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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. Letting sentiment cloud one's better judgement. This is something I did all too often in gov, hence why I removed myself from it. I felt that I could not possibly be competent as long as I had that stumbling block there.
  2. [quote name='nato12' date='02 June 2010 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1275527910' post='2321416'] no you can put the bad things in but also some good things that make me look like i fought well at least [/quote] I don't think anyone is going to doctor the facts here. But with that in mind, it's a little late now. [OOC]The Wiki Mods deleted the page. [/OOC]
  3. OOC: "Train Wreck" should be made a wiki page to do with the CN term, and not specific to any ruler(s)/alliance(s). IC: @nato12: I do hope the Sith can help you out.
  4. [quote name='Avenger' date='02 June 2010 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1275513578' post='2320879'] I think you've burned most of your chances to join an alliance. [/quote] [img]http://www.stargater.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/sg1_indeed.gif[/img] Especially when you've said that, when you get "powerful" you're just gonna attack CR anyway. No alliance would let you in without putting you on the shortest of leashes. And OBR? You have to be honourable^100 to get into that alliance. Hell, I don't think [i]I'd[/i] have a chance with them! Try joining WTF. They'll let pretty much anyone in.
  5. Umm... threatening people who are in an alliance to join you kinda [i]is[/i] bad, regardless of size. I think my alliance has actually kicked people out of the alliance for doing that. [quote name='nato12' date='02 June 2010 - 01:57 PM' timestamp='1275512261' post='2320842']thanks [b]i would like to have a war agianst cn revolutionariares[/b] and guys you say that threating a nation to join a alliance is terrible but if a nation doesn't join a alliance they get killed by the goons or someone [b]i don't want to bother anyone[/b] i have learnt my lesson can't we just declare peace [/quote] Also, you contradict yourself in this passage. Parts bolded for emphasis. What the hell did CR do to you, before you started trying to blackmail their leader into joining you, that is a legitimate cause for war? Also @ Haf: Point taken.
  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='02 June 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1275503194' post='2320676'] [color="#0000FF"]As for UCoN, it's a small alliance. Five nations. I a sure CN Revolutionaries (this is the alliance that was attacked, right?) could have handled it themselves.[/color] [/quote] Except that nato12 and one other guy in the alliance were literally out of range of all 21 CR members. Still, if this had been solved diplomatically, which it seems by the OP that Sam Houston did his damnedest to attempt, it would have been preferable. Except nato12 decided to (to paraphrase Everlast) pull out his chrome .45 and talk some smack. @Haf - I've seen far worse CBs than someone attempting poaching under threat of attack. I think TOOL has actually booted people from the alliance for less. @nato12 - with this attitude of yours, it's no wonder you've been destroyed twice and seem to be heading for a third. Grow up.
  7. I find your lack of Blake... disturbing. Other than that, o/ Polaris
  8. [quote name='General Ozujsko' date='01 June 2010 - 07:36 PM' timestamp='1275446172' post='2320007'] During the last two weeks, The Dark Templar have been discussing a protectorate agreement with the Cyber Revolutionaries. Given today's events, I, acting as the Lord of Foreign Affairs, hereby declare that the Cyber Revolutionaries are now under our protection. The United Coalition of Nations would do well to back off. Continued nooberty will be terminated with extreme prejudice. A more formal agreement will be posted at a later date. [/quote] A most excellent show. I was wondering if someone was already in the works with them, hence my suggestion earlier in this thread. o/ DT btw, I wonder, is this a Wiki-worthy war yet? I have an itch that needs scratching again.
  9. Right now it appears to be one each from GOONS, PPO, and the aforementioned member of TORN hitting nato12.
  10. Fireguy Anyway, congratulations on the successful ele... er... erections O\ Hali?
  11. Was actually a TORN member that ended up doing the deed.
  12. I'm tempted to send money and tech Sam's way with my "emergency slot" once it comes open So what has this thread taught us to NOT do? 1. Attempt to blackmail a member of an alliance to join a smaller alliance with threats of attack 2. Make unsubstantiated claims regarding one's war chest. I wonder what other faux pas this nato12 dude's gonna make before someone finally gets sick of him?
  13. I think I see what you're getting at. But if said hunch is indeed true, they won't last too much longer.
  14. @Sam Houston - I would go searching the ranks of the Blue Sphere for protectors. This way, if someone does this to you again who's out of the attack range of all your nations, you just go to your protector with it, and kablammo! Problem solved.
  15. [img]http://z31-ae.com/spork/images/fail/normal_headdesk.jpg[/img] Yeah, real good way to survive there, UCoN. I don't agree with tech-raiding, but I would like to think that this is a legitimate CB. Member-poaching under threat of attack? Fail. Heh, does CR have any treaty allies they can get higher-end nations from? Because the guy threatening them is kinda big for any CR members to hit.
  16. Should Uralica increase its Twinkie production? (Now for something serious) What ideas does the STA have with regards to promoting the white sphere?
  17. I think this is the longest true acronym I've seen in CN (Linguistic geek definition: an acronym is an abbreviaton derived from the first letter of several words, that can be pronounced as a single word. 5 CN Examples: GATO, NATO, TOOL, RIA, DRAGON) Anyway, good luck with this venture. TFD (not an acronym but an alphabetism/initialism ) are awesome peeps and should make most excellent protectors.
  18. +10 Colberts for you, good sir. Also hello.
  19. History Channel was good once upon a time. But "once upon a time" died a while ago, sadly. I was thinking something along those lines.
  20. [quote name='wickedj' date='31 May 2010 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1275336953' post='2318071'] I'll be siging autographs from 3:50 PM to 4 PM next wednesday [/quote] /me books flight to Wickedj (the nation) to be there next Tuesday Well, looks like I'll head to Kaido Ojastu International Airport
  21. Next thing you know, D-Dolla will be in gov o/ R&R D-Dolla
  22. TOOL is glad to have you on board, too, Merl. You're one of the up-and-comers in the alliance, for sure. o/ Merlinus
  23. [quote name='Daikos' date='30 May 2010 - 04:50 PM' timestamp='1275263387' post='2317176'] Are you talking about the same WickedJ? [/quote] Indeed. Do something about it. In all seriousness, I've always liked the guy.
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