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Sweeeeet Ronny D

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Everything posted by Sweeeeet Ronny D

  1. wait you just turned 4 yesterday? so that means I turned 4 today? I still hate you for convincing me to play this game.
  2. Its funny you say that, because I was thinking the same thing except I was thinking about the eQ side.
  3. Its nice to see our little alliance still knows how to dish out the pain.
  4. well if you seem to know the answer why do you even bother asking?
  5. Brehon I was talking about stats since this entire topic is about numbers. (well technically graphs, but graphs contain numbers) Personally I could care less about the political shenanigans as I am not involved in any of it. But I am involved in war, and who doesn't love some war!
  6. To compare this war to karma is kinda laughable, at the peak of karma it was 6500 vs 9700. This war isn't even close to that even. (good news with the deletion tho brehon, your warchest is probably larger now that you have a brand new nation)
  7. Going by Gopher's numbers, Competence has lost 134.69 NS to eQ's 132.37. Now if you start your count after NG joined and after they shed about 15 NS in the NG mass exodus (which from what I can tell those splinter NG alliances have not been included back in Gopher's numbers) Its been 73.64 damage done to Competence and 89.69 damage done to eQ. Also no graphs for you guys, so suck it and read my numbers inside run-on sentences.
  8. As I read these posts I wonder how many people posting about the top tier have actually fought in the top tier during this war, I know a bunch of the DH guys have, but I wonder if the EQ guys have, because it doesn't seem like it. If they did, they would know we are absolutely dominating them, you talk about the 3-1, you are correct DH has been fighting 3 DH vs 1 EQ in the top tier. Also many has spoken about the DH re-buying infra to jump out of the fight, I have noticed a few EQ buying infra to jump into our range, and getting promptly and quickly beat down each time, that cant be good for EQ warchests.
  9. cant be too competent you spelled Viridian wrong...
  10. How does one lose 173 CMs in a one on one battle? Damnit! I could have fought that guy too. (that's a pretty nice screen shot, props to the guy that took it.)
  11. Does this mean that since the NSO nation ikrolm has attacked my nation thru spy attacks I can aid who ever I want within Kaskus? Since you have already declared war on me thru these actions?
  12. i have been waiting for 2 months of this war to start, and eventually end so i can rebuy my moon mine.
  13. First I think you are confusing DH deletions with AA swapping. As far as deletions go, wouldn't the top tier EQ nations be more likely to delete than DH, since those EQ nations are the ones taking the real beatings losing 40K-70k NS in a single round of fighting? As far as people claiming victory for their respective side, it depends on what is considered a victory, If EQ's goal was to equalize DH's top tier, then as it currently stands, they are currently losing... badly. If they consider a general beating on all of the nations on DH's side a victory, well then of course they are going to win, they have 2.5X more nations than DH, DH's side never had a chance in that respect. In my opinion will EQ win the overall war? they should, but they will fail to win the upper tier, which sure seemed like their goal going into this war, and DH's side will claim that as a victory.
  14. Personally I expect the DH side to completely control 100k and up, but I would be really impressed if they can push that control down to the 80k and up range. I dont think we have the numbers to control 50k and up.
  15. Good news is the longer Gato stays in PM, that means you wont be able to use their tech against us. So stay kitty! stay! good kitty!
  16. You are also missing part of the point about having a huge tech advantage, because a lot of DH's NS is tied to tech, it is much harder to drag those nations down to EQs middle tier than a nation that has most of their ns tied up in infrastructure. We all know its much easier to destroy infra than it is tech. This is why for example the 3 AI guys I fought last round who had bad to mediocre tech to infra ratios started between 140-115k ns and are all currently sitting around 50k ns, because most of their NS was tied to infra, which we were successfully able to almost completely remove.
  17. So sorry if I cant keep up with your political wit, I don't have the practice you do to toss out such piercing insults and emoticons. I prefer to let my nation do the talking, but it seems no matter how much the odds are in your favor PPO is more talk than action. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from a micro, I hope to see you on the battlefield, but it looks like I am going to have to take that step since you are either unwilling or unable. So I will see you fine PPO folks soon unless you can get one of the other members of EQ to bail you out you have 4500 of them.
  18. I appreciate that you think so little of your allies that you believe us to have an advantage. I'm also glad to see EQ's idea of even is 6 or 7 alliances on 1. Its nice to have my pick of nations to fight. Unfortunately, I am still in anarchy so I cant do much but I formally invite one or both of your 2 top tier nations to declare on me.
  19. You just declared an opportunistic war against a heavily outnumbered alliance? Looks like you guys are just beginning your categorical !@#$%hattery. Enjoy becoming what you claim to hate. (and you will because its fun!)
  20. Smurf, are you really going to talk trash when you guys need to assemble a group of around 500 nations to take down 150? also, PPO... im coming for you...
  21. welcome to the party please feel free to grab a nice green glowing refreshment.
  22. and talking about killing the game is also killing the game! Also as a member of VE I look at all of the big dog alliances on EQs side and say, why you got so many people in PM mode?
  23. Well that is a little aggressive, you guys want us destroyed, and I dont even know who you are.
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