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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. The day TOOL signed a treaty with CCC I also really enjoyed my brief but interesting time in CNRP. And Sargun's rants about Antarctic volcanoes MOUNT !@#$ TERROR!!!
  2. Thanks for Western Washington and the Kootenays, Bringer. TOOL now has that much more geographical win!
  3. Whoops, wrong thread I just got out of a Grammatical Analysis exam, so my brain still hasn't gone from "analysing ergative-absolutive language mode" to "CN mode" just yet
  4. Even though I'm quite active, I wouldn't consider myself "high class" because I've never really been a power player. Closest I came to that is when I was I was supposed to head up a 5-alliance coalition within a coalition during NoCB, a plan that got scuppered when GOD/TTK/FFC attacked CCC. That said, if the CN class system relies on a combination of activity within one's alliance/on the boards and political clout, I'd probably be "middle class."
  5. Sometimes the best friends are made of former foes on the battlefield. Look at TOOL and IRON, or for a more recent example, TOOL and The Brigade. Also, anyone who doesn't love Kry is either insane or blind. Or both. Kry Anyway, o/ both alliances. Also hai Zog.
  6. Can't complain about this. On a scale of 1 to 10 on the awesome scale this ranks... about a 9.95. So yeah, very awesome indeed.
  7. Kill 'em all. Hot damn, it feels good to say that again. o/ FnKa
  8. If they had a ROFL smiley on these boards, I'd use it. Some of these were GOLD.
  9. To be fair, I do like Rush Sykes.
  10. [quote name='Qaianna' timestamp='1281414633' post='2409062'] Should we call this 'Trotsky's Revenge's Rule'? 'Ivan Moldavi's Rule'? 'Franco's Rule'? (That's about it as far as former New Pacific Order leadership I remember.) [/quote] What about Dilber? Anyway, good chart, James, I LOLed.
  11. Mia and Ogden Chichester have gotta be up there somewhere.
  12. I kinda like this Roquentin dude. It seems like he has his head screwed on right. o/ Umbrella
  13. Awesome That's something I've considered doing in the past, except it wouldn't be for school, since I study linguistics.
  14. Oh yeah, one more thing. Come over to TOOL's forums and sign up for a consulate. We'd love to have you over. And by "we" I mean "I" in particular BD
  15. Good luck with this endeavour, BD. I'm rootin' for ya!
  16. I nominate myself. Reason: Uralicans know their way around trains, since they were at one point the only way to get to the frigid northern reaches of the country. But, if you deem me unworthy, I'd gladly throw my support behind Agnu. Drai
  17. Vladimir, I think the folks at Uralikan Yliopisto's International Studies department want a word with you. *cough*Honorary*cough*Degree*cough*
  18. ...you talk about CN-speak in a major sociolinguistics paper and get full marks for that particular section. I got 44/50 on the paper in total, but 6/6 for this section. Now I obviously over-simplified some things, but this was a paper on my personal speech and what motivates it, not a paper strictly on CN. Anyway, I should be back to writing IC blogs come next Sunday.
  19. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281306018' post='2404883'] Was it something I said? [/quote]I dunno... this makes me think otherwise. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1281288679' post='2404625'] I would chalk this up as a strategic victory. [/quote]Maybe it's the tinfoil hat someone stuck on my head when I was up in Khalmer-Yu yesterday, catching the soccer match. 'Mon the Scarlet Nomads!
  20. This is... unfortunate. Good luck in the future RE.
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