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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1280005406' post='2387677'] Please TOP, don't betray MK! [/quote] Dated meme is dated. But I still ed. I'm guessing if RMMP ever resurfaced, he'd take one look at this and be like, "why did TOOL ally with someone who went out of their way to make my life miserable when I was still a member? Screw these guys!" He'd be thin-skinned enough to not take the joke well, if he even got it. Then he'd probably buy 50 CMs and launch them all at Bama and me for taking the piss outta him in public while still being alliance-mates of his. 25 TIMES EACH THAN QUIT. Pixel-hoarding gimp.
  2. [quote name='Emporor' timestamp='1280004986' post='2387672'] What's this... I don't even... Someone should roll them?? D: [/quote] This is TGO, not BAA. Or Rebbilon.
  3. [quote name='Gn0xious Jr' timestamp='1279999656' post='2387613'] good to see the lost vikings games making a come-back [/quote] Indeed. They have a place among those SNES games that are worth playing, and apparently, they're being translated into the Uralican languages that haven't already been done, and ported to UralTek's [i]Vortex[/i] console [OOC]Best games Interplay ever published for the SNES.[OOC]
  4. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1279998285' post='2387597'] During the long winter of no forums, the Greenland Republic Post Office still operated at full capacity. The mail must and did get through. Not a single mother went without her mother's day card. Except Drai's mom. [/quote] Drai Treat yo' motha right, foo'!
  5. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1279941473' post='2386948'] Congrats you weirdos ps unfunny joke is unfunny [/quote] [quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1279945747' post='2387088'] Horrible joke but happy b'day RIA. [/quote] Lighten up, ya party-poopers I for one found this utterly hilarious. RIA Happy 4th birthday, you randomly insane crazy foo's!
  6. Precisely. Of course, going by what Vladimir has said, they have done so in some specific areas, although for others this may not be enough.
  7. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='23 July 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1279919663' post='2386560'] Misleading topic titles are a CB You made me read a thread and I don't like reading milestone threads! [/quote] I know. [skwisgaar]Whats in the <pinch harmonic> names of Odin? [/skwisgaar] That said, congrats RePePe, and Valhalla in general. Obligatory Kryievla
  8. The slide. It's the most realistic of the lot. Although I think this might be better: Music Industry: Provides an outlet for professional musicians to promote their work to your nation and beyond. +10 Happiness, +$2 Income, -1 Environment point (one must admit, introducing good music to any environment improves it )
  9. Yeah, it's obviously not a brush-paint job. NPO is still made up of hundreds of individuals, and last I checked they aren't exactly a hive-mind. Also Vladimir, you do make good points. Some people just don't know how to let go. To be fair, it is as hard as admitting one was wrong, because letting go also goes against the grain of humanity's inherent prideful nature.
  10. Saying sorry is hard because people - all people - are inherently prideful. Humility is hard to come by, but if one legitimately has done something wrong (and I speak from both IC and OOC experience here) there is no greater feeling than that of being forgiven. I think the best example of this from my history is from the Menotah incident when I literally begged Joey67500's forgiveness for mistrusting him in the face of rampant accusations against his person. He forgave me, and after about a couple days of wrapping my head around it (I'm kinda thick ) I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Perhaps NPO could come to feel the same way. Perhaps not. I don't know what their mindset is.
  11. GR Also ils is the man. Obligatory Shamed Tere, Sande
  12. But... but... but but but... who's gonna bring the Colbert to the OWF?
  13. Jgoods is alright (Sorry if I sounded like a jerk in the other thread )
  14. Not entirely unexpected. Good luck on Red.
  15. [quote name='Jgoods45' date='22 July 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1279846495' post='2385070'] This is cute. It really is. If the people on your side actually communicated with one another, you will find that I told that one person (I forget who it was) that the protection was not official Athens government policy and should not be treated as such. [/quote] Thought so. (OOC: I'm kinda out of the loop overall too. I haven't had access to IRC since mid-June. So I apologise for any ignorance that may result. )
  16. [quote name='Jgoods45' date='21 July 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1279696219' post='2382240'] This alliance is now under the full protection of Athens. Don't mess. [/quote] Being how one of GR's allies is a co-protector of tRaPS, I hope you don't plan on backing Smacky up.
  17. [quote name='Grumpdogg' date='22 July 2010 - 08:10 AM' timestamp='1279811408' post='2384444'] Don't have a civil war, or all the [b]innocent ghosts[/b] might get hurt [/quote] 98% of the time, this is an oxymoron. The other 2% are either established veterans (ZoomZoomZoom ghosted TOOL once during war) or really super-awesome peeps who are willing to help out even when they aren't official members. (There was this guy named Sholorand who was a ghost but still fought for TOOL during Karmageddon.)
  18. I think if a Spartan civil war happened, TOOL would either: a. see which side Brigade (closest TOOL treaty to Sparta) went with, because we love us some Brig b. If Brig did nothing, we'd see what LOSS did. c. If neither did anything, we'd get out the
  19. [quote name='Voytek' date='21 July 2010 - 05:54 AM' timestamp='1279716828' post='2382445'] This is it. This is the exact point at which these kinds of jokes are getting tired. [/quote] As much as I want to agree with Chim on this one, you make too much sense. Flowingfire
  20. Many congrats to BACoN for allying with RIA. Honestly, they're probably TOOL's favourite alliance with which we've yet to sign a treaty. And I personally think they're p. awesome. They mop up on the battlefield and doesn't afraid of anyone. o/ RIA o/ BACoN
  21. 10/10 for vexillology. o/ I found the old flag to be too busy and too bright. But these flags are simple, elegant, and easy on the eyes. Nice touch with the war flag as well
  22. Polar Avalanches? I think I'll have to warn the folks in the northern Urals about that one. Just kidding o/ to two alliances.
  23. 1. I have had many teachers. Among my first were nate1865 and KeyStroke from CCC, then later there were KingRich from NpO, and Graham and Dodo from TOOL, among others. 2. If I wanted tips on FA (which I wouldn't, because besides being diplomatic and nice 99.5% of the time, I suck at FA ) there are a few people I'd go to. I'd obviously want a balanced perspective on world politics, so I'd hit up someone like KeyStroke or Sun WuKong (both of whom know what neutrality is like but have also had the experience of being non-neutral), then probably Archon, Heft, RushSykes, Gopher, Ogden Chichester, Dilber, and of course the one and only Mia Probably others too. I'd definitely want to chat to Das Girl too, since she's been around longer than anyone else still on this rock called Bob. For war, KingRich from Polaris. The man is epic to the power of googol. Also whoever wrote RIA's war strategy books They could have taken us on by themselves in UJW2 and still won. Don't get me wrong, the others put up a helluva fight, but RIA was a cut above. For recruitment (another thing I am horrible at), I would go to TPF's current recruitment department. Seriously, did you see the results they put up in the "TOOL Throwdown?" They owned the rest of us without even trying. Well over a hundred recruits when none of the rest of us even came close to three figures. Minister of Finance? Atora. The man is amazing. He even had a hand in training TOOL's current MoF, who isn't too shabby in his own right.
  24. [quote name='Heft' date='20 July 2010 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1279667798' post='2381451'] You should send him a recruitment message. [/quote] ICWUTUDIDTHUR Welcome back to the fray, man. It's been a while.
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