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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. Not calling on TPF's. I'm calling on mhawk's. He's as spineless as President Jalen.
  2. I hear mhawk makes a great turkey. In fact, he's roasting in my oven right now.
  3. You know you're going to hell when GOD comes to strike you down.
  4. Silly mhawk, doing it like President Jalen. Also Viridia salutes Ragnaork in this war.
  5. Silly mhawk, you're doing it wrong just like President Jalen. Could this mean that mhawk is really President Jalen?
  6. Am I the only one that remember President Jalen and his stunts? Jack reminds me of him.
  7. They don't have his size (too small) nor his color (blue).
  8. Congrats on 3 years, mate. I forgot to post mine, hahaha.
  9. NV+VE= babiez, tequila & body shots, and lots of pie.
  10. To be fair, I didn't like ODN much in the beginning. However, over time, my feeling about them has changed considerably. Working and fighting along side them during the Karma war changed my mind. I respect ODN a lot more and I know many members of VE feel the same. ODN is showing that it does honor treaties and that their FA is playing the game right. So hats off to ODN, GGA, I hope to see you guys pick back up and get running in the FA department.
  11. Sooner

    As a noob

    ow did you learn about CN?: Slashdot Where was your first alliance?: VE 1.0 Who would you say inspires you the most on Bob?: The community Who was your "Mentor"?: Egore Who got you or helped you get to where you are now?: In order... Egore, Ardus, KirbyGirl, my RL fiancee. Who have I mentored?: Too many, this teacher has been around for a long while on this game.
  12. Good luck to TORN, best wishes and lots of love to MK.
  13. RandomInterrupt is correct in this regard. No one but the Orders would know how their relations stand. Much can be said when VE was forced to disband, not everyone knows the entire picture except a few people. It is impossible to know everything that goes on between two alliances, regardless of their origins or passing; nor is it anyone else's business. Yes we can endlessly speculate what goes on but in reality, we would never truly know. Half truths, lies, and gossip can only carry one so far. I seem to also remember how things of this nature caused a war or two, but then again, I'm kinda old on this game.
  14. Oh, I don't know, maybe follow up or have your ambassadors to those alliances also follow up since your IOs are too busy tweeting? If you don't hear back on something important, you follow up on it. No different than working an IT trouble ticket for a customer, requesting a grade from a teacher, etc. If there was such a communication breakdown like what you're describing, maybe going to those alliances directly and individually, would have gotten things moving or the situation resolved. You could have easily told the VE ambassador to your alliance about this, same to any other Karma ambassador on your boards. I believe that's what ambassadors are for unless you kicked out ambassadors of the alliances that fought against you, in which case, it's your fault for closing off other means of communication. Thankfully, Straylight, Corath, and a few others let us and others know when there are problems instead of grandstanding.
  15. Well isn't that cute, why didn't you send that list to us via your target system, you know, by email, courier, pigeon, IM, etc? You know that VE gov is always around or easy to contact. Instead you chose to be childish by not communicating to us about a nation that was being attacked and tweet it instead to make yourselves feel important and high and mighty. You, NPO, failed to communicate with your protectors. That is no different than a failing students not asking a teacher for help. I hope you enjoy your F and after school detention mopping the floors of the bathrooms, cause you deserve it.
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