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white majik

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Everything posted by white majik

  1. Didnt think this was serious. But 2 alliances I really like becoming one is a good thing
  2. wow.... This sucks, he was a good kid that did great things for this game. This is a sad day. o/ War Gud o/ Nurses Hot o/ Moo
  3. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1341599008' post='3004913'] I am not in Sparta anymore and I would not join them again as my old Alliance has not treated me as it should and now in these hours they keep a weird silence. But I would defend them as I am always a Spartan in spirit and I was not a deserter. I understand your attack against my nation as a pre-emptive war (as you have also confessed to me in game pm) and I do not blame you for these wars. Hellas is a new Alliance and - if my nation survives current wars - will continue as a separate Alliance in game, making its own foreign policy and diplomatic relations. It will then start recruitment as well. My committment to Sparta for current conflicts was also the reason that I have not accepted the generous offers that some alliances offered to me, as I did not like to create them any trouble. After these wars Hellas will follow even though its own path. [/quote] If this is true you can probably get peace terms. Just join the AA Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism or White Majik's POW either will work tbh
  4. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1341549624' post='3004515'] sup NPO? [/quote] I can only hope
  5. [quote name='untouchable' timestamp='1341381804' post='3003242'] Alexandros o Megas I feel for you.you have not committed any crimes against umbrella that' I know of but yet they continue to attack you. Knowing you are unable to defend yourself. Very sad day I used to consider umbrella one of the finest alliances in the game. Good luck hopefully umbrella will have mercy on you considering you are unable to defend yourself. I will not comment any more. And i mean no disrespect to anyone.But Alexandros o Megas left Sparta to create a new alliance what is so wrong with that?That he must be destroyed?Good luck to all involved.Umbrella show mercy because you are better than that. [/quote] If he didn't want to get attacked he should have joined a Neutral alliance or got a treaty. Leaving an alliance on the eve of war and expecting no repercussions is short sighted on his part. Add in the fact that his nukes were hitting for 1k+ infra and 350+ tech I wouldn't say he is defenseless just broke. Edit: roll WTF
  6. congrats my newly retired dinos and new govt looks sexy
  7. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1341180627' post='3001369'] Can I get an update? How broke is this guy now? [/quote] You probably have more money then him
  8. [quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1341178247' post='3001352'] Actually, I just checked. I have to deploy more troops if I want to avoid getting over 1,000,000 I think. Hmm. Maybe I should try calculating the exact number to get to exactly 1mil. [/quote] stop being a hippy and fight someone with some fire power
  9. [quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1341177445' post='3001346'] The sad thing is I'll still be made fun of for my lack of casualties because I kept my fallout shelter, still have troops deployed, and don't face any ground attacks. I'm trying to stay under 1million, and I think I will succeed. [/quote] Ive been thinking about ditchin the Fallout Shelter just for that reason
  10. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1341176531' post='3001336'] Poor but efficient in destroying your Alliance! [/quote] You must have a strange definition for efficient
  11. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1341153080' post='3001165'] Bring in the ponies [/quote] Yes listen to Zoom. Bring in the ponies
  12. Are you out of money yet? Im sure collecting in nuke anarchy is going to REALLY fill that warchest of yours
  13. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1341160816' post='3001209'] Do you really want Umbrella to steam roll over TPF and NPO? It's not like either TPF or NPO could call in enough support to make a big dent in Umbrella. Umbrella is not going to engage IRON since they're allied and your only other chance of making a dent in Umbrella is through PF, half of which supports Umbrella (BN and Argent) or MK (TOP). Goading Umbrella into attacking TPF and NPO (If they even had their upper tiers out of pm) would be like giving them free to candy to chew on should either or both become part of a future opposition movement, which you so desire. This is all beside the fact, though, because fighting on two sides of a war is stupid as $%&@. Umbrella chose their side of the war clear very early on. [/quote] Can I give you a hug?
