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Sweeeeet Ronny D

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Everything posted by Sweeeeet Ronny D

  1. Where you going berbers? You leaving? Well I wish I could of said it was a pleasure but I don't really know you.
  2. see NPO was that so hard? please commence 5-10 pages of pointless arguments. Duel!! I challenge you to a rematch!
  3. I have been following the OWF for a few years now, and I think I am getting the hang of it, so I believe the proper response is: I know you are but what am I?
  4. You have bears?!?!? dude that is awesome, just let me know when i can punch you in the stomach because im coming over!!! Just out of curosity, are we talking black? brown? grizzly? maybe polar?
  5. I was thanking you guys, and giving you a complement. Little touchy about your alliance's war preformance I see eh? Its ok you guys are doing a good job! Don't let any of those mean DH guys tell you different!
  6. Here I was all excited to declare war on two of you guys, but big surprise, once again, you guys are all too small... good news is some more Ai guys came out of peace mode, so thanks for giving me someone to fight AI! You guys are ok in my book.
  7. They are too small, I was all excited to get me some more NPO after what I did to them last war, but I guess they just took too much damage.
  8. negitive, you killed them too fast, i dont have a single target to declare on...
  9. Please have 3 of them declare on me, it would be amazing. I will make sure each of them hit that number as long as they don't start turtling first.
  10. this is exciting now maybe one of your top ten largest nations will crack 1 million casualties.
  11. So when all of Team Ai's top tier has been ground to dust and is no longer in range to attack anyone from MK/Top/Umb, what happens then? You know besides listening to all the wee lil baby nations kick and scream because they have no ball to play with?
  12. I am going to laugh when the AI coalition demands war with the lower tier nations for 2 weeks.
  13. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1358663410' post='3080764'] Aww, Are they bullying you little fella? Tell us about it. Im pretty sure in Karma war the stats were somewhat amongst the same as they are here. [/quote] Honey, the big boys are talking here, but dont worry you will get to fight Umbrella in 2-3 months if your "mighty colition" can actually manage to drop some Umbrella nations that low.
  14. [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1358663112' post='3080761'] Y'know, that is a somewhat silly statement. It's called pooling top tiers together. You know, strategy and stuff. Plus we are fairly certain that the rest of those 1200 will see action before the war ends. [/quote] I understand that its strategdy, its the same one you used last war when you guys used 1000 nations to fight VE. But bragging about how awesome you are is pretty sad when it involves outnumbering an opponent by more than 10-1.
  15. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358661846' post='3080737'] Yeah, we outnumber you. A lot. Its not really a secret though [/quote] Are you really bragging about the fact you guys needed to form a group of 1200 nations to try to take down 100?
  16. I would think Anarchy could pat itself on the back, if it straight up declared on Umbrella, and not needed the other two top non neutral alliances in the game, along with 2 other smaller alliances, to help them declare war on less than 100 nations. good job I guess? Its also nice to see that now that the other side finally declared a war, it actually has a valid CB.
  17. I cant believe everyone has overlooked the military genious of NPO by suggesting a 2 week war with no nukes. NPO outnumbers BFF by 2.5 to 1, (if NG jumps in its 5-1) Without nukes the outnumbered opponent would just get overwhelmed in an engagement without any real way to fight back besides lobing 2 CMs everyday. The nukes are the great equalizer, they wipe out opponent planes, and troops allowing the outnumbered man to atleast have a chance to win some airstrikes and ground strikes. Not to mention that a 2 week war with nukes is basically the worst possible senario for NPO, 2 weeks is generally just long enough for a nation to use all 20-25 nukes, so you would be fighting during the time you would be taking the absolute most damage. Which is why we (VE) were able to put out so much damage last war during our 2 round engagement, if our war kept going for a few more rounds, our damage output would have dropped considerably, because we wouldnt be able to nuke 2-3 different opponents every day. A no nuke war against an outnumbered opponent would basically a 2 week tech raid for NPO, so well played Brehon, well played!
  18. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1357672424' post='3072889'] NSO* And you can't possibly be serious... Take a hint, literally the only people posting in this thread supporting Kaskus outside of NEW and Kaskus themselves is VE, and that is because they hate NSO and nothing more. [/quote] Ah come on now USMC, I dont hate anybody. That being said, whats up with the aid bombs from you guys? let the kids fight their fights. (unless you are trying to escalate this into the next world war, which in that case I fully support your work towards escalation of the conflict.)
  19. worst move ever, reading the last 2 pages of dick waving from MK and Myth and friends.
  20. Losers whine about doing their best. Winners go home and F%$# the prom queen. That is all.
  21. Wow GPA really stepped it up last night, I was curious about how the sprint to PM was going and they only had 18 when I went to bed last night.
  22. Congrats Wombat, Jekelle and the rest of your montley crew.
  23. Wait a sec, Shatt liked what we did? Hey Impero, boss, I'm thinking we might have made a mistake, is it to late to reconstitute BE?
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