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Everything posted by Samwise

  1. You can't just apply in-game and expect to be accepted as a member. Almost any alliance will require you to register on off site forums and submit a more in depth application. I'd accept peace, then reapply to the GPA. Unless you already did apply on their forums and were denied. Either way, you'll want to clear your warslots before applying to any alliance. How you do that is by your War & Battles screen. There's an actions drop down menu for your war. Select 'Peace Options' then yes. You'll know it submitted correctly if you check your Sent Box and see a Peace Offer addressed to your opponent. I wouldn't worry about the damages. All you need is to fill your aid slots with what are called tech deals (preferably once your wars are over and you're safely in an alliance) and you'll be stronger than you were prewar almost immediately with all the cash you'll profit. When you're placed into anarchy, it takes a few days to switch out. I think it's 3 for SE. Try not to collect taxes while in anarchy. As soon as the game allows, switch out of anarchy. It sounds like your people desire Democracy, so switch it to that when you're able. Bookmark this for future reference on what gov your citizens desire. If you know how to get on irc, you can find me and I'll give you all the free advice you want.My irc nick is Samwise[GOP]
  2. Well that's good 'cause I may or may not be on your side of the war. Long live Avengers! o/ Get out of my brain or I'll stab you with a q-tip. I seriously doubt it. Belisarius is the man.
  3. Your original war against TPC was ridiculously unfair. IDGAF how you try to jusify it so don't waste your breath on me. I quit TE for a reason. And I said Atlas got rolled. Were you in Atlas?
  4. Lol no kidding My point you seemed to have missed is that when you declare ridiculouly unfair wars as Atlas did this round, no one cares whether you're receiving fair treatment when the morality police come knocking. And about whatever koolaid I'm drinking: I make it a habit to never drink from anybody elses cup in TE - even if Kurdanak and I have merged into one being. (Lol there's one of those jokes again.)
  5. Did you also have stats when Atlas was rolled for shit DoWs because I'd like to see those too.
  6. I actually thought about doing this this round. Basically have an open recruitment alliance. Encourage all the noobs to join an AA, and teach them basics, and any alliance is welcome to recruit them at any time. This allows AA's to see who actually takes advice, and who's worth recruiting, and who's not. If certain alliances were willing to offer protection, it would be doable, but then again, if I returned to TE, I'd be more inclined to join WDs. That's the problem you run into. Who would sacrifice leaving their own alliance to do this? Edit: Also flagrunning. The AA can't be used to house flagrunners, and should be willing to kick any candidates from the AA as well as throw their own round away if necessary.
  7. And a nuke sending home his deployed forces?
  8. C'mon Caladin. I love GPA too, and even I cannot defend that strategy. 5 nations can't coordinate 10 ground attacks? They should be looting from him.
  9. Remember that you asked for me personally, boi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCjnRw5r2TQ
  10. It is my understanding that when you send tech as aid, if the sender no longer has the offering aid, you are not allowed to accept the transaction and are asked to cancel the offer. However, when it comes to soldiers, the receiver is still able to accept the transaction, and if you no longer have the amount to cover it, you are sent into the negative and it's called a "national draft situation". If the reason you didn't have soldiers to cover the transaction wasn't due to losses from ground assaults, did you possibly deploy military after you sent the aid? I would think the game should recall deployed troops home if this is the case, but in your case it didn't. Maybe the game allows deployed soldiers to count for foreign aid transactions, but only pulls defending soldiers to cover it, which would undoubtedly be a bug.
  11. My first rogue war, I was in the CCC. I volunteered to help out a member who had been rogued by an unaligned nation. I was super excited, got my aid, then declared. I logged off, and when I logged back on I noticed I had been countered by another nation twice my size. :laugh: It was then that I learned not to take it for granted that an unaligned nation might not have any friends. If I was more than 5k NS soaking wet, I'd be surprised. My first real war (if you can call it that) was WotC. I was still in the CCC at the time. I happened to be online when we were blitzed, so I was able to stave off anarchy, but my MoD resigned about 30 minutes in. That sucked. While improvement shopping, I figured guerrilla camps sounded useful, and bought 5 of them babies. I didn't understand then why 3 nations twice my size were losing their offensive battles against me (they failed to coordinate in addition to their lack of GC's, so I was able to restock troops between assaults), but I thanked them for their abandoned equipment by mailing it off to my alliance mates. :awesome: Definitely some mixed emotions about this experience, but I still learned a ton, so there's that. :)
  12. Nothing and no one can fill the void you left in all of our hearts. ;_;
  13. I won't say that I ate it this time... but yeah, I ate it this time. :X
  14. Congratulations to my friends in VE! I hope you guys don't mind if I wear your pip in celebration. :blush:
  15. There aren't masses of nukes being purchased by day 10 or 15 because the TE numbers continue to dwindle. We ended last round with 374 nations, and that includes trade mules. That means there are only 19 top 5% spots. Yes, the new nuke limits encouraged more strategic gameplay, and I appreciated that. But it also made it harder for people who were downdeclared to fight back and knock their opponent's out of nuke buying range with the purchase limits being so high. The majority of the members we lose round after round are not elite players. If we continue to make it harder for new people to join and get the hang of things, then our member retention will continue to plummet and we won't have a game anymore.
