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wes the wise

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Everything posted by wes the wise

  1. If you are going to be posting on the OWF, I'd ask you to at least put some clothes on.
  2. You think GATOS need cash? They don't need no cash!
  3. Congratulations! Nascar, I will have my revenge. You know what I'm talking about!
  4. The flying Kiwis like cats, but we also like wars. So we endorse this.
  5. Welcome back...the kiwis missed you! Don't think this is over, not by a long shot. Grub for Blue Team Senate! Vote for the great Blue Hope!
  6. Flying Kiwi approved 100% Very nice! We've managed to make friends with someone. This can only lead to mating...yes...
  7. Gibs is a swell guy, saddened to see him leave leadership. I trust you will do well with Rampage. Best wishes to the bears, from the kiwis!
  8. Welp, I guess it's time to dust off the nukes!
  9. The Big Kiwi of the Flying Kiwis (that's me) wants to know what is wrong with NADC? Some of the best allies ever, over there. I was surprised they signed with DK, although my heart has softened toward DK over time, I can kinda see it...
  10. Best wishes to everyone! Grubby you watch ur mouth talkin' bout my pals in NADC, now. The last thing any of us want are the Kiwis biting at your ankles once more!
  11. It seems I have a spy my midst...who is your source?! Polarian fiend!
  12. Hardin you are my friend and former ally, but as an honorary Pirate of the Parrot Order, I like PPO more.
  13. The Flying Kiwis will be watching this conflict in earnest! Lots of Kiwis itching for a good old fashioned scrap.
  14. Farewell STA! Sad to see, lost another one of the good guys.
  15. Congrats Invicta. Nice to see my old friend Conred is still out and about! Have fun!
  16. This is fantastic, but I thought you guys were already allied?!
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