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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. I liked LA and Mayzie. Good luck in your future homes. Also Mayzie you owe me some land, which I will be collecting on shortly
  2. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1294194770' post='2563786'] I confronted Penkala with the answer "It Depends" and got this: And then all of Valhalla hit peace mode... ... something's up. [/quote] Hah that only happened once.... XD [size="1"]On thursday get a Shamrock shake [/size]
  3. Happpy birthday to us!! Party time, bust out the bottles of Gin and Vodka!
  4. [quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1291216817' post='2527275'] I was sad to see ACV go, the Teen Titans channel was the best channel I was ever able to be a part of. Congrats on 1k, hopefully we'll get a chance to talk more often. [/quote] Ima have to agree with you Swat, the Teen Titan chan is by far the most fun Ive had on IRC. Congrats on 1k, Its been a while since we have talked. Hah I remember asking for duel membership into ACV just cuz you guys were so cool. Good times
  5. I need more raids. Cures boredom, gets me land, gets me casualties, makes the moralists cry. WIN all around [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1291605223' post='2531543'] Did you not read what I said? [i]Most of them don't.[/i] As in, I'm fairly sure I've only been nuked by two raids. Out of....a lot. I don't even know how many total, 30? That's a fairly huge amount of profit if you ask me, yes? [/quote] Yeah on avg ill get nuked 1 out of 20 raids, so the whole not profitable thing is BS
  6. Congrats LA, I knew you guys would do great. Now get to 1 mil and join aztec
  7. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1291916139' post='2534958'] Did it really matter?, at the end of the day, if anything kicked off, we'd have been there for you guys treaty or not, even if it was just sharing the odd recipe. [/quote] Hey friendship forged on the battle field [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1291920467' post='2534993'] bah... you know if they didnt have a treaty with you guys, you would have sat and done nothing. until they bribed you with fresh virgin sheep.....then god help those you're unleashed on. [/quote] Who cant resist sheep and Nukes?
  8. Olympus You were the one friend that I always wished Kronos would have signed with, Its great to see you going strong and I wish you many more years.
  9. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1291710244' post='2532800'] And yet more of it. I redirect you [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95430&view=findpost&p=2532797"]ye.[/url] [/quote] Yeah that would work if I believed Karma was about change. It was more about me and my alliance blowing people up, then when we were done we gave White Peace to GGA and Valhalla. Thanks for playing, try again, better luck next time
  10. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1291710194' post='2532799'] Not government anymore. [/quote] Go rogue? and impose your self as a viceory? I think you can take them
  11. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1291709472' post='2532788'] Nothing would be more pleasurable then seeing UBD meet the same fate. Not from choice mind you, but by force. [/quote] Do something about it No really.... Im bored do it.
  12. Hah I love that you still have a hard-on for us Haf I really do. I thank CSN for offering to protect the AA, honor does exist on Planet Bob
  13. Some on hit Xiph? And it wasnt me?! what is this world coming too?
  14. [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1290991645' post='2525538'] As much as I'm a fan of a consolidation of affiliations, it's a shame to see one go that actually did things. [/quote] We tried to shake things up as much as we could, maybe a bit too much. But fun was had for all involved, well except all the people we pissed off over the year and a half and all the people we nuked
  15. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1290756371' post='2523705'] It's probably Bob Janova "brother" [/quote] Fixed that for you Hopefully this gets resolved quick, I dont want another month of pointless back and forth banter between Methrage and GOONS
  16. o/ the fruity umbrella drink accords \o Good to see this signed
  17. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1288923292' post='2502532'] [color="#0000FF"]Good luck to you fellows. I won't say much more, but you have been a mess as an alliance and done quite a few stupid stunts (yes, I am aware what alliance I am in). This isn't all that surprising, but still, thank you for at least having the balls to do things (regardless of how badly they would have turned out). Few people have those these days.[/color] [/quote] Haha No one can argue that we didnt have fun and try to keep things interesting, Ideally I think we all wanted to go down in a blaze of glory after pulling one of our "stunts" as you call themm but alas not all dreams can come true
  18. [quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1288915753' post='2502367'] Since the early days from Gremlines, to the later days in The Ninjas, I have had many friends in Kronos. I wish you all the best, as you were a great alliance. PS: Who is this quigon Jinn character [/quote] Going back to when you were my mentor in GRE hah throwback and ask no questions tell no lies
  19. [quote name='Phetion' timestamp='1288914601' post='2502345'] Best of luck to those Kronos nations seeking new homes, and may Kronos rest in peace. (Ironic really, considering it's knack for finding and creating war freaks). [/quote] Haha Porker I tried to open the gates of hell I voted mass roguing on STA which would have been the fitting way for Kronos to go out in my opinion. But yes Ironically we are going to Rest In Peace
  20. Kronos has had by far the biggest impact on me in my 3+ years on Planet Bob, We have had many ups and many downs. I echo puppets in saying that Ive made many friends in and out of this realm. To our friends and allies and enemies alike, I would like to thank you all for helping make Kronos something special, you will not be forgotten. To the members and former members of Kronos: It has been an honor fighting alongside of all of you, and I hope to see you again on the battlefield. We had an amazing run and I will be in touch with everyone! I believe its time for a 21 nuke salute o/ to the palace of Kronos \o
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