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Sweeeeet Ronny D

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Everything posted by Sweeeeet Ronny D

  1. Jesse, doesn't that also work the other way as well? Just because you think the terms are unreasonable does not make them so. I question NPO's motivations, I dont think you guys actually think these terms are terrible. I think you are just too prideful to allow a bunch of people you dont like tell you what to do. (which I dont blame them for, because I am the same way)
  2. Except the top 3 alliances with the biggest damage done to damage taken, are TOP, Umbrella and VE. Its almost seems like some alliances are better at war than other alliances.
  3. I wish all the members of NG the best of luck. Losing a member like that under those kinds of circumstances is not easy.
  4. ok its been a week now, where are the updated GOD damage stats? Lets Yabba Dabba do this!
  5. it looks like an ingenious plot to fill your aid slots so that you cannot give aid to your fellow NoR members. Those MHA guys, always thinking!
  6. you guys have been doing a good job of recruiting recently.
  7. It's tiring work, crushing your alliance day after day, month after month, what can I say.
  8. Tywin, can you please go join the other side of this war, I am sick of reading the crap that comes out of your mouth, Even Rey isn't as ridiculous as you are. Your simple association with our side brings so much unnecessary negative PR. Seeing you constantly spew stupidity in a thread about my alliance makes me want to wipe your nation off the map. No one cares about what you have to say, or how "important" you think you are or might have been. Please, take your ball and go home, no one wants to play with you. Thanks -SRD
  9. I think its safe to say, we all miss Tupac.
  10. Does this mean Umbrella thinks we are the least incompetent of their allies? Thanks guys! Lets be honest here, to label Goldie as exasperating is generous at best.
  11. hold on hold on. I got it! This is the dumbest argument anyone has been making fwiw.
  12. This is the dumbest counter argument anyone has been making fwiw (i dont even know what that means, you kids and your LOLs...) Why drop a 40 pound weight on your foot in the first place?
  13. Isnt that what they have been doing for the last 2.5 months? If they were ok with doing it for 2.5 months why not do it for another few months, or is the issue because someone else is telling them they have to do it? (note: I dont actually know how long the PM term is suppose to last for) Also per the topic at hand, GOD come on now fight back!
  14. Where are the stats for VE vs GOD? I need to see our domination over GOD!!
  15. Its always more fun fighting people you know. Lets have some fun GOD.
  16. What exactly does that make you? I guess the good news for you is that because you sat this war out, hopefully your warchest will be large enough for you to join in when the next war rolls around.
  17. How can you compare TOP to NPO? This is war, its not about fairness, its about winning and losing, TOP could have 100 percent of their people in PM, and it still wouldn't matter because TOP is still winning. You want to compare, you should compare them to another losing alliance that has a bunch of their top tier in PM. Say ODN, you could bring up a case that they should also get the PM term since a few of them hasn't seen a ton of war either (granted their numbers aren't as bad as NPO, but having 3 nations over 100k and under 1 million casualties is also pathetic)
  18. before the war started around 27 million dollars a day.
  19. If you guys want your own call out thread, you need to do something to deserve it.
  20. Come on now Goldie, Polemos in NG definitely won the war against me, look at the damage stats, his nukes killed 12k of my NS, and mine only killed 9k NS. I will say it was pretty exciting for me, I have never fought a war where the ratio of tech vs infra destroyed was so close.
  21. Tam and Rush, if you guys are bored, you can always try doing some actual fighting. And as much as I would love to shit on TOP for their PM stats, they have brought considerable pain in the wars they have fought, which is commendable.
  22. Shatt, how dare you belittle my messages by calling them spam. I like to refer to them as micro novels of inspiration.
  23. Hey I just sent that message to the 3 guys I was fighting, since Rush was specifically throwing them under the bus. I am not nearly motivated enough to send mass messages to my own alliance, forget about an alliance I am not on. You guys give me way too much credit.
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