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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. [quote name='nippy' date='05 July 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1278331417' post='2360193'] Thanks, Ura. [/quote] Please, call me Jarkko.
  2. Ahh yes, RMMP. I believe he wasn't particularly well liked even by some of his own alliance-mates Also, it's "NUKE YOU 25 TIMES THAN QUIT."
  3. [quote name='Biazt' date='04 July 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1278305842' post='2359992'] nippy has been in gov for a while, and still is. [/quote] I stand corrected. nippy
  4. Heh, I don't think anyone's buying your Kim Jong-Ilesque propaganda, good sir.
  5. o/ Brigade Special shout out to Adrian, Quad, and all the other awesome Brigadiers.
  6. I find your lack of nippy in gov disturbing.
  7. Ten outta ten Uralican classical/concert band music pundits rate this the following: / 5
  8. Uralica

    4 years man....

    Trust me, I'm closing in on two and a half years and I'm already in the "what the blazes" phase. Happy anni to one of CN's most intelligent. o/
  9. [quote name='Markus Wilding' date='04 July 2010 - 07:50 AM' timestamp='1278255034' post='2359453'] I think this is how we all feel when TOLWYN makes threads and posts. [img]http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/6/29/4da9cf18-e601-4e94-991c-2f971df3aa4e.gif[/img] [/quote] ROFL!! That suits the situation so well, man. Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
  10. Gah, this sucks. I liked TIA. o/ one last hail. Best of luck to all its members as they find new homes.
  11. Obviously not. I've done it already. Albeit a little more subtlely than that.
  12. You's a danger of puttings me to a-sleep, TOLWYN. I woulds've broughts a sleepings bag if I knowed you's was going to show up. [/skwisgaar] Now to be srs bzns for a second. All communications from DINOLAND to or from Uralica have been cut off, and all DINOLANDer web sites are blocked from Uralican access. OOC: Reinvention is a must for comedians to stay funny.
  13. [quote name='TOLWYN' date='02 July 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1278106065' post='2358094'] NO I MEAN XENON. HIS GRAPH MEANS NOTHING. IT IS SHEER, BASELESS PROPAGANDA WITH ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS WHATSOEVER AND ONLY SERVERS TO UNDERMINE THE DARK LORDS. [/quote] Baseless my !@#. I double-checked to make sure the chart was legit. (OOC: Good thing one can check stats charts without having to log in ) Individual TOOL Applicants generally come out of Academy with more NS than your entire alliance has right now. (Those that don't can't be bothered to grow for whatever reason. Lazy gits. ) nippy's right. The lulz factor of your constant caps-lock and God complex is beginning to wear thin. Much like the Flying Tigers, Rebbilon, and BAA before you, among others.
  14. If only that were possible. I'm not one to shy away from a good fight.
  15. OOC: Indeed. Although my IC character will still rage against him, the guy behind the keyboard is laughing like a hyena who's had too much coffee.
  16. [quote name='Lukcia' date='02 July 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1278097203' post='2357945'] Seriously, when do we stop humouring him? [/quote] Soon, I hope. Half the Uralican Tribal Council's members have headaches from being shouted at so much. Matter of fact, my top military aide is starting to get war-hungry. If there's one guy who has an itchier trigger finger than Jarkko Salomäki, it's Kirill Zholtok.
  17. Love me some IAA. I mean come on, their alliance roster has so much win it defies the English lexicon. Not to mention they have CN's most charming Finn. (I'm not talking about myself - I'm in TOOL and I'm anything but charming. ) [OOC]And I agree that the Netherlands are indeed awesome. 2-1 BABY!![/OOC] o/
  18. /thread. Seriously. Ol' Tolly needs to step aside and let someone who a) knows what they're doing b) doesn't have an ego the size of Asia c) actually has a shred of charisma take on the job of working towards a unified Black. (Yes, I know NOIR is doing a decent job.)
  19. I would agree with Derantol on this matter. Precisely. Hell, I even though TOLWYN's first response was inappropriate. In-game solutions for out-of-game problems never work. Trust me. Been there, tried that.
  20. Wow! I didn't expect everyone to bail on him [i]this[/i] quickly. A most excellent piece of propaganda, xenon. o/
  21. Either: 1) be a black alliance other than The Dark Lords 2) attempt to poach members from their alliance 3) talk enough smack and hope you get on TOLWYN's caps-lock enhanced nerves.
  22. I'd take deathcat's advice, TOLWYN. In the meantime, courage is only a part of what makes a truly honorable person.
  23. [quote name='zzzptm' date='01 July 2010 - 11:19 AM' timestamp='1278008330' post='2356867'] Tolwyn, look what you've done! Think of the children! [/quote] /me scrambles the Emergency Relief and Human Development Corps to help the kids. [OOC]I ed[/OOC]
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