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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. my contribution [IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/CNprop.jpg[/IMG]
  2. really unnecessary. Now excuse me while I go open MS paint for my own [i]fantastic[/i] propaganda loving the work guys!
  3. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1317965749' post='2819448'] An another completely useless entity that needs to be erased in much the same manner the Legion is being erased now. [/quote] And another completely useless remark.. hi nice to meet you.
  4. o/ KDF. why wasn't I told about this again? for srs though, Yay us!
  5. "DoW" well best of luck to you guys. [size="1"][color="#ADD8E6"][i]mumblinn'grumblin[/i][/color][/size]
  6. I'll do a $3Mil/1calendar deal. er pledge. i just want a calendar.
  7. [quote name='Maximillian' timestamp='1317100056' post='2809467'] Shut up, Ernie. Some of us actually appreciate the artwork Rand offers! And I guarantee you. If I could actually put my ideas onto a computer screen, my sig would kick yours right in the rear. [/quote] nahh. My sig brings all the girls to the yard. my sig, is better than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.
  8. Rollin' have fun guys. Cowboy.. I have faith in you.
  9. [quote name='Jesusfreak' timestamp='1317090358' post='2809338'] It's called a raid [/quote] now it's an alliance raid! on both sides!
  10. I just wish I had enough NS to jump on him before Kerdor did! I may not know you well, but you're an ally nonetheless, this little scuffle was a fine example of why it's important to have friends in our world Whether they get you into fights, or get you out of them, they sure do bring better times than going out a loner.
  11. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1316578944' post='2805101'] I think LW's point is he could've declared on bigger guys. Not sure though. I don't have a lot of room to talk as I declared down on one guy to kick him out of the top 5%, the other two were your best guys left though. And I believe I've finally found the conspiracy in this DoW. Stelios dirty plan. It's to keep me out of the casualties race. I've been hit with one ground attack in two days. [/quote] well, we knew you were on to us when we tried keeping you out of war, the casualty race was our 2nd option. Have fun getting CM'd! srsly tho. good luck to both sides.
  12. seems our plans of keeping PS out of war are working. looks like a good one guys! have fun. o/ all you people fighting. edit: my keyboard doesn't spell right
  13. [quote name='KillerCruiser' timestamp='1316059965' post='2800710'] Hey Eric, everything is just one big conspiracy, even this world Anyways today I would like to announce SUN's War song... We blast this song every night right before battle, to keep all of our members pumped up for war, and here it is... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rp6Ttrmvlw"]My link[/url] [/quote] You just made my day! LE plays this song every night at update time [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5sVLYQMfe8"]you should click right here.[/url]
  14. this will change through the day, but look! [quote]Most Attacking Casualties 1) 37,940 Soldiers Lost - colonel mustard of Mustardville - Blue Team 2) 34,204 Soldiers Lost - paul711 of Paulinca - Blue Team 3) 31,110 Soldiers Lost - Bugs Bunny of The Looney Toons - Black Team 4) 28,167 Soldiers Lost - superman of Land of the Great - Blue Team 5) 25,689 Soldiers Lost - [B]ErnieTheKing of JeSuisDesole[/b] - Brown Team [/quote] First time ever!
  15. [quote name='Merovingian' timestamp='1315956510' post='2799998'] 1. We steal some of yours, you steal some of ours. End result: the same. 2. Easy to say. What, can I just pull money of out the air and "build more"? Keeping a WC is a decent strategy. 3. Uh, fair wars don't. You guys had the statistical advantage AND the blitz advantage. Why didn't you choose Anon and PS or something like that? You didn't want to fight a real war. Like all your members are saying, this is supposedly in revenge for something that happened last round. [/quote] 2) You can start by suggesting everyone carry fighters 3) We'd never fought SUN, maybe we wanted to p.s. "Like all your members are saying, this is supposedly in revenge for something that happened last round." I'm not OP, man.
  16. [quote name='Merovingian' timestamp='1315953735' post='2799981'] As far as I'm concerned personally, I'm fighting the only OP nation with an HNMS. Of my two opponents, one appears to be turtling and the other has been reduced to a warchest of a couple hundred k. I coordinated well with my teammate to win every GA so far. But I'm only one person in an alliance, and you can see that SUN as well as most Anon members are getting stomped. You can't deny that the top OP and LE members like colonel mustard, Senator, king scott, Infinate Citadel and more are basically fighting raids. Their opponents have no nukes, are half their NS, and are from different alliances in some cases. [/quote] I attacked 3 Anon nations with nukes/HNMS, myself and a teammate also coordinated, however out of both of us, my teammate is the one with the nukes, I own 0. IF those 3 Anon nations would have fought back and coordinated, they could have easily put both of us out of commission. So maybe we have more nukes than you, try to steal some. So maybe we have more ANS, build more. So maybe we entered a war with an advantage, who doesn't? The reason our top tiers are fighting guys half their NS, is because we blitzed the infra out of everyone. Me and my teammate (and I'm not bragging) have destroyed over 1.7k Infra in total from the Anon nations we attacked, whilst together we've only lost some +300. Last round we hit Anon (it [B]was[/b] and updeclare) and they fought back, well, well enough to surprise all of us. What's different this round? the stats. We have more advantages this war, and what does Anon do? turtle and talk about how it's unfair. If your alliances (SUN and Anon) were coordinating and fighting back, like how LE/OP does with every war, you guys would have more fun, and more of a chance. this is why people say you're just whining, because that's really all we see. I don't see any action from Anon, I see two CM's a nuke and posts about how this war is unfair.
  17. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1315943410' post='2799891'] The real travesty is that PS lost 3 solid targets in this war. Where's the crying for that? [/quote] we're actually all in cahoots with each-other after we heard what PS planned for this round. u scary. also.. there's no crying emoticon? wtheeeck...
  18. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1315883710' post='2799572'] You are trying to twist what I said, I never tried to claim that blitz's are unfair or anything of the sort, they are a necessity. What I said was you guys had the blitz with the ANS advantage, [u]there is no way[/u] you can deny that fighting against a blitz (like the one you guys pulled off) with an ANS disadvantage makes for an even fight. [/quote] eh, but that's why it's called a blitz [i]advantage[/i]. and to be honest.. LE usually keeps itself on standby, as we tend to attract rogues (like most AA's) that NEVER want to peace-out. I know OP has the same issue, this is what could lead to a slight ANS advantage as well. However in the long run, it hinders growth. I know Anon can typically grow their nations pretty big, and yes, we did use their growth pattern to [I]our[/i] advantage. You snooze you lose? Either way, it's a fun war for me, I won't say anything about Anon and SUN not countering yet, as update hasn't even happened and they could be planning a counter-blitz o/ my side
  19. [quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1315805538' post='2799138'] Sorry...... EDITED and fixed! [/quote] Thank you! o/ to war.
  20. err.. Our glorious leader.. Daredevil? besides that! Lets get some OP!
  21. Warriors War Here's to a good round guys!
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