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Everything posted by Sooner

  1. Congrats. I wonder what I'll post for my 4th year post here.
  2. You really should have just closed up shop when you left. really.
  3. [quote name='Ardus' date='27 May 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1275003088' post='2313989'] Entente-Order MADP 2010 [/quote] Oh you sneaky....
  4. [quote name='Bilrow' date='27 May 2010 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1275002265' post='2313985'] You convince Cortath and I'm on that like flies on !@#$. [/quote] We rang the dinner bell ages ago, check your hearing aids.
  5. [quote name='im317' date='27 May 2010 - 04:32 PM' timestamp='1274995948' post='2313869'] i find myself in the same situation as Logan does. i didn't hear about this and im allied to VE. in fact im more disappointed in my friends in VE for not sharing the laughs then anything else. [/quote] Sorry, we didn't want to bust your stitches.
  6. [quote name='Branimir' date='27 May 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1274995998' post='2313871'] Well,...I think VE should roll GGA and just end it already. Seriously. [/quote] No no, we're not cleaning up your mess. You guys take care of the cancer that you never went after. In fact, you should make bilrow lead the charge to destroy GGA. It would be fitting since he wanted to remove a cancer from the Green Sphere. We might as well as let him do it again. He did such a good job the last time.
  7. I have no grudges against GGA. But it has long since expired past its expiration date. JB's antics do more harm than good not only for his alliance but for the green sphere and the "unity" he is trying to achieve. The only unity he wants is where all alliances on green are beneath GGA and him.
  8. SoH, if JB were to turn the alliance over to Kenfolk, then JB could not follow his master plans which is as we can all see from these logs is to destroy VE. Most of the people in GGA are not old guard but just people using the AA to hide. They don't have much activity and even if the membership wanted to impeach JB, they couldn't because not enough of them are active enough to remove him. Brookbank won't admit it but he did call VE an alliance of mini- Bilrows (Yep, it's in those logs that Bilrow referenced.) Face it, if GGA ever had good leadership, it was P_C. No offense, Bilrow, you were stable but no one knew where they stood with you, even us. Atleast with P_C, you knew where you stood. Yeah, he was crazy and all and tried to rule the game (we all know how well that turned out) but sadly if GGA ever had smart leadership, it would not be the GGA. GGA is like a cat on its 9th life and is prancing around the downed power line like it still has its first life. Please GGA, just die already. VE was never the cancer of green sphere, you were and still are.
  9. Well I guess I'll be the one to say it. The GGA of May 2010 is the same GGA of May 2007. Nothing has changed except the leadership and the membership in GGA. Other than that, all is normal at GGA, always plotting against VE and out to destroy us yet again.
  10. You said no longer true, but this is the GGA, remember? Just be it was true then and not true now, does not mean it can't or won't be true again later.
  11. Let's see: I was there for the negotiations as Impero's backup and to answer any questions about OV's forums since I was their host. Those two nights were not fun because I had to study for an exam and write a 20 page grad paper that was due in a week. After the war started, I stayed out for like 5-6 days until I hit three MCXA nations that had attacked our NPO strike teams. Those three nations I hit from MCXA put up a fight the first two days and it was back and forth but then after that, I was just robbing the bank. They mostly tossed CMs at me. Then came Branimir knocking. Talk about OUCH! I had gone out to dinner with my fiancee and come back to find my nation fracked. I could barely attack back at first. Then a couple of iFOK'ers got in on him and they hobbled him down as he kept on dicing my nation. Thankfully, after he left my nation down, I started to rebuild in peace mode and aid up any small VE nation getting nuked. About 10 after that, I had no NPO targets and just a few MCXA targets. So I rolled back into peace mode since I was due to leave for Spain about 6 days later. Arrived in Spain and most of the time there, I spent my days in school there and sending out aid packages. I have to say that branimir was a good guy to chat with back and forth while he destroyed my nation. Told me how to correct my errors in attacks for future fights. I felt sad for MCXA as they got sliced and diced by VE, NV, and Aztec. Course they didn't have warchests either.
  12. Best of luck guys. wF are a kick $@! crowd. They had great teachers so we know you guys are in good hands.
  13. o/ wF. VE supports you and your alliance, and all you protect.
  14. facepalms. Really, guys, really? Can't we all be like GPA and love each other.* *GPA is a cool alliance filled with awesome people.
  15. I for one welcome our new anti raiding overlords.
  16. [quote name='Dementual' date='01 April 2010 - 09:07 PM' timestamp='1270174006' post='2244729'] [img]http://cn-gga.net/public/style_emoticons/default/colbert.gif[/img] As you can see. [/quote] I was asking your former fearless leader, Bilrow.
  17. [quote name='Bilrow' date='01 April 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1270157976' post='2244374'] Very good policy. Now run GGA off the Green Team. [/quote] Should GGA be afraid?
  18. [quote name='huskerfan93' date='29 March 2010 - 03:41 PM' timestamp='1269895288' post='2240264'] Sooner- i have to inform VE i wanted to form my own alliance without VE interfering? i didnt want VE in my alliances forming. simple as that. I am sorry i took your guys' guides. i deleted them now can we please move on? [/quote] Thank you.
  19. SoonerNation is not amused. Huskerfan, you took the hard work of several people without permission. You never came to any of us about starting your own alliance.
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