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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. And don't forget the pipe smoking professor that walks the halls fostering debate and knowledgeable minds.
  2. Hail to our friends in NV for doing the right thing. VE supports her friends in NV in this action.
  3. Wow, just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for our allies in GGA. Our hearts go out to our comrades on the green sphere.
  4. Also, I ask any members of VE that post in this thread to remain respectful to all posters.
  5. Okay, to get this back on track in the right way.... I hope that someday in the near future, ODN, INT, and VE can come together and laugh about this mess later on at the dinner table.
  6. I am very glad that we could all resolve this in the end, it takes great friends and allies to help two angry people sit down and talk things over to get peace.
  7. it shall continue for a while.
  8. Logan! where are you and your updates? We're all addicted to your thread and need methadone to become un-addicted to your thread.
  9. I bet no one would think the Viridian Entente would be back on the sanction race so fast.
  10. Logan: you may want to keep your eyes on us for a few days. wer're growing like mad now.
  11. Hey Logan, you need to add the VE on here. We've passed: Global United Nations: 7.66--> 7.64 (-0.02) Invicta: 7.44 --> 7.48 (+0.04) Federation of Armed Nations: 7.06 --> 6.86 (-0.20)
  12. 6 day bump and hump! Check us out at www.viridianentente.com!
  13. VE Rocks, we even get mail telling us how awesome we are.
  14. VE = The best date you ever brought home.
  15. FYI, you may really want to change your alliance name. Just some friendly advice from a long time player.
  16. Join the VE, Join the ranks of the proud!
  17. hey another Okie on here! Best of luck with your alliance.
  18. Hail Viridia! Seriously, join us and be made of win. :jihad:
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