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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. Smooth move, JB. You declared on a VE protectorate.
  2. Best of luck to our friends in TORN. Also O/ Chiefy and Woody
  3. The Viridian Entente wish her friends in Sparta the best of luck. It is never easy to leave a strong community and network of friends.
  4. Mrs. Hill at Darnaby Elementary in Tulsa, Ok 1987-88
  5. Dephire, I enjoyed our short chats when youu were gov. Hope you come back in the future.
  6. Didn't something like this happen back in January involving a little known USA alliance?
  7. Everytime I see an announcement from Londo, I hope he will call for G'Kar's head. Obviously he will have roasted G'Kar and the entire Narn race now that he has nukes.
  8. I was GPA for 2 months.
  9. If that is the issue then you need to come up with ways to hold people interests through games, activities, contests for growth, etc. VE has dealt with this many times and it is far easier to get people active with fun things rather than getting rid of those that are hardly active on boards.
  10. Members of Viridia will be respectful of other alliances even in lulz.
  11. *yawn* Wake me up when this alliance finally gets a clue.
  12. Can you find out who a) stole my gradebook and B) catch the kid that broke into the school system's mainframe that was built and designed in 1970 and has not been updated since and changed everyone's grades to A's and deleted teacher pay?
  13. That was the mistake I was talking about. Your grade for reading comprehension: F! Thank you, the UJA and Viridian Professor.
  14. I'll do my best to make this sound as nice as possible to everyone. A long time ago, there was a problem on the green sphere and instead of the members of the sphere trying to sit down and work out something, a war happened. Just because one alliance has problems does not make them a cancer on their sphere, no matter how unstable they may be. The members of the sphere should work to better help their sphere member regardless of treaties signed or canceled. An unstable green is not a happy green. We don't need to see the mistakes of the past made again.
  15. It's just revolting either way. Report them and also ban them if they come into your channel again.
  16. Well I hope you learned you lesson about giving away your personal information....
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