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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. Time to declare war on VE to get our mitts on British Columbia. [size="1"]I hope you know I'm kidding, I [i]like[/i] VE for crying out loud![/size]
  2. I recall when I was an Inquisitor in TOOL, that we had to boot someone for a reason not unlike the one you listed for our beef with him. In any case, good move. Sounds like that guy was nothing but trouble anyway.
  3. Congrats, FEAR. Good luck in your future endeavours.
  4. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1281140161' post='2403256'] I've always opposed raiding. [/quote] Same here. I've always seen it as a rather selfish thing to do. Heck, there was a time I pushed for TOOL to ban it altogether, but it didn't work out. I'd rather not have fun at someone else's expense without being given a legitimate reason to do so.
  5. TOOL's around 5M, so I think that means we get 25 "provinces." I'd like the five constituent provinces of Vancouver Island plus as much of south/central western British Columbia as possible for TOOL, please.
  6. [OOC]The mods deleted their AA for supposedly being offensive[/OOC] I suppose in hindsight they could have chosen their "Planeteers" moniker off the bat and not had that problem, but they didn't, and when your AA gets yanked out from under you, you don't have anywhere to go but None, and not necessarily of your volition.
  7. [quote name='Adrian LaCroix' timestamp='1281148379' post='2403359'] Do what now? [/quote] I think Zoomeh meant to say, "[i]These[/i] nations (referring to those listed in the OP) on none are exactly that, without the AA because of reasons not under their control." And he'd be right.
  8. It's a good thing he isn't afraid of heights. I couldn't do something like that. I'd probably pass out.
  9. WAPA YA BASS!! 'Mon the Saints! Also Rickardo
  10. One can never be too sure. Agreed about the loudmouthed part though.
  11. RIP GUN. Good luck in finding new homes. Although I'll admit to being a little surprised you didn't merge with NATO. You guys seemed really close.
  12. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90224 This explains everything. /me puts popcorn away. Zoom is still awesome. And so is Banslam.
  13. This could end well. Time to get out the popcorn. Zoomeh
  14. Too bad to see this go. But sometimes these things happen, y'know? It's good to see that you're still relatively amicable though.
  15. DAAN is good people, so SFA made a good move here. Obligatory Da'an: [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/22/Da%27an.jpg[/img]
  16. [quote]67) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics: Boring. Disband.[/quote] Just noticed this. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Curtain With friends like these... Seriously, I hope this isn't a consensus opinion within NSO. Coz that's just plain crass, to tell a direct ally to disband.
  17. Hmm... I s'pose I shoulda thought of that, janax/goldielax. But sometimes the raiders don't think this stuff through either, y'know? And others just want the challenge of the fight (NEW for example) and don't really care. Then again, if one considered the Grämlins campaign against IRON part of the last global war (BiPolar/UJW2/whatever the hell you wanna call it), it could have just as easily been people being careful not to bring war back upon themselves by violating a no reentry clause. Also, keep in mind, the war ended [i]before[/i] MHA cancelled the Härmlin Accords, so treaty-chaining does also play a small role. To attack Grems before the cancellation would be to invite the wrath of MHA, and it would snowball from there. On paper, anyway. (A few intangible factors might change that.)
  18. Even though I strongly dislike the Grämlins, I have to admire this move simply because it takes some chutzpah to go to bat for an alliance no one else will touch to stave off raiders. (Yes, I don't like tech-raiding.) May your [i]de facto[/i] protectorate learn the meaning of the word "grace" from you and your selflessness. o/ This said, good luck. You'll need it. Robertian politics is dominated by a "you got what I want, I will take it if there's no one to back you up" mentality.
  19. Sehr impressive. It's longer than many alliances have even existed. Congratulations on a 3-year defence pact o/ Dolla + Dutchies = WIN.
  20. First one is always the hardest. Well done, guys. Also Toraoji
  21. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1280883773' post='2400204'] Slowly but surely we're bleeding TOOL dry [b]you're next[/b] [/quote] Unlikely. If I leave TOOL it'll be to either a. return to CCC b. join OBR c. [OOC]quit[/OOC] d. make the astronomically improbable decision of starting my own alliance. [selfeffacement]I mean come on, who would join an alliance led by me of all people? [/selfeffacement]
  22. Well, since you're protected by CSN, I can see good things happening. They have wickedj. And Liz. And apparently now KingsIndian as well. *obligatory headdesk in honour of KI* Anyhoo, good luck, not that you'll really need it or anything. o/ Legacy
  23. [quote name='Caleb279' timestamp='1280877353' post='2400073'] Jarkko, complied as best I could but NpO is bigger. [/quote] No problemo.
  24. [quote name='Myworld' timestamp='1280873454' post='2399990'] If ToTo doesn't work in Africa then you can always click your heels and you can return to the land of Oz with Dorthy. [/quote] ROFL!!! Aw, that cracked me up. Even though you spelt Dor[b]o[/b]thy wrong.
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