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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. I like Athens and all but Rush Sykes you should just leave this thread while your semi ahead. Edit- If for some strange reason people think that ROFL attacked GOONS/KRONOS because they believed they wouldnt recieve reps if asked for you are giving them way to much credit I have seen no boasting. Laughing at an alliance launching an agressive war when their top nation has 4 days of bills isnt boasting
  2. Your not helping your case, in most wars people put things such as "tech raid" or "improving foreign relations". We raided. 2 GAs then peace You declared war(hitting unrelated members), which Kronos then responded with full attacks You are making it really hard for me to defend you Have fun in bill lock and glowing green
  3. The bio of the nation we raided didnt say anything about nuking anyone so yeah
  4. Hey, Im not getting enough action hitting ROFL maybe You will put up a better fight
  5. BUT BUT BUT, can I bill lock him first? I can cover a two front war
  6. Khyber are you recruiting? and If so can I hit Nizzle... Ive put up with his nonsense long enough
  7. I feel bad for sending there top nation into bill lock Why cant I find a decent target who has a WARCHEST....
  8. Why would your past treaties hold any weight when it comes to a tech raid? Khyber no one has asked for help
  9. RLMMO. Oh wait they are getting rolled already
  10. Whats Val's stance on accepting nations involved in a war with some random micro alliance that is so full of fail that they wont exist after 2 cycles?
  11. Haha wow.... So ummm Yeah... I like how I havent recieved a single attack yet. This is just hmmm yeah. Okay, so let me know how my nukes taste. NOM NOM NOM o/KronGoons
  12. When is the next shipment of twinkies expected to arrive to my nation?
  13. I know, Its becoming really tempting. But being in the same alliance as Bud means I cant randomly nuke him for no reason.
  14. HAHA im up in your nation changin your bio
  15. Eh, its not like anything would happen if I do post em.... Peace will prevail
  16. Post the convo? Or kick out ChairmanHal? Or both?
  17. TOP is EVIL LOLsparta Kill Citadel OMG Treaty web Buy more infra CN wants warz Seems like this somes up this thread nicely
  18. You went baby seal clubbing and didnt invite me?! For Shame, should I post screenies of our convo yesterday for not inviting me? The one with the Tiger fur coats? No cry babies in your alliance eh? So when are you going to kick Hal out? Seems like every other post he is complaining about one thing or another. So are the rumors about you couping CJ true?
  19. What is this... I dont even know... Or care.
  20. Lies, the vikings LIE. Ill see you and your lying ways at update Bud, invite Hal too.
  21. I would just like to formally thank all of STA for being really cool about everything over the past few weeks, My respect for you has grown more than I can put into words.
  22. My thoughts on the subject are as long as you arent on a ZI list and the conflict is over why not? @Anu Drake- How does going rogue effect the rogues previous alliance?
  23. Attention CN! So I have recieved a massive amount of recruitment messages in the past few days, but this is by far the most disturbing. Ive been actively trying to move on, yet some people keep trying to drag pointless drama out. I just wanted to come to you today in order to not only show you current and future nuclear rogues that if you do go rogue, it IS NOT the end of the world, also to express my OUTRAGE at Valhalla for recruiting me and blatantly trying to grab a future STA resource(I was going to apply and they KNEW it) tl;dr 1.Rogue if ya wanna....its FUN! 2. Valhalla is still EVIL!
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