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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1307726124' post='2728692'] Being someone who has been on the Umbrella infra diet on 2 occasions now, all I can say is they are fluffy bunnies really, they wouldn't hurt a fly. [/quote] Flys no, sheep yes
  2. 5 secret trades, then switch your AA to None/Raid Me, get raided, then declare on who ever your targets are ;)Make sure not to accept peace from who ever is raiding you. This tends to piss off who ever you are roguing. Oh and sell your Fall out shelter if you have it. o/ CoUNT
  3. Death to Valhalla Idk, i just want to fight more then 2 rounds this next war....
  4. [quote name='Spartacus1082' timestamp='1306989214' post='2722399'] Aww, come on now. If you're going to call us out do it. o/ GOD o/ Legacy [/quote] Im pretty sure I did call you guys infra huggers. Want me to go into more details?
  5. Wow, GOD this is one of those moves I cant get behind. Why would you treaty these infra huggers? Xiph or any of you feel free to hit me up in a pm if ya dont wanna derail the thread
  6. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1305025296' post='2709551'] You guys didn't pay attention to the effect of those terms I see. They were damaging. [/quote] I was the one of the people who were monitering the terms, and it did exacty what it was designed to do(even with the loopholes in the terms). The orginal terms were ALOT worse and atleast us in Kronos didnt feel they were deserved. At the time I dont think anyone had ever recieved terms limiting slot usage so we werent really sure how effective/harsh it would be, I still laugh at the people who thought that just because we didnt seek rep that they got white peace.
  7. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1304938393' post='2709010'] There are two possibilities to this cases: Or they are just exceptions or they started to fight just after being that big and had the warchets to keep their nations at that size, I'm more inclined to believe in the later. [/quote] Or they were smart enough to keep a warchests big enough to rebuild after wars are over and they imported tech ruthlessly? [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1304979240' post='2709264'] Val wasn't curbstomped in Karma, and oink left them pretty quickly after so that he wouldn't be affected by their surrender terms, which frankly did more damage to them than the war did. [/quote] Umm their terms were far from damaging, Im still a big fan of those terms personally, not sure how much Valhalla liked em tho
  8. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1304920143' post='2708944'] so is impossible to have these big nations if you actually [b]fight wars[/b] independently if you are in the winner or losing side. [/quote] Drai-101k NS and 12 Casualties Oink-239k NS and 12 million Casualties Fantom-140k NS and 11 million Casualties Zoom- 146k NS and 10 million Casualties Arcades-9k NS and 10 million Casualties Seems to me that it is possible to have a big nation if you fight wars. I do understand where your coming from, because Ive been ZIed in every major war for the past 3 years both on the winning and losing side and lost count of nukes taken after 75. Yet I always surpass my previous peak strength. You can be big and fight, all it takes is nation builing (warchests) and being active (tech). Depending on your alliances you might never break the 100k mark such as NSO or GOONS due to being always invovled in conflicts but you can still grow.
  9. We lick our own boots? Thats a little strange there... But I shall indeed pass a Dutchie today
  10. LOLwut? I know I drank alot tonight, but am I reading this right?
  11. I demand a shot out! and this also made me go check how old I am. LOL between me you and lenny we all started within 2 months of each other. Its a tough call to say where I had more fun, either Kronos or TOH hah We have had amany good times and memories. Honestly too many to even count or try to name LOL You are one of the players Ive known longest, so it seems fitting that we destroy Umbrella together XD
  12. Haha I knew I should have picked up another slot earlier...
  13. I dont care either way how anyone sees this as long as they actually come out of peace mode
  14. I was like what did we do now and why is our PlunderTime banner not posted? Then followed up with why am I not recieving more shineys? Finally ending with a desire to nuke bud. Guess ima have to settle for the sheep lord. [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1298937538' post='2647212'] It was considered, this one is better though. Kronos was the first AA to really give us a new start post Karma. It's something we could never thank them enough for. [/quote] Friendship Forged in Fire My greatest time on Bob has taken place fighting with you, as well as going to ZI for you. We took alot of crap going out on a limb for our treaty with you guys but I say with confidence that not a single Kronos member regrets signing with you guys. Even with some drama we were always tight and nothing will ever change that. Congrats to my viking brothers and sisters. o/
  15. KasMage Zocane Those are 2 names I havent heard in so damn long. Makes me miss Halsa. o/ 4 years its been a great run!
  16. EVERYTHING. MUST. DIE o/ DH I love the taste of blood
  17. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295860717' post='2596320'] Perhaps. I believe there is quite a queue though. [/quote] I can only imagine, Ill take a number and get in line
  18. Meh to be honest you werent that fun without a warchest, but who knows we might be able to have another round of nukes
  19. o/ Pillowfort also I demand a new tyga skin rug, mines over a year old and is getting a lil worn out. And come on how are you going to not ask for Twinkies as Reps? and Yay war
  20. Hah Xiph you got me crackin up over here. Im jealous of all the fun everyones having besides me. GOD nuke something for me!
  21. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295117410' post='2576199'] No, filling war slots on former members of your alliance - so the people they've rogued on cannot organize an effective counter - is not kosher. Frankly, STA should have declared war on Kronos when they did it. [/quote] Hey I thought it was pretty damn good strategy at going rogue but what do I know
  22. [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1295166355' post='2576988'] Controlling 70 nations? O_O [/quote] And I thought controlling 5 was hard.... But really an entire alliance gone in a blink, wow
  23. [quote name='Jason8' timestamp='1295158882' post='2576815'] Congrats! EDIT: I love my signature. [/quote] It is a sexy sig Also Rey, Sky, and Jason all on one AA is a scary scary thought
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