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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. What follows is a friendly debate between Wentworth of NATO and SoonerNation of VE. Remain civil. This was an intellectual debate between two persons. We ask that it be kept intellectually intact in that regard. Neither one of us is in our alliance's government. Enjoy and discuss.
  2. It wasn't so much lost on me as I got the humor. Maybe we could have an intellectual debate about the humor of faked logs?
  3. You do realize people have used faked logs to start wars in this game? As for lightening up, I am fairly lightened up. I was just commenting that I expected better from NATO as I know NATO is all about honor. There is no honor in faking logs or faking anything. It just shows you to be cheap, no offense. Yes, wars are serious business and yes, jokes add to the fun of the game, but some jokes are bad jokes. Fake logs are bad jokes, especially those that mention a banned player. We do honor our treaties and we do play nicely, we have yet to not honor a treaty. Can't say I've heard of your alliance but I guess that would be a tall order, now wouldn't it? And I'll lighten up when I want to. In fact, I feel as light as a feather and gay about war.
  4. It case it is not blatantly obvious to anyone, fake logs are fake. Fake logs?? Making fake logs to just post fake logs has caused me to lose any respect I had for NATO. I thought NATO was above all of this shenanigans. I guess you just proved me wrong.
  5. No, you fail at elementary logic. ZH =/= TPF I knew there was a shroomy smell to you.
  6. They'd rather make pointless threads than actually fight.
  7. But that would make too much sense!!!
  8. Oh Archon, don't you get it yet? It's a vast Karma Hegemony conspiracy! They are trying to drive you mental by repeating your logic in the trollish language.
  9. Because then it becomes a religious debate. You know, that whole KARma, DOGma thing.
  10. This should be called the Knights who say Ni! War. There is not new Hegemony. No new Karma. Just a bunch of clueless knights riding around clapping coconuts and drums.
  11. At least we can admit it in public, unlike a certain someone's allies who would rather post OP's like this than actually defend their allies. You know, that whole MDP/MDAP/MDoaP thing.
  12. Oh I agree with you 110%, Ejay. 110%. I would slap them upside the head if I could. shahenshah just happens to be in easier reach with the ruler. Sadly, since shahenshah is IRON gov, his words, regardless of his right to represent himself, carry the weight of the IRON alliance and her members. Maybe alliance leaders should not troll or make inflammatory comments? Wait, that's asking too much from CN.
  13. Once again, shahenshah makes IRON out to look like fools and trolls. His education or the lack there of would be better suited to a rally crier for IRON's membership than trying to sound all noble. Granted, VE and IRON have their past issues, but trolls and bottom feeders like shahenshah do not contribute to better alliance communication.
  14. Was this a roast? I can't tell. I'm too hungry to tell....
  15. If I was TPF's MoFA and membership, I'd be questioning why our friends aren't diving in to help us. Forget the Coalition of Cowards reference, TPF's allies are all cowards.
  16. Sweetness, I love shady business. Btw, a hot waitress handed me a bunch of balls that some of TPF's allies left at her table without paying the bill. Anyone wanna play marbles?
  17. Honesty and Transparency. Nicely played, Zul.
  18. Where did he say that he put off the op? Oh yeah, he didn't. Again, he's reminding me more of President Jalen than anything else.
  19. Wow, TPF has bested GGA in terms of longest thread. I sure hope GGA doesn't get jealous of their friends in TPF.
  20. GOD's in his heaven, all's right with the world.
  21. /me puts peanut butter on the roof of Tyga's mouth.
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