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Everything posted by Saladjoe

  1. I think you misspelled #paradox. Bringin it back son.
  2. PLEASE do this. In fact, I'll go ahead and make a target list for you. [spoiler] http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=141877 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=128500 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=517050 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=292168 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=272145 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=205888 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=10294 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=85905 [/spoiler] Happy hunting!
  3. tl;dr TIO's third coup in the past few months. o/ Stability
  4. Maybe you can get another 33K tech nation to join you :P
  5. When you stop being so adorable. Croutons and Cucumbers for all.
  6. Well when you're spending billions on land as the MoIA, somebody needs to be doing it. :P
  7. Been a while since we've been sanctioned. I guess if you can't beat the inherent mass member statistical bias in the score system, start getting more applicants. :P
  8. So apparently you're neutral unless you don't feel like being neutral? "The right to defend our allies and friends" is about as vague as it gets, that could literally mean anyone.
  9. Yes, yes our evil plan is finally coming together..
  10. Moral of the story: 100 tech is worth dying for.
  11. Oh hey #1 in gains, that's refreshing. Also am I the only one that's noticed a precipitous drop in posting quality in this thread of late? <_<
  12. I'm still waiting for that trial you keep talking about, one can only hope that justices comes about from such fair and unbiased proceedings as you're bound to conduct. :) Oh and on topic, sup cuba.
  13. I think the general issue of preparedness among neutrals isn't a priority since to be in a neutral alliance is to assume non-involvement in politics and by association wars. People like rooman blow their WCs on infra because they don't have anything else to do with their cash, and when war hits they're caught with their pants down. Now am I saying every single neutral nation has a poor warchest? Of course not, some have absolutely ridiculous ones. But from my personal experience fighting a large neutral alliance (albeit several years ago now) I've found the majority to be unprepared and generally unaware of how to conduct themselves during a war. The events of the past few weeks haven't exactly changed my opinion on that either.
  14. Not our precious pixels! Please, take Umb or MI6 instead, just not the pixels!!
  15. I'm guessing you're new or something? Might want to dust up on the history books before you start flinging words like never and ever around.
  16. Watch out I'll get ivan to attack your entire alliance by himself.. Just for old time's sake. :awesome:
  17. Why are you not in TOP? I see you and V the King posting, why have you forsaken your true home?!
  18. It's one of those "If you don't know, you never will" kind of things. Don't worry about it too much.
  19. Look out he'll throw a giant WoT justifying it by awesome nationbuilding next.
  20. Oh man that's rich. Well not literally but still good stuff.
  21. Listen to Grub. Or just stop posting, both are cool with me. I would find it amusing erring on the side of annoyance if you hadn't made a giant "analysis" thread insinuating a bunch of horse manure about my alliance. Edit: [OOC]Congrats you watched the series, like literally every other single person here. Your RPing is not only stale and unimaginative but you obviously didn't read the books. So really, just stop.[/OOC].
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