  14. babyjesus @ May 29, 2012, 03:03:17 pm: thing i did: got valhalla to believe they were under imminent threat of rolling so they hit mass peace, then got xiphosis to take all the blame thus setting the foundation for the MJ-SF rivalry How is MK getting credit for this? Shens are being called. This was deff Kronos+GOD+Val joke that went amazingly well done albeit a tad bit to far
  15. [quote name='Gyume Tenzen Konchog' timestamp='1341003647' post='3000145'] Greetings to everyone! I am the ruler of the humble state of [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=470429]Theravandia[/url]. We are simple folk, not much concerned with the world politics, so chances are you have never heard of me personally or my distant land in the mountains. Now is a time amidst all this turmoil, however, to say a few words. It is very unfortunate that the [b]Mushroom Kingdom[/b] has once again successfully managed to [url=http://www.ohdearism.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/troll.jpg]troll[/url] the entirety of [url=http://criticalmassesmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/bob1.jpg]Bob[/url]. This time their actions have lead to a very large scale war, pitting alliances against each other, including those who are allied with others treatied to those they are attacking, as well as former [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106450]'partners in crime'[/url] now seemingly on opposite sides of this conflict. All of this has gone so far that I found myself even sharing a common view with [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111472]NPO[/url]! In a way it all comes down to a question of how much alliance politics will and should affect individual nations. Obviously residing in an alliance one will get thrown in regardless of personal opinions. These are difficult times for an independent nation as well, finding those who are the closest to you at war and being also affected by it yourself. As the leader of a peaceful Buddhist country devoted to non-violence, I must put forth this: Can't we all just get along? It is still unclear to me why exactly [b]Umbrella[/b] has attacked [b]Hellas[/b]! Luckily our otherwise technically challenged nation has developed [b]Internet[/b] infrastructure, so I was able to get on IRC and subsequentally asked about it on [i]#umbrella[/i]. However, I only got back a reference to same-gender action of deviant nature. This would contradict certain aspects of our faith, though. The best answer I have found in this thread was that Umbrella's [i]mega[/i] tear is bored and decided to rogue opportunistically. Overall, I express my sadness for the vast number of nations that are currently burning as a result of this mess caused by few. It is my firm wish that the fighting come to a speedy end and the green glow be let subside. The battles should end - just think of the poor soldiers' families... Now you must excuse me. It is [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0]Friday[/url], so I shall put the [i]Space Program[/i] to use and travel to our sister (!) world of [url=http://image.qpicture.com/image/s/artist-steve-irwin/steve-irwin-295566.jpg]Steve[/url] to have some Fun Fun Fun! [url=http://www.habeeb.com/images/funny.photo.1231.jpg](picture unrelated)[/url] Have a good weekend all and always walk in the shadow of Sithis. Wait, that's not right... What I meant to say was to express my hope that all of you make the most of Buddha's blessing and will benefit [i]unlimited sentient beings[/i]. Until we meet again. [b]Live long and prosper![/b] [/quote] Im not even sure how to respond to that tbh
  16. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340787929' post='2998242'] Umbrella dodges war with anyone significant. I mean, you're being sarcastic but it's true. "We're cherry picking targets to pretend we're doing something when the opposing coalition has no real upper tiers to speak of! Of course, there are people we dislike who aren't easy targets, so we're not going to do anything about it because we are afraid." [/quote] Almighty roq, who should we have declared on then? We have more targets now then we have had in the past 2 years. Please explain how you would have gotten us a better war.
  17. Im not saying yall suck at all, just sayin i expect better then the avg warrior. Take it as a compliment. Now can we go drop some nukes
  18. All umbrella does is dodge war. Only 3 out of the top 5 biggest losses is unacceptable. I guess Mr Moose (another former top 10) should be on that list in the next few days as well
  19. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1340772486' post='2997950'] <Lusitan> Yeah, well... how's war with Hellas going? <Suffering Umbrellas> he's not stupid ... he causes us triple the damage he gets having locked 3 of our top tier in a war ... having locked 750 k ns and 75 k infra in a war ... and he causes us losses of over 7000 ns with each nukes ... look our Umbrella alliance stats during the last 2 days and stop asking us silly question ... [/quote] you do realize that we dont have targets for the majority of our mega tier nations right? They just sit there bored and you have given them an amazing chance to fight and then after they have burnt you to the ground they will be able to easily rebuild to their prewar strength because of a great invention in Umbrella land called a warchest! :majik:
  20. [quote name='Canik' timestamp='1340698932' post='2997047'] They easily make up for any issues they have coordinating with their activity and zeal. You can coordinate all you want but at the end of the day it's boots on the ground that gets the job done. edit for clarity: I know coordinating makes the activity that much better, but without activity coordinate is nothing. I'll take high activity over high coordination any day. And some of NEW's issues with that really are because of the language and the time difference. [/quote] Everyone goes straight to the whole language/time difference. But really people have been fighting wars in bob for the past 6+ years and the way you fight hasnt change. Has no one in 6 years pointed out that you dont blow staggers or nuke when you have the lowest tech? I expect things like that from goons not from an alliance who is supposedly a war power house. I know if my allies were screwing up simple things that limit the damage on enemies I would be pulling them aside and explaining why what they are doing is wrong and how to fix it. It amazes me that every time NEW goes to war its the same thing and people always provide the same excuse. Dont get me wrong they show up and fight but not as good as they could.
  21. For all the talk of NEW being a war power house, they steady screw up the most simple of concepts such as blowing staggers, not coordinating, and nuking the enemy when they have 4k less tech then some of the people they are fighting along side of. Can someone from BFF smack them around? please?
  22. Hey its been an hour and your still at war! that beats the last conflict!
  23. Hey they already lasted longer then last war!
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