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Everything posted by Ernsters

  1. heh. Finally Welcome (officially) to Bob FEB.
  2. Dang, and I thought SJB was catching up! We'll work harder I guess Congrats FAR.
  3. [center][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/SJBflagsimple.jpg[/IMG][/center] Ladies and Gentlebobs of Cyberbob, Sajasabie is pleased to to [s]announce[/s] RE-announce that we've surpassed the 10,000 NS mark. We've been through a lot within our little speck of existence in the Cyberverse, and we plan on sticking around to go through more. Now please, stop blowing us up, so we don't have to make this announcement again We'd also like to thank Amazon Nation for not letting people blow us up. [center]If you care to, you can come party with us in #SJB (you know the drill). Don't be afraid to join, we like making friends [/center] [center]Or visit our [url="http://sajasabie.freepowerboards.com/index.php"]forum.[/url][/center] [i]- King Ernie. CoL-SJB COMO.[/i]
  4. 14,560 Attacking + 4,874 Defending = 19,434 Casualties hehe. for some reason, the bulk of my targets (except one of my current ones) just stopped fighting back. I've never been an award chaser, I just stay Loyal to LE.
  5. It's been fun guys! Good-war
  6. Silly n00bs. when SJB comes across rogues or raiders.. we don't ask for reps. we give our members the means to take them. Best wishes to all your Cadets STA.
  7. [quote name='unruly' date='11 June 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1276321212' post='2334662'] fixed the typo for you but I agree with the "have fun" part [/quote] 'like' It's ok CDT. we don't mind fighting uphill, we prefer it, keeps us limber Lets have a nice fun war now, shall we?
  8. Have fun PP! Show 'em what you're made of
  9. Bump! We're also protected by Amazon Nation.
  10. *hands Auctor milk, a bowl, and spoon*
  11. Yay for steps in a general forward direction Thanks Randy la la.. and all you great folks at AzN
  12. Oh hey, the GOONS are back

  13. oooh. terrorists bad. haha! who am i kidding? Everyone in TE is a terrorist, we all likez hazing wars
  14. [i]*sees length of charter. skips it completely*[/i] Looks great! best of luck to you guys
  15. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='03 June 2010 - 02:21 PM' timestamp='1275603677' post='2322557'] Do you have a protectorate? If not, then get one. I also suggest not attacking people, it will be a bit destructive. [/quote] Thanks FizzyD. we're in the process of getting one already
  16. nice. best of luck to you guys.
  17. [quote name='Frostfirefox' date='02 June 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1275543223' post='2321791'] lol gl ricemaker(o^_')o [/quote] lol. thanks tama We also have friends. and lots of them
  18. it's rebuildin time.

  19. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='02 June 2010 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1275522594' post='2321202'] I've noticed you are attacking people and raiding like crazy, that's a bad thing. [/quote] you can call it raiding, we call it justice I saved a few nations that were getting raided, hence the wars. Join us we likes hazing fun
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