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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. So who did you declare on again? Vague DoW is vague.
  2. Dear GGA: Since you cannot seem to word your DoW correctly, since you declared war on Kharma, does that including attacking OV and VE? If not, please fix your frakking DoW to explain that so VE doesn't keep getting pestered about GGA violating the UJA. kthnxbai
  3. I support the paddle. But make sure it has good sized holes for airspeed during spankings.
  4. What's that I smell? I think a certain bovine dropped something in his pants....
  5. Nothing like a Bevo charcoaled and radioactive to make a fine meal. Also O/ Viridia will never forget May 26th, 2007 and the actions of NPO that day.
  6. For Viridia! hey NPO, consider this payback for May 26th, 2007! also
  7. This is the honorable TORN I remember.
  8. The VE still have much love for our friends in TORN, I just wish they had handled things better, especially intra-alliance security issues.
  9. Oh then why was I told that someone has a screen shot of OV's government boards and it was not given up by OV the first time?
  10. hey woody, why didn't you tell OV's webhost that you knew of someone having illegal access to OV's boards?
  11. Funny you mention that since somehow TORN has screen shots of OV's government boards? Spy much? Hypocrite. also how nice of your alliance not to inform OV's webhost of someone gaining illegal access to their boards.
  12. Xiph: Typo is in #ve.
  13. Don't make me get the MPAA and RIAA after you for theft. Also stop butchering our name and our images with your false ideas.
  14. I wonder if Schills paid our graphic artist for copying his work. If not, he'd be wise to take it down. Antonio Salavega VI did not like his work being copied without his permission.
  15. Nothing like manufactured bull, or should I say, cow patties. They still smell like the real thing, regardless who drops the stinking load.
  16. * sends spy agents against jorjor to assassinate his leader and install a puppet goverment ruled by die hard Sooner Football fans.
  17. Posting this will get me warned. and Admin Also, good to see this signed. Those Syndicate guys are a tough crowd. They killed all my jesters.
  18. >_> Actually we canceled on them first, but that is neither here nor there. Show respect to former allies.
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