  16. I don't think the war range should be changed at all. It's always been that nukes will even out an unbalanced war declaration, and personally I prefer it that way. That's why the title of this is to revert back to the prior nuclear requirements. The limited nuclear damage was great to try out, and I enjoyed the change of pace, but I think it ultimately widens the gap between elite players and noobs. I don't necessarily have a problem with that, but with player base dwindling, reverting back to the old game mechanics may be more inviting to new people by somewhat leveling the playing field.
  17. The end of round wars started for us on the 9/29-9/30 changeover when NLoN declared war on us. Since, we have been engaged in a total of 181 wars. Of those 181 wars, 32 of them have been against D1 nations. That comes to 17.68% of our total wars being against D1 nations in the past week and a half. Those include defensive wars from D1 as well. Our offensive war declarations on D1 are just over 14% of our total war declarations. So no, we are not focusing on D1. To put those numbers in perspective, we have had: 9 wars against TPC 10 wars against NDO 11 wars against Avengers 17 wars against Skaro 20 wars against Citadel 22 wars against RE and 42 against NLoN If I thought it would change your mind, I'd make a pie chart with where all of WD's wars are across the globe, but as always you see what you wish to see, which are not always facts. Making a pie chart would be a waste of my time as was probably posting the above stats.
  18. With the nuke limit downsized, I didn't have to come to terms with eating 4 nukes per war. SDI's, HNMS and WRC's became even more popular than they ever were, with less nukes being landed. However, with the 50-200% war range, it also meant a lot of nuclear nations were able to downdeclare non-nuclear nations, leaving the non-nuclear nations without much they could do about defending themselves. Yes, this has always been a problem, but it hasn't been as exaggerated as it has been these past 2 rounds with the increased nuke purchase costs and high infra purchase requirements. My suggestion is either to revert back to the previous nuke limits, or amend the war range for TE.
  19. Check the warscreens. TPC hit a D1 flagrunner and D1 proceeded to bandwagon on Avenger's DoW on TPC. We can count it as D1 defending against a rogue attack from TPC (but then why would they decide to hit more than the rogue?), or end of round madness, but either way TPC already had their hands full against Avengers so we didn't see any reason to call off our planned attack on D1 and that's when we started hitting - before D1 started launching attacks on NDO, OP, and RE. Also, as Kurdanak mentions, we have war declarations all over. In fact, since the end of round wars started for us in late September, only ~22% of our total wars are against D1 nations. I also call bs on 90% of D1 being newbies. I've been stuck fighting many of D1 for several rounds, even back when they were Warriors. Some may be new, but by no stretch is 90% of them new.
  20. Every chance D1 has gotten, they've taken cheap shots at WD. So when at the end of the round it's only Citadel or D1 in our range as an alliance war, of course WD is going to expect D1 to hit us and plan for such. We honestly had no idea that the Romans or FIST were also going to hit D1. (I thought they were going to hit eachother and we'd end up fighting D1 and Citadel for the end of round ourselves. (Cheers to FIST and RE on the updeclare.)) After the fact, I assumed our top would be taking care of nations RE and FIST couldn't reach as both RE's and FIST's avg NS was low in comparison to D1's. Our bottom tier has been in nuclear anarchy for over a week battling Skaro and NLoN. I don't understand what D1 is upset about. It's the end of round and everything resets soon anyway. It honestly couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. However, I can tell D1 exactly what we were told by them - you can always surrender unto us.
  21. Someone brought up that you had your information mixed up. You thought you were nuked by FIST, when in fact you were nuked by TPC. Honest mistake. I get it. But I don't get not double checking who nuked you before you came running your mouth on the OWF complaining about who nuked you. When someone brought up that it was in fact TPC, you made the comment that you're never going to get all these "shit" alliances/nations straight, therefore implying that TPC, FIST, and any other alliance that you don't deem worthy were "shit" alliances. Your words. Not mine. I happen to be a TPC veteran, and take pride in what I was apart of in my short amount of time there and yes, even though I'm not a member there anymore, I still have a great deal of respect for them.
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