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President Gunn

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Everything posted by President Gunn

  1. Best of luck to our allies in TPF o/ TPF o/ Judge you whore
  2. Glad to see this finally announced. Congrats to our allies and great friends in USN and RIA respectively. o/ USN o/ RIA
  3. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1322543808' post='2855555'] Answer me this one question: Is Arrnea still in SOS? [/quote] Arrnea is currently applying to GPA.
  4. Nice to see this announced o/ Invicta o/ SOS
  5. Good luck to our allies in UPN. Happy hunting. o/
  6. Good luck to our friends in the Nice Boat Alliance o/ NBA
  7. Pretty much this. Invicta hasn't changed. I do not what you mean by having the right to speak up on the OWF and play the game they wanted to. That I know of we have never had an OWF posting ban and members can speak up at any time to voice their opinions on anything, in fact they are greatly encouraged too. This is just another case of most of the idiots and trolls on the OWF not knowing anything about the situation, but thinking they do, and posting without fact checking. We just are generally quite quiet in public and don't think our allies business or our business needs to be everywhere. If some of you people must know, you could always, you know, try to have a respectable query on IRC or conversation on our forums with us.
  8. Congrats to our friends in FEAR! You have a great treaty partner Asgaard. o/ FEAR o/ Asgaard
  9. Congrats to our allies in NAC o/ NAC o/ Asgaard
  10. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318129723' post='2821275'] That's all well and good, but Legion's declaration was not about the actual spying, but only about the reposting of stuff from CNtel. So, you know, there's that. [/quote] There is the tiny problem of it not being on CNtel, or at least to my knowledge.
  11. As Chax said above, it would not be a good idea. And as Shotgun also said, this is very disappointing Arrnea.
  12. Oh wickedj, stop pretending like you know anything about us, it's quite pathetic. If you knew anything about any of the things you listed, especially the cancellation, you would probably understand. However, we at Invicta like our opsec and like to keep stuff that should be discussed between involved parties, only between those parties. If we were so scared of RoK, why did we almost declare in the first place?
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