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Everything posted by Scorn

  1. This would be better with some questions that would plot your position for you. As it is I lean lols-altruistic, but in the spirit of lols I could say srs business always and forever. Also you plotted yourself at x=3 according to the scale on your graph. Needs an accurate spread of rulers to really get a feel for where I belong on the scales.
  2. You are probably going to hear a lot of backlash about Knights of Ni! as long as you remain a raiding alliance and continue to promote the practice of raiding. So in this case a military defeat is not your sole means of restitution. One of the prices of tech raiding is that you will hear negative comments about tech raiding.
  3. [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1281848944' post='2416392'] Certainly not TPE's leadership. Thanks for telling us the importance of our treaties. The PIAT was a great sign of us and GATO moving past our historical animosity and we both are greatly saddend by its cancellation. I hope in the future our relationship can be restored to what it once was. [/quote] I can't tell if you are wanting to restore historical animosity or great signs for your future relationship. Ambiguity there is awesome.
  4. Nice to get a mention and even a feature article. Also glad that the cancellation period of Treaty at the End of the Universe is now recognized as canceled by all former participants.
  5. Today sucks. Finding out that people hate MHA for mistakes we have made in the past is no surprise. Losing the Härmlin Accords and the relationship that was there with Grämlins is what hurts. o/ Grämlins
  6. I am not sure where you have seen the NPO lording it over others in the post Karma world. If you haven't seen change it is probably because you are not looking hard enough.
  7. I don't know what Florida did to deserve this treatment. If you have to void your own sovereignty, I can handle that. I think. I need to correct myself: I might be able to handle voiding your own sovereignty if I could figure out the method you intend to use. But voiding an entire nation seems wrong. Did BobWasHere do anything in particular to be singled out like this? Congrats RIA on being old and on the rebirth of Bastion to all the new members.
  8. People shouldn't be so nit picky about the time (or the formatting). Six months or a year from now and people won't care if June 29th is updated at 0300 or 2355. It is just a fun little bonus thing to check in on the sanction race. Anyone that takes time out of their busy day to do an update is performing a community service. I thank you.
  9. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='29 June 2010 - 12:04 AM' timestamp='1277795034' post='2353708'] Something like this: [img]http://god.demonsdesire.org/Themes/Clarity/images/Soldierofgod.png[/img] That's kind of what irritates me most; a lot of the sanctioned alliances have awesome pips on their actual alliance forums, but they never carry it over. Some of us. Observers, newbies, or even casual members who don't follow politics will be absolutely lost. [/quote] I would just like to point out that a noob would be looking for an alliance called Soldier of God with that pip. I for one enjoy the irony.
  10. It's odd to me that he really hates mostly harmless and is tech raiding people that are not MHA. I wonder what happened that he hates us in the four days of his existence. I mean, we are not perfect, but you expect to know why someone wants you dead.
  11. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='20 March 2010 - 08:11 AM' timestamp='1269097860' post='2231291'] I agree that the treaty was lost and breached a very long time ago. This cancellation is WAY overdue, to the point that the stated reasons for it are at best meaningless. Speaking of meaningless...this destructive, now pointless war should end. "We want to make sure they never do this again" is no longer a justification. Or perhaps you think that neutral nations/alliances should suffer the continuing affects of your collective stubbornness? [/quote] These wars generally end when both sides agree to terms. When that happens I suspect we will all be reading a different announcement. At the moment both sides have presented terms that were subsequently rejected by the other. Also, out of curiosity, do you consider Valhalla one of these innocent neutral alliances after participating in an earlier portion of the ongoing conflict or was your statement made on behalf of the silent masses that are suffering the economic hardships of elevated GRL? We could advocate a ban on nuclear exchanges, but that would put a severe hardship on the alliances that are currently losing this war. So, I have to ask what is your expectation here and is it directed at TOP or MHA?
  12. [quote name='SinOfNemesis' date='19 March 2010 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1269063114' post='2231054'] Do you want me to show you a spreadsheet screen shot where TOP was sending aid to anyone and everyone who was in the need of aid on our side? So no, we were not doing it exclusively to those who were at war with MHA. And can you honestly tell me that your decision wasn't made up to cancel the treaty before that? You seem to accentuate the fact that you are very unhappy with the aiding. That's not the only problem why this treaty was cancelled. [/quote] I can honestly say that I didn't want this treaty canceled until I saw GGA's aid screen full of TOP nations. (Same was true for some NADC nations.) I then wanted this treaty canceled in all haste and made every effort to that effect. Someday our governments may be able to enjoy each others company again. I think a lot of fences will need mending before that becomes a reality or even a possibility. To those in TOP, I wish you well in the future and a speedy resolution in your current crisis.
  13. [quote name='Seipher Caim' date='11 March 2010 - 10:18 PM' timestamp='1268371415' post='2223053']We are proud to announce that we have updated our official flag... our symbol is now 100% symmetric due to the hard work of Graphix.[/quote] I am sorry to inform you that your flag is 0% symmetric. The central element has a three part rotational symmetry. The flag and outer border have 2 mirror planes of symmetry only if you are willing to ignore the central element. The combination of the two lead to zero symmetry as they do not share a common axis of symmetry. It is a very nice flag even without the inherent symmetry. Also congratulations on your anniversary. My condolences on the loss of treaties and or relationships with several other alliances. Please do not let my inability to let your statement go unchallenged put a damper on your fine party. The cake looks fantastic, how does it taste?
  14. The Wiki is a nice reference point. It shouldn't be your only reference point. I see mistakes and outdated information contained there frequently. I don't bother updating it myself, because I am lazy.
  15. Twenty one signatories sounds like a nightmare. Also need to know if we are scheduled to preempt you all or are you all are going to preempt Supercomplaints and Härmlins? It makes a difference on war planning.
  16. [quote name='Letum' date='05 March 2010 - 02:23 AM' timestamp='1267781266' post='2214736'] To be honest, other than the high profile cases recently, Sparta hasn't been that high a rep demander. They'd be ranked 16th in reps taken if you count all rep money as 3m=100tech, which is just a little bit above Poison Clan. [/quote] Is there a public posting of this information, or do I have to compile the amounts myself?
  17. Good luck as a supercomputer Diablofan. I doubt that this is your first encounter with aliens coming from where you have been, so no need to wish you luck with that aspect of your new duties. Are you required to wear a sweater when you go about your tasks?
  18. [quote name='Krack' date='28 February 2010 - 01:55 AM' timestamp='1267347555' post='2208031'] Ivan Moldavi - NSO will never surrender under his watch: 1. He'll just negotiate the surrender, and 2. Beg the victors to use terminology ("defeat") that means the exact same thing as surrender, but isn't [i]only[/i] because it's a different word, and 3. Failing that, he'll resign and install someone else who will agree to the surrender terms he negotiated, and 4. He'll carry out the terms of surrender he negotiated, 5. But he definitely didn't surrender ... that's absurd.[/quote] You are a bit off base on this one Krack. Without dredging up the quote from Ivan, he said he would not remain Emperor of NSO if they were to surrender. Which is why Ivan resigned as Emperor before he [i]signed[/i] the surrender terms presented in the OP. The current Emperor also signed them. Ivan was looking for a way out of the corner he put himself in, and only his opponents could allow him out of that corner. Seeing how Fark, GO, CSN, and GOD were treated during the war by NSO and by Ivan in particular, it is not surprising that they were unwilling to bend over backwards to appease a defeated foe. Also, I have to disagree that surrender and defeat are synonyms. You can be defeated without ever surrendering, but the reverse is very difficult. They also have very different connotations when discussing an opponents conduct or status. I normally wouldn't defend the NSO, but in this case they are being criticized for the wrong reasons. If you are going to critique them, use the "Peace is a lie" line of reasoning.
  19. [quote name='Coursca' date='27 February 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1267339714' post='2207834'] I am interested to see how you justify MCXA et al getting total White Peace and TOOL (of all alliances -- one of the more decent alliances out there, in my view), which came in via Defense clauses much like MCXA et al, received reparations. So, please enlighten me. Offer up some evidence or some justification for it. I'll be available through the usual channels for a little while. I promise I will be civil. And maybe even nice. Also, Mia [/quote] You are assuming that all those that deserved to pay reparations have paid them. Also of consideration is that not all reparations are equally deserved. Most alliances do what they do during war to aid and assist their allies and push for a win. MHA was willing to forget about reparations to end that war quicker. Some people are very fond of white peace (or non-reparation surrenders) others prefer to see reparations. I like white peace in some scenarios, but Sparta at least is deserving of reparations in this scenario. The amount of reparations being light, moderate or harsh is purely subjective. This one looks to me like it falls in the moderate or light range.
  20. MHA should pick up a point for destabilizing GGA with harsh surrender terms.
  21. [quote name='PrideAssassin' date='19 February 2010 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1266563765' post='2191748'] So you'll hop right in and defend NATO and TOP then, aye? Or are you just blowing smoke up everyones' skirts with this "defending our Allies" bit of laughter? [/quote] There appears to be a fundamental difficulty with your questions. I do not believe we can defend our allies in NATO or TOP at this time as they are on the aggressive side of this conflict. We could choose to activate an optional aggression clause to war alongside them, but that seems very unlikely to me in the present circumstances. My personal preference would be that this topic of discussion remains about the wars and peace between MHA, FOK, Fark, MCXA, Echelon, and NADC. If you would like to discuss MHA future plans, please drop by our embassy or start a new topic elsewhere. In an effort to steer this back on track, I would like to thank Fark, FOK, and CSN for coming to the assistance of the Mostly Harmless Alliance at a time that we greatly needed it. I will remember your actions on our behalf for a very long time.
  22. [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='18 February 2010 - 10:18 PM' timestamp='1266556715' post='2191572'] I'm not with volgon, so I'll just call this lame poetry I heart you scorn more than I hart corn but not as much I heart Jeebus I hope war never comes between us Again I had fun being a fighter taking on a lost hitch hiker but when fok came in it was a real ankle biter NADC, GDA, and echelon are so much tighter They make my day so much brighter hopefully we made Iron load a bit lighter In then end its all the same I just wish everyone a good game Even if leaving is kinda lame [/quote] How fitting that you posted that as the 42nd post of the thread. Loved it. Glad that a peace agreement was successfully negotiated with the alliance that I am assigned as a diplomat. They were talking about assigning me to IRON as well and you can see how well that worked out. It is almost enough to get a guy to resign from the diplomatic corps.
  23. Things sure can change quickly. Who is doing the honors for the beer reviews?
  24. Scorn

    @ MHA

    Honoring your terms of surrender is the best thing you can do at this point in time.
  25. I just thought that "you are gays, lol" was a commentary on the amount of extra work you would have to do to keep track of all the wars.
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