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Sweeeeet Ronny D

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Everything posted by Sweeeeet Ronny D

  1. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1340829523' post='2998618'] It's about time you got a win, NPO. I know you need one. Best of luck to you here. This whole war is just the gift that keeps on giving. [/quote] To be fair, NPO hasnt won anything yet, granted they do have us easily outnumbered and definitely should win. But its only day 2 and they haven't called in reinforcements yet.
  2. Well its been a good 3 years or so since the last time i saw an NPO nation on the battlefield. To be honest the real fun starts tomorrow when we get to see who is going to step up to defend NPO. Also since I am now stuck on the losing side of this war, can all the other alliances in our "coalition" actually show some balls and get out of peacemode and fight back? Who knows we could actually win if you try. That said good luck NPO, lets have some good ole fashion fun.
  3. That is impressive the closest I have ever gotten to 0 is 4.34 cents, that was about 3-4 months ago.
  4. Colin, stay classy bro! As always its been a pleasure. Edit: Hey can I have first dibs on your best tech sellers? as you know finding good ones is always a giant pain in the ass.
  5. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1337586661' post='2970190'] Yeah but you're in GOD...sooo I am automatically better. [/quote] Every time you post something like this, I think back to when you made this. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WPJmPacxvRc#!"]Isaac's super awesome video![/url] Then I just laugh because how could I ever take anything you say or do seriously... (also you are welcome for the free advertising!)
  6. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1335536900' post='2960093'] You've already been proven wrong about BAPS' average NS. Stop posting. Nobody doubts their ferocity in the last war, but you can't simply make up !@#$ to help your arguments. [/quote] How else is he/she going to help their ridiculous argument? That being said, Good luck NG, you guys are a beast, and it was a pleasure to fight along side you.
  7. Ive fought and defeated all three Orders, isn't that all that really matters? (or at least mattered 2-3 years ago)
  8. If that was yesterday, I guess that means I turn 3 today... Damn you goldie for getting me to sign up for this damn game...
  9. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329246298' post='2920461'] MK doesn't like VE. MK doesn't like Echelon. Jacapo wanted VE expelled. TLR doesn't like VE. [/quote] Hey dont drag VE into your crazy death spiral.
  10. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1328639296' post='2916211'] It's fine. They feel they have rationalized their actions enough to make it OK. What they fail to understand is that what they have done (and continue to do) has consequences on another plane of existence. DDL: I don't wish what we went through upon anyone. The deletion and removal of their beloved community works for me though. Things have already been set in motion, and no, that is not a threat. [/quote] One would think you have more important things to worry about right now, but good luck to ya.
  11. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1328408050' post='2914664'] Giving up a member who is well-liked and respected by your alliance, especially when they aren't guilty of any wrong doing, [/quote] To be fair, She has done more damage to the Ragnarok name than anyone else in the history of CN.
  12. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1328211129' post='2913253'] And, on a final note, it was Da Dreadlord who took down the RoK forums. What was his position on the matter, you may ask? I'll pull up a post from the Fark cancellation thread: [/quote] That actually makes sense since DDL posted in the VE embassy on Rok's forums while he was a member of Jihad, and was masked as a former member on the ROK forums.
  13. Does that mean winter is over? Its not even February yet, this was disappointing...
  14. Congrats to Fark, on dropping the on going Trainwreck of Awesome that is Rok.
  15. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1326226071' post='2896981'] January 13 January 16 January 19 January 26 January 28 All not taken. [/quote] Ill take jan 26th
  16. Apparatus, it was a well fought war, you guys have a ton of spunk, and I look forward to seeing you on the battle field again, with or against you.
  17. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1324021691' post='2879723'] sorry we didn't spend 3 years collecting taxes! [/quote] You had 9 months to prepare, if that wasnt enough time for you, really the only person you should be blaming is yourself.
  18. Ah its just Cards hes always drunk... That's right Cards, I'm calling you out for being stupid! You are making my trade circle look bad. edit: oh you already called yourself out for being dumb... good work!
  19. [quote name='dewe48' timestamp='1324050607' post='2879919'] VE are some great warriors. Very smart. Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your nuclear missiles but were unable to locate any due to your hidden nuclear missile silos. In the attack your counter spies managed to kill 20 enemy spies and your attackers identity has been publicly revealed. And that was the second time [/quote] Ah come on now, im trying to be nice to you guys because i like your spunk, lets not turn this into pointing out stupid mistakes of our opponents, because both of my App opponents have been screwing up. (not that im complaining)
  20. i gotta give Apparatus some credit, I appreciate the cajones they have been showing so far.
  21. [quote name='Phrog' timestamp='1323982751' post='2879069'] GATO's gave it back as much as we dished it out! Given our alliance make-up (top heavy) and GATO's having some high nations held in reserve (peace mode), I believe that our top nations were able to overwhelm GATO's top nations slightly, while GATO's shear numbers overwhelmed the bottom 2/3 of our alliance, evening the statistics significantly if not pushing them in their favor. It's a good battle; very competent coordination and individual fighting skills on both sides. Very worthy opponents in my opinion. After The Apparatus' victory I'm sure we can be friends! Here's to more casualties! Phrog [/quote] Actually Phrog, brings up a great point, GATO, what the hell are you guys doing? Get your big nations out of peace mode already, 9 of your top 20 nations are in hiding. Dont worry VE will protect you from the big bad Apparatus. But that is a million NS sitting around doing nothing, when it could be used to to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
  22. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1323902330' post='2878068'] It's only harassing if your guys fight. [/quote] How dare you sir! I cant speak for my comrades in arms, but out of the 4 wars I fought in our brief encounter, I easily won 2 of them, one was a stalemate, and the last guy had nukes...
  23. Hooligans, what are you guys complaining and posturing about? its a 4 person alliance, as far as I'm concerned its more targets to fight. This is great news, especially since their largest nation declared on me yesterday, sure he has 5000 more infra, and 3.5x my warchest, but this isn't a reason to complain, its a reason to rejoice! I actually get a challenge this week to see if I can even up those numbers a bit, and I look forward to it.
  24. [quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1323928358' post='2878516'] No, actually, I appreciate the information -- no sarcasm intended. VE treaty-jumped through ghost wars without even being asked to. Just proves my point about their blatant opportunism even more strongly. GATO, I can't salute you just yet, but I really do appreciate how stand-up you've been with us in this conflict. [/quote] Well come on now Phaedron, we had to attack someone, I'm just happy you guys have a nice upper tier, so our big nations can have someone to fight. also thanx Neb-X, now we have more targets! Good luck, I look forward to hopefully seeing a few of you on the battlefield before this war ends.
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