quote name='CubaQuerida' timestamp='1322112151' post='2850288'] Too bad no one is in range. How convenient. [/quote] who are you?
  7. [quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1321977759' post='2849043'] There. I declared on an LE nation with my last slot. Reason: Pork Shrimp says hi! The cavalry should be coming. [/quote] Shoulda picked someone with nukes. Now you've pissed me off. Better sell off your land and infra to get out of range of me, that's what I half expect now with your crying.
  8. Ernsters

    My first time

    I do. or bike rides, doesn't matter.
  9. I knew about this ages ago... as did everyone else.. see [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104950"]this thread?[/url]
  10. Can at least [i]one[/i] of these rogues be in my range? oh well, VODKA sucks, lrn2rogu. (can I be on your PZI list now?)
  11. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1321715316' post='2846927'] Good man [/quote] Adude, your avatar is scary Go back to the girl, she was much less disturbing. unless of course it's a self-portrait you carry On a side note this thread has gone to herpderping why can't you all be jolly and merry? no no, you're too busy with the argument you're burping.
  12. [quote name='TerryTheCollosus' timestamp='1321646228' post='2846483'] Haven't attacked yet. [/quote] ohok, have fun then.
  13. Maybe next time get the support BEFORE you attack?
  14. [center]Greed. [i]Log into my nation, what do I see? four-hundred messages waiting for me. Ground Attacks, CM's and bombs galore Oh the battlefield is stained with gore. I have 6 opponents, their NS is much more my nation stands tall, flat to the floor. I'll sell off my infra, I'll sell off my land! hey can anyone give me a hand? The answer is no, no hand for you This is what happens when you tech-raid for 2.[/i] [/center] edit: lol "of" vs "off"
  15. [quote name='Therm' timestamp='1321595300' post='2846203'] This thread was created for amusing poetry, however the content in here is rather yucky. So please take the time to come up with a rhyme else GTFO, your presence here is a crime. edit: i am aware that poems do not need to rhyme. But do make an effort to write poetry [/quote] What this man said get it in your head. take a little time pick some words that rhyme.
  16. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1321586266' post='2846137'] Just so you know, he's not a very good schemer, then again, this was probably already deduced from previous attempts. [/quote] This is DarthCyfe, he likes his posts What he doesn't do, is add the most. He talks and he banters, but what does it do? Nothing of interest, not even to you. So text goes wasted, again and again all of his posts get one-out-of-ten. Keep adding nothing, you silly hare Maybe one day SyN will grow a pair. (The last part is jokes, I know SyN has a pair but srsly, write something of value)
  17. Ernsters

    My first time

    That's ok, I was talking about LE.
  18. Ernsters

    My first time

    We're all big teddy bears on the inside.
  19. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1321573340' post='2846080'] Don't forget this line for your poem Lazaraus the eternal flag running schemer Edit... I like the poem Therm, very creative. [/quote] Now here is Paul, very opinionated He knows some like him, he knows he's hated. When he sees a good war, he becomes elated When he sees a bad war, well, it gets debated. Paul and Confusion, best buds for life If they weren't around, there would be no strife. But oh how this strife brings us to blithe without it, hey, we'd have no TE life. edit: paul
  20. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1321571731' post='2846067'] Thread has nothing to do with me Therm, have to say you suck Call Adude a noob with Glee DM all them times were luck Confusion what a sore loser Clash, team morality's #1 member Paul711 is an unreliable user King Ernie, only LE guy i remember Bcortell's inane rants take their toll This was fun: "Trolololol" sorry for poor rhyming scheme and apologies to anyone not offended by this [/quote] this is how you do this thread.
  21. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1321569650' post='2846047'] No worse then what my two targets besides Rick Perry have sent, just about nothing at all. BTW shoutout to Perry, those nukes hurt p [/quote] [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1321570746' post='2846056'] Shoutout to Anon. I has 3 slots Also, its an illusion, all romans fight [/quote] needs more horrible poetry. edit: my first time using 'Multiquote', that was amazing.
  22. That's right, it's my first time writing a blog post on our CN-forums. Oh my! With that, I'd like to give some insight into myself, because I am oh-so-important My real name's Ernie (Ernesto, by birth), I live in a little suburb in California (Lakewood, bordering Long beach). I'm 18, I graduated high-school and jumped into a career move as an art teacher (skipping that college part), I teach art at a local art studio, the goal of the studio is to put art classes back into schools, so that's what we're working on right now. People often ask me "What do you teach? drawing?" and "What age kids do you teach? 4 year olds?" To answer both those questions, I teach most mediums (chalk, graphite, paint [water-color, acrylic, tempra, oil]), and I can teach all age ranges (I've taught kids from 4 years old to high-school). Outside of work, I do a lot of volunteer stuff with my church, mainly focused around our youth-group. "Oh no Ernie's Christian " Yeah, I am Don't worry, your Jesus jokes don't offend me. At home I'm the typical 'older-brother', I tease my siblings, prank them, do generally-obnoxious things. I love my family, I love my friends, and that's who I am in a nutshell. - Ernie. inb4horriblestuff
  23. Oh look, a thread just for me The title reads "horrible poetry" I click and I saunter, to what's become But all I see is a thread that looks fun Now that's not to bad, not even horrible so I'll write my own poem, somethingthatrhymeswithhorrible -Ernie
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