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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. Tib would rather us to be hippy like and sit in a corner all alone?
  2. Well that was in response to you saying we can attack more then one alliance. The poll only lets you vote once soooooo... Even if we attacked 2nd and 3rd place we would still have a numerical advantage or be almost even. From what im hearing everyone should be on high alert because we are #1? is that right?
  3. Well thats what your missing. This isnt anything official it was a poll made day 1 for lulz. And for war I would rather just have a massive free for all with all of TE. Making sides is so SE.
  4. Size isnt everything, yes they are at a huge disadvantage # wise but I would be willing to bet they can put out more damage per nation then anyother TE alliance. Hence why I voted for LE.
  5. You sir make me laugh, yes IT was pretty convenient for your cause. And I voted for LE because I know they would actually put up a fight...
  6. You posted one of me saying something about LE. I made that post before I was .Govt but since my mask has been update it appears that I was a govt member when I posted.
  7. We wont limit someones freedom of speech. So you can keep posting screenies all you want, its not like that thread isnt in plain view to anyone in OP. Now if this was coming from a govt only area you might have a case.
  8. Well in the case of Cake Ill tell you whatever you want... I heard that OP and LE have a sekrit treaty against the top 5%.... but you didnt hear that from me.... And control is such a strong word
  9. Do i get a cookie for getting a screenie of me not wanting to roll RE?
  10. Since ive started swapping im netting an extra 60+ mil over a 20 day period. I was a skeptic once, but I have found the truth that is Swapping.
  11. Congrats to my friends in OMFG Now hurry up and catch us at 2 mil
  12. STAT COLLECTORS...... 0/ KRONOS also Ella i <3 you
  13. We still to this day are asking the very same question.... I think he has taken one to many nukes to the face.
  14. We can change this You were always one of the few people I wanted to fight so even if it was just a blitz it was fun. As for Citadel, we dont have any plans at the moment. Kronos- God of Time, so we are partial to clocks and Time I guess. Talk to Herc or someone else who voted to name the alliance.
  15. My best memory would probably getting to fight Bud from Valhalla. Something ive always wanted to do and I got to almost 2 years later.
  16. Wow way to murder our name :/ EWoMC Congrats to LAZ and PIP and Puppets and Ves your time shall come Swing by our new forums and you can have Herc or Jason your choice.
  17. I would like to thank our friends over at TOP, its been an amazing time getting to know all of you. o7 TOP Also Thank you Laz for the greatest title ever!
  18. If you need a troll you could have just asked "Insert LOLmarronity here" Legend<Majik Im stealing Lanna and Cress and LV if he ever is active and as of 3 minutes from now im Raiding you o/ onward to half a mil
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