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Everything posted by Gamemaster1

  1. Echelon, really. Be quiet and be glad your protectorate got reps. Stop whining and leave this discussion. It's over.
  2. Why does everyone think reparations can be completed with 100% efficiency? It doesn't happen. It also takes aid slots to get people out of bill-lock, up to an infra they can afford reps at, or whatever. I'm sure any alliance fighting this war has it's share of bill-locked people, TOP included. These people will have to be aided so that even hypothetically you can reach 100% efficiency. Again, yeah right. If the tables were turned, you would not being saying you could do that and be running the maths at 100% efficiency. You'd be running it at something like 50-65%. Don't assume any alliance can pay at 100%, unless they have something like under 5 members. Be realistic. 500k tech will not take 2 months. It would take probably twice as long as that.
  3. Mhawk, when you hit the nail on the head you sure do hit it well.
  4. There were definitely mistakes made on both sides, some more "intentional" then others. Good show, PC.
  5. Well, as I stated, I hope I just got a bad crop.
  6. It seems to me that with every war, people have less of a good time with each other and with the other side. Don't get me wrong, alliances fight with words as much as they do with their actions. But I'm talking about actual character on the battlefield. In Karma, I could declare on a few opponents, fight them, and chat with them on IRC about the war, our nations, or just random things. We could exchange snide remarks about each other's nation and alliance, knowing it was in good fun. It is just war, after all, and there is more to life then just war. But this war, things seem different. I can still chat with my opponent's nations, but far less of them actually want to have any fun with it. Very few of them do anything other then exchange battle reports and nukes. There are no light-hearted insults regarding fighting ability, just harsh criticisms. There is no "Ha, your ground attacks failed," or "How's the working for ya?" or "Lost all 70 planes, LOL," but instead "my witty reply was two cruise missiles SCUM." These first types of banter are returned with insults and even swearing when taken to IRC. Other nations just ignore each other. All for comments regarding a little bit of war. I mean, really? Have we sunk to this, that war cannot even be fun? We are all human, after all. Just because you are on the other side does not mean you have to hate the person who you happen to be fighting at the time. Loosen up a little. Have some fun. And be able to take a joke. Hopefully the majority of my opponents this war have been the exception and not the norm.
  7. I hold grudges, yes. Against alliances even, yes. But does that effect my policy decisions? Do I end up on a certain side of a war because I like or dislike someone? No.
  8. Unfortunately, people really don't care about logic. I've used it in several channels to turn comments made from one alliance against mine to one of their own allies. Kick-bans are just easier then actually thinking and using words that make sense, I suppose.
  9. I like this idea, though it would be hard to gather a group of people unbiased enough to make a decision. Perhaps each of the top 15 alliances or so could select a single person to be their 'diplomat' to this convention. Each war, the main players (for example, this war it would be any of CnG and TOP/IRON) would not have any say. The other alliances would then review what has happened an decide terms. Of course, I suppose the alliances could still accept or reject them.
  10. Interesting. Also, I approve of the middle-aged man thing. Hope you taught them a lesson.
  11. Interesting. What do you think of TOOL? They were sanctioned up until about halfway though this war, I believe.
  12. I agree with this. If someone agressively declares and loses, there is nothing wrong with them paying some measure of reps. If an alliance declares because of a treaty, they possibly should pay reps, depending on the situation. But if an alliance is declares on someone, they shouldn't demand reps from those they attacked. They were merely defending themselves.
  13. Congradulations to my allies in Argent!
  14. Interesting. I'll make sure I read the next one as well.
  15. You'll see me out and about in a few days. Is that a challenge?
  16. Look harder. Also, a week is nothing. You can't even rebuy 20 nukes in a week. So look longer too.
  17. Agreed, needs caps. And he does always return to Athens. I think he only leaves so he can rogue people without bringing Athens down with him. Better for their reputation. Everyone knows, though.
  18. I'm sure you've been keeping perfect tabs on us to know that. 182 in peace without fighting, eh? I'm in peace, I've fought a few rounds. I can name many others. Certainly not your 182 not fighting ever. Research before you call coward or you might end up looking stupid.
  19. I said 3 months. The ones who saved better could last longer. The ones who haven't..not quite as long.
  20. [quote name='Olaf Styke' date='02 March 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1267574857' post='2211915'] In spite of repeated protest to the contrary, this thread has proven, by the sheer amount of animosity Sparta has drawn herein, that Sparta occupies a central role in Cybernations. I can't help but smile at that. Thank you all for proving just how important and influential we really are. [/quote] I'm not really sure this is a great argument for proving that Sparta plays a central role in CyberNations. Every thread making fun of GGA and ODN are pretty good at getting this long, and none of them prove they have a central role in CyberNations..as anything other then a laughingstock. So..important? Infleuntual? Or a laughingstock? I'd say CN's call..but they are doing it right now.
  21. [quote name='wilhelm the demented' date='28 February 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1267416823' post='2209404'] Still launched nukes, and we let you off easy considering we are nice n stuff. Then you hit us again. My heart broke, cus I actually like you guys. [/quote] Yes, we did launch nukes. But the guy Bama was quoting seems to think we launched an offensive war. We didn't.